
Chapter 485 - Best Ending (3)

Chapter 485: Best Ending (3)

The party that Sungwoo had planned originally was a bit late, but it was held as promised.

Sungwoo and his allies gathered together in Suwon and the World Tree camp, enjoying victory over a grand dinner and good wine.

Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop!

The useless firework items were now being used usefully.

They could get out of fatigue just by watching the lights of the firecrackers, so they could enjoy the party longer.

A team of 158 chefs led by Hanho’s mother, Eunhee, was more active than ever while preparing food. Most of the food they made tasted so delicious, at the same time they were buff items, upgrading the quality of the party even more.


Sungwoo was watching the scene while sitting, leaning against the trunk of the world tree.

– The world tree (maturity stage 3) is growing. (91%)

The world tree was still growing. If it grew up to another level, it would reach ‘Myth Quest.’

[Myth Quest]

– Name: Race origin (Dragon people)

– Type: unknown

– Goal: Find the ‘clue to evolution’

– Reward: Evolve into a new race

*You have obtained two ‘absolute seeds’. One of them is a race that’s growing powerful right now, and the other is a vessel of life that can hold transcendent power. If the two seeds are fused under fateful conditions, they will create a new myth.

* The ‘clue to evolution’ will be revealed when an unidentified egg ‘hatches’ and the world tree reaches the ‘completed’ stage. (If either of the two seeds is damaged, you will fail.)

After confirming the message, Sungwoo was worried.

‘Should I leave this alone?’

He just felt uncomfortable about changing humans into something else after he came to know more about the system. After thinking hard, he decided to leave it alone.

‘The game system will be maintained for only six years. After 6 years, it will be restored to its original state… And if this is completed, it will help restore Earth.’

While he was thinking about it, someone came to see him.

“Oh my God, how the hero of mankind and the savior of the earth hasn’t appeared in the party?” said the King of the Great Mountains. “And how come nobody has come to invite this gentleman stuck here alone like a shabby man to the party! Man, this is absolutely bad manners!”

He threw something he was holding in his hand toward Sungwoo.

When he checked it after receiving it, it was a boiled potato.

“What the heck is this?”

Sungwoo threw it behind his back.

“Even if I can’t join the party, I don’t eat stuff like this!”

But the King of the Great Mountains sneered at him while munching potatoes.

“Really? Get you!”

He sat at the roots of the world tree.

“By the way, my lifespan was only 6 years left, so I tried to try other foods, but as you know, I’ve been eating bland potatoes, so I can’t enjoy salty foods. Man, is this the way my body has been designed?”

The King of the Great Mountains was also once a player from another world. But after the ending, his mind was recycled, and he turned into a monster.

So, when the nanomachine expired, both his body and his mind would collapse.

In hindsight, Sungwoo and Jisu were also reconstructed into nanorobots after they died, but Walter explained that they could exist as they were because they were “restored” with the original particles.

‘On the other hand, there is no way to prevent their collapse right now.’

Sungwoo told Walter about it, but he wasn’t agitated much.

“What are you thinking about now?” the king asked.

Sungwoo just shrugged his shoulders.

The king seemed to be offended by his nonchalant reaction.

“Man, you don’t want to talk with me? Come to think of it, aren’t we comrades who fought in the same spirit from the beginning? And since I was born not a long time ago, you and I are like old playmates. Don’t you think so?”

“Well, I’m sorry, but as for those guys who instilled in us a common idea, I blew them up with hydrogen bombs.”

Sungwoo was talking about the helper.

But the King of the Great Mountains said something surprising.

“Well, I’ve heard that voice, but she hasn’t come very often.”

Sungwoo looked at him and asked, “What do you mean?”

The King of the Great Mountains took out a smoking pipe from his pocket, then lit it with his finger.

“Well, I don’t know it exactly. I heard two voices ringing in my head, and I had no idea who one of them was.”

“Two voices? You mean there was another voice besides the helper’s voice?”

“Um, that’s right. But I am not a spiritual being, so I have no way of finding out the identity of this indescribable voice. I wonder if that voice has saved me.”

Suddenly Sungwoo had a lot of thoughts in his head.

“So you mean someone other than the helper helped you awaken. In other words, that guy helped you resist the system, right?”

“Yeah, that’s right.”

It was something that Sungwoo never unexpected.

“Who is that guy?”

“I don’t know him, either.”


“But that guy was not part of the system as if he was…”

The King of the Great Mountains looked up at the sky. Then, fireworks exploded and colored the sky beautifully.

“Um…I wonder if he was like a god.”

Sungwoo giggled at that.

The king said, “It’s funny, isn’t it? But there are things that you can’t prove.”

Sungwoo stood up, saying, “I don’t believe in God.”

As it was often said, if there was God, He would not have tolerated things like Zero Earth.

But Sungwoo wondered if He existed.

‘Then it’s not God but the devil.’

Just like the people in Zero Earth, that devil must have watched the hellish situation on Earth and taken the human sacrifices as no more than enjoyment.

The King of the Great Mountains nodded, saying, “Right. I don’t think such a guy exists.”

Then the king raised his hand. Then another bundle of roots came up from the gap between the roots of the World Tree and started to make a long bridge leading to the party place.

some long bridges.

It was the bridge leading to the party venue.

“Today you, not God, have achieved something great, so hurry up and join them at the party. Enjoy! That’s your blessing as well as your duty.”

As the king said, Sungwoo soon headed to the party place and walked right into the middle of the festival.

Rattle! Rattle!

Sungwoo’s skeletons were carrying plates of food to the party participants. He mobilized as many undead members as he could, so they could fully enjoy the party.

While he was passing through the crowds, he heard some familiar voice from somewhere.


It was Orun.

Rattle! Rattle! Rattle!

When he discovered Sungwoo, he was grinding his teeth, but he looked shabby.

Half of his face was blue and the other half was red because he was surrounded by children who were pasting his face with colored pencils.

“No, get away from me!”

It looked as if he was asking their attention because of his grinding teeth.

“Necromancer, aren’t these children a bit mischievous?” Minsok said.

He took off his armor and wore a white shirt. Since he was a skeleton, he looked bizarre, wearing a shirt, but somehow he fit into the atmosphere.

“I told them not to, but Orun would not resist today…”

It seemed that Minsok felt uncomfortable about them making fun of his fellow fighter Orun, who was also one of Sungwoo’s trusted subordinate spirits.

“That’s fine. Don’t worry and take a break.”

Minsok would also disappear after 6 years because he was born in a completely different way than Sungwoo.

“It’s been a while since we enjoyed a party like this. And the children are proud of me as the hero who has saved the world rather than being afraid of me. What a relief!” Minsok said.

Was this a fortunate occasion? They looked so happy.

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