
Chapter 85 - Away From The Eyes

I tried to keep my composure calm at the mention of Fang. There was this feeling in the corner of my heart and it was somehow confirmed by my to be mother-in-law\'s words that Fang was the one who had matched this wedding. I could only smile, as my mind was slowly understanding what exactly must have been going through Fang\'s mind. 

My mother called the maids, "bring the guest\'s luggage outside the castle. Use the east gate, not the main doors" She turned back to my in-laws and with a smile and explained, "There would be people near the main gates, and you had asked for a rather low exit" 

My eyes shifted between the two older ladies that stood in the room. I did not see the reason for them to leave in a hidden manner if the feast was arranged for them, unless the feast was over and the after-party was all that remained. 

I saw my father, who had been quiet the whole time, and then at my father-in-law, Vincent... He now looked scary in my eyes. I wondered if Prudence had married him out of will or a political marriage just like mine. Luckily, Vincent was only supposed to be my father-in-law, and I hoped his son was not anything like him. Prudence must be putting up through a lot with Vincent as her husband, and the complete opposite personalities they carried. 

Prudence looked at me, her sapphire eyes shining as she smiled. "I will try to send my son here soon so you both get to acquaint with each other before the marriage. For now, we will take our leave. You should go and enjoy the dance, take some break, Selene. You must have been working very hard towards the mission"

A faint smile braced my lips as I bowed. "I am grateful that will have such a considerate mother-in-law"

There were other exchanges of words between the two royal couples as I stood. They were talking about things that had happened here in my absence, and there wasn\'t much that I understood. When they were done, Vincent grabbed his coat that a maid helped him put on. The constant thought that how can my in-laws be this young was running through my head and I did not realise I was staring at the maid who had put the coat on Vincent until he cleared his throat. 

My eyes snapped at him, who was instead looking at his wife. Extending his hand ahead, he called out to her, "Come here, Prudence." There was a subtle dominance in his demeanour. 

But Prudence placed her hand in his as if it was her home and instead of a maid do it, Vincent was the one to put Prudence\'s shawl around her.

Was this truly what love looked like? I felt he was ordering her around, but she was happy with him.

Because they did not look a year older than me, it felt like I was watching a couple of my own age who were married recently. There was a little colour that rose on Prudence\'s face that she hid very well, and it made me feel giddy. It would be lovely to have that with someone.

Vincent turned to me and spoke, "Selene, our best wishes for your mission. I hope you can end the feud between the villages of your kingdom. There would be nothing less I expect from my son\'s future wife"

It was tough to pull up a smile in front of this man. He created pressure on you like there was death around the corner. "Thank you for your wishes, Your Grace," I said with a bow. 

"Shall we leave," my father finally opened his mouth, and he pointed towards the door as if to tell my in-laws to go ahead first. 

Vincent shamelessly went ahead first, with his arms around my mother-in-law. Prudence turned to me, waving goodbye, and I did the same. My father followed them out, and I was alone with my mother in the room.

The queen of Adalolpha stepped in front of me as I tried to get out of her presence. "Selene," her voice was distant and held distaste as she eyed my dress with a squit, "Has your father been sending too much money for you to buy that. I will see to it he reduces the allowance to dust and don\'t you dare keep your face roaming around the castle, go back to that lowly village of yours. I better not see you here when we return from seeing our guests outside the kingdom" 

She turned with her head held high and I was left there looking at the ground. Every time she spoke, a piece of my heart tore. She was the same mother who had told me bedtime stories and held me in my injuries and sickness when I was a child, but now she had a son and I was just a person of exchange in a political marriage. 

I walked out after her and my feet were heavy as I walked towards where Fang was, in the grand hall. No matter how much I tried, I couldn\'t turn numb to my mother\'s words. 

I heard a hum beside me and turned to see Fang standing there. "Didn\'t think you would return to me today," he said. The words were taunting, but his voice was gentle. He looked in my eyes for a moment and when my eyes narrowed at him, remembering how my mother-in-law had mentioned him, his lips twisted. "Aren\'t your in-laws lovely? I must admit I have a wonderful taste. Their son takes after them in looks and the values." Fang placed his hand over his chest as if overwhelmed. 

"Why did you set this marriage, Fang?" I asked. I would have been stern, but my mother\'s words had hurt me yet again and there was no way my anger was coming out when I was feeling hurt.

The smile on Fang\'s face died. "Yes, I did," his words drilled into me. It did not surprise me, but Fang had been acting all possessive around me and this did not sit well with that part of him. Even though he had set this marriage before we even met, but him helping me dress up to impress my in-laws now made all his words feel empty to me. 

This man was not someone who blindly believed in soulmates and there was a bigger ulterior motive behind it all. I looked away and saw eyes on us. It made me conscious and watched like I stood there alone and everything moved away from me. 

My breath was heavy with the pressure that was causing. I did not understand why I was feeling this way, but the walls moved away from me and the people moved farther.

It was the first time I was feeling this and nothing felt right about this.

Suddenly, Fang grabbed my wrist and dragged me behind him. Away from the hall and the people, I did not resist him and rather followed him wherever he was taking me. 

We climbed a few stairs, and he brought me outside onto an open balcony. I faintly heard here the music from the main hall, but there was no one else here.

"Are you fine?" Fang asked and caressed the side of my head. My eyes raised to see into his black ones and how they reflected my tiny image. I did not answer him, rather went to the balustrade and placed my palms flat on its surface. The moon looked blue today and a serene silence stretched the open land ahead. 

Breathing in the fresh air, I let the turmoil built up in me go. My mother had not met me even when I was out of the dungeons and left the castle.

It was today, after those 14 years in the dungeon, today was the first time I saw her. So much hatred she carried in her heart for me and it was written all over her face.

I couldn\'t help but let out an empty laugh, partly accepting the fact that she had changed. 

Fang\'s shoes clicked against the floor and he came to stand next to me. I was a lot confused about him at first, but I had my own answers now. "Mister Fang Warchild," I spoke, as I smiled lightly, "Always keep options open for yourself. So you wanted to marry me as leverage against the king and the queen."


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