
Chapter 65 Lyle's 'Experiments'

"Hmmm, so it seems that I really can order you to do anything, and you have to follow it through," Lyle said as he stared at the man with wonder before sighing.

Volgen was a complete mess. His bones were broken and his body was covered in cuts, bruises, and stab wounds. No matter what order Lyle gave him, he did it perfectly, no matter how absurd it was.

Even during a fight, Volgen was forced to put Lyle\'s orders above anything and had even gotten a couple of wounds during a battle because of Lyle and his ridiculous orders.

He was even ordered to kill enemies in specific ways, which he followed through. It was a weird sensation, when an order was given, it was like a shock to the system. A couple of times, Volgen had even lost control of his body and consciousness.

A separate consciousness, one that was completely loyal to Lyle and had the same mannerisms, memories, and emotions as Volgen took over.

The second consciousness seemed to have been implanted not only in Volgen but in Adam as well, only that Lyle had never ordered him to do anything that he would outright refuse and force the second consciousness out.

"Why are you doing this?" Volgen asked Lyle who crouched down and looked at him before smiling.

"I\'m just doing some experiments, nothing more, nothing less."

"Now, here is the last order for tonight, listen carefully," Lyle said before whispering something in Volgen\'s ears.

Volgen\'s eyes opened wide as he stared at Lyle and pointed at him with shaking hands, only for his movement to suddenly stop, his eyes lost the previous red color and return back to normal as the second consciousness appeared.

"It shall be done, master," Volgen said as he bowed to Lyle before following behind him.

The two made their way back to the city before splitting and entering through separate gates. Nobody had seen the two come together, which was what Lyle wanted.

Upon waking up in the morning, Lyle got dressed and made his way downstairs with Adam in order to have breakfast.

The two ate before making their way back to the dungeons. Lyle was planning on spending as little time as possible to reach Tier I since he didn\'t want to stay here for too long.

The reinforcements from the adventurers guild had arrived last night, and just like the branch leader had wanted, they had sent a Golden Knight to help them out. The Golden Knight wasn\'t just any random Golden Knight the guild had, but a mid-grade Golden Knight that had entered the realm a few years ago.

He was young but extremely polite and respectful to the old branch leader. The two made their way over to the two dungeons and it was decided that they would guard over them for the next week.

As Lyle and Adam were walking toward the city gate, Adam noticed an increase of soldiers at one place in the city. He merely glanced there a couple of times, obviously interested in what had happened, but made no comments about it.

He didn\'t even need to, as many people were gossiping about the situation.

"Really, he killed them both and then himself?"

"Yeah, I heard his tone and demeanor were completely cold as if he didn\'t care about the murders at all."

"They said that he slit his throat and then stabbed himself in the heart."

"Pff, how could anyone do something like that, won\'t slicing the throat be enough?"

"I guess, but it seems true, a buddy of mine is a soldier, he told me that that was what the soldiers that had arrived had seen, the body also had a stab wound to the heart and a slit throat."

"Was he possessed or something?"

"Nobody knows, it seems he didn\'t really show any signs of anything beforehand, he was even seen in the inn with his two victims, drinking and chatting away happily."

"Tch, tch, you really never know what goes around in people\'s heads."


As Adam and Lyle passed by, Lyle\'s eyes changed for a moment before his lower lip moved a bit, but nobody noticed it. He called out his status menu and took a glance at something.

[ Vampiric Servitude ]

Current limit of servants: 2

Currenct number of servants: 1

Yes, it was Lyle who ordered Volgen to not only go back and kill himself but to also kill his two teammates before ending his own life.

The two were criminals and deserved what they got, and Lyle had no empathy at all to give them. It was also another \'experiment\' of Lyle\'s as he had given Volgen details about how he should kill the two, and how to kill himself.

Upon finding out that Volgen had actually performed the task that Lyle had given him perfectly, Lyle was of course incredibly happy and excited that he now knew more about the skill.

Not only would a person that he turned into a vampire have complete loyalty, but any order he gave was absolute and they would need to follow it through to the end. Lyle was even notified about Volgen dying, but he was not given any other prompts.

There was no option to revive the fallen vampire. Perhaps that was because Lyle didn\'t want to do so and because it was he who had given the order for Volgen to end his life.

Perhaps later on he would unlock that power, but for now, Lyle was going to continue his experiments. He had now confirmed that his orders were absolute, but he wanted to check out more things.

He wanted to know whether a vampire he had created could give information about him, whether they could somehow betray him, and what would happen if he was to simply let them go about their daily life.

\'So much to do, and I have just enough free time to do it, good." Lyle thought as a small smile blossomed on his face before disappearing as he and Adam approached the city gate.

The two made their way to the dungeons and started hunting, only finishing after a couple of hours had passed. They had gone to a different dungeon compared to the last time since the monsters there were simply not enough for them to level up quickly anymore.

Not only did they need more soul power after leveling up, but the monsters would also give them less after a difference of 5 levels was there. Hell, even when the monster was only 1 level below them, there would be a loss in soul power, although a very small one.

Thanks to all the hunting, Lyle was now level 45, while Adam was able to get up to level 40. He was slowly catching up to Lyle, thanks to the monsters being relatively high-leveled and because he needed less soul power to level up.

Over the course of the following 3 days, Lyle and Adam continued hunting monsters outside of dungeons as well, but most of the time they spent was inside dungeons. Adam had managed to hone his skills and was becoming a better fighter each day, sometimes he even surprised Lyle with his combat skills and the different techniques he had managed to learn.

Lyle started suspecting something after all of that.

For Adam to grow so quickly, it couldn\'t only be a matter of talent. He obviously had it, but some of the techniques he had used were too familiar to Lyle as he himself was taught the same ones.

That led him to believe that there was a hidden benefit for his servants. It seemed that subconsciously, his servants would be inheriting some of his skills and knowledge when it came to fighting.

Perhaps there was more to it than only fighting, but for now, that was the only thing that Lyle was able to notice from Adam. The young man was able to grow his combat skills incredibly fast, and a lot of it was similar to Lyle\'s.

He would need to check such things out in the future.

That wasn\'t the only thing the two of them did during the three days that had passed. Well, it was for Adam, but Lyle had continued with his experiments and had gained some valuable information.

His servants could give some information to others when it came to their current state, but they were unable to tell them what they had become and they could do nothing that would incriminate and give out Lyle\'s information.

Even when he showed up near one servant in the city, the latter seemed to act as if he was invisible and did or said nothing.

When Lyle gave an order for a servant to act just like he always did, the latter went home to his wife and two children and acted the same as always. He beat up his wife before pulling her inside the bedroom and taking her forcefully, and also acted the same he always did with the kids.

He slapped them around a bit and yelled, the same as always.

When Lyle had given one servant instructions to simply do what he always did with his life and left, the latter had visibly changed as there was no real order and the second consciousness didn\'t show up.

People were able to see that the man was different and that he acted a bit suspiciously, but he was unable to tell them why.

Neither one was alive anymore, and Lyle was able to get enough data from them and the fourth experiment, which proved to be rather different from what he expected.

Well guys, work did ease up and now I have more free time.

That would have been great if not for me getting sick yesterday.

Yeah, it seems I just can\'t catch a break.

I\'m not like very sick, I have a runny and annoying nose and a sore throat which makes me cough like 1000 times a day, but other than that, a slight headache.

Hoping that it goes away in a day or two, other than that, enjoy the chapter and I will be releasing one more today because I was unable to release it yesterday.


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