
Chapter 20: A New Servan

20 A New Servan

\u003cLevel up!\u003e

'Only 1500 XP for almost dying. This system sure is cruel.' He inwardly sighed.

"Avilia, quickly, can you tell me how to turn someone into my demon servant?" Moby asked while heavily panting.

"Just put your hand on her head and spread your demon energy into her body overwhelming her conscience. As long as she doesn't resist the process, which is impossible when knocked out, you should be fine." She replied.

Moby nodded and followed Avilia's instructions.

He grabbed her limp head and spread his demon energy inside. A raging purple aura enveloped Jayden's body.

Suddenly, he saw her unconscious body start moving in obscure ways. He heard many bones breaking and cracking only to regenerate a few seconds later. He saw her skin burn off before being replaced by new skin. Black blood started coming out of every orifice in litres.

'Is this how my transformation looked like when I evolved?' he inwardly thought, looking at Jayden's body in disgust.

Suddenly a system message appeared in front of him.

\u003c You Have Created a Lesser Doppelganger Demon! \u003e

\u003c Congratulations on Making Your New Demon Household! \u003e

\u003c Please Choose a Name For Your Household \u003e

'Demon household?' He thought in confusion.

'It seems like the Nether Realm has most likely gone through a lot of changes since my passing for this to happen, ' she sighed.

'A demon household is a powerful family of demons usually reserved for noble and higher demons. I'm surprised that turning 1 human has already created a demon household. From my knowledge, which might be outdated by now, This has never happened before, ' Avilia replied.

"Demon households have many bonuses that you will discover. I don't want to ruin the fun and surprise. I can't be giving you all the answers or else it would be too easy for you. I need to see if you are worthy of inheriting my legacy and powers, " She said in a playful tone.

Moby took in everything that Avilia said. At first, he thought that this demon household thing would be a hindrance and an inconvenience. But, after hearing that there are benefits he instantly thought differently.

Moby now needed to think of a name for his demon household that sounded cool but not too edgy or cringy.

Due to what is most likely some form of brain damage from the fight, Moby was unable to think correctly. He thought of many bad ideas like, "The House Of Sin" and, "House Of Total Destruction" before coming up with his final answer.

"House Of The Blissful Demon"

Moby decided to name his household after his parents' dojo's name to pay homage and respect to his parents. Even if Moby hates everyone and everything in his life. The only people he could never come to hate were his parents.

\u003c Congratulations On Creating Your New Demon Household: "House of The Blissful Demon" \u003e

\u003c Hidden Quest Complete \u003e



Turn 1 human into a demon


+25 stat points

+10 Levels to the first demon servant created.


\u003c Hidden Quest Complete \u003e


Birth of a New Household

Create your own demon household


+50 stat points

+Household bonus

You and demons under your household will share 50% of their XP upon killing or defeating an enemy with you without lowering their total XP gain.


Moby's eyes were wide open while his mouth dropped out of sheer surprise.

He had gained a total of 85 stat points out this endeavour while he was only expecting to gain a simple minion.

'Sorry for ever doubting your generosity Avilia, ' he thought.

'No apology necessary' She calmly replied.

Moby was really excited about the extra stat points but the most important thing was the household bonus of XP sharing between him and his minions.

It seems like amassing more servants would be to his benefit. Sadly, at his current strength, he only has the power to turn 1 human into a demon.

Suddenly, he felt movement coming from under his feet.

He had no energy to move due to his injuries so he just stood there watching.

Jayden has finally woken up.

All her injuries including her eyes seem completely healed.

Moby gritted his teeth in anticipation waiting to see the results of his work. He just has to hope and pray (to Satan) that this psychopath would not attack him and instead be under his control.

"You! What did you do to me?!" she roared out in anger.

When she tried to move and attack Moby. An unknown force stopped her in her tracks. She was completely immobilized.

'Avilia, what the hell is going on?'

'Household members are completely loyal to their master's command. They are physically and mentally unable to harm their master. This means that there is absolutely no chance of betrayal. The only way that they can break out of your control is if they hate you to an extremely unimaginable degree.

'Fuck, I think she definitely hates my guts. I'm totally dead,' Moby sighed in resignation.

'Don't worry, she wouldn't be able to break your spell until after a week has passed since she got turned. So, you need to somehow tame this psychopath and make her submit to your will. A demon lord who can't rule over their subject is not fit to inherit my powers. So, good luck!' Avilia said in a playful tone.

'Damn that bitch Avilia' Moby cursed Avilia for not telling him about that earlier. But, it seemed she is no longer responding to his calls even though he knows full well she is listening because he could hear a few giggles every now and then.

'Fuck! that completely messes with my plans! I had thought that the master-servant relationship was absolute! I was going to use her as a slave to do my every bidding!' Moby thought, in turmoil.

Moby looked back over to Jayden who looked like a lunatic trying to break out of invisible chains.

Moby tried to test his authority over her. According to Avilia, she should follow all my commands.

"Kneel," Moby said in an authoritative tone.

Jayden's face instantly smashed on the ground like the gravity around her suddenly got multiplied by a hundred.

Moby can sense the anger and disgust in her heart like they had some sort of connection. He could not directly read her mind but can read her emotions. Her emotions were overwhelmingly strong. If he can not tame this psychopath in a week it will be the cause of endless troubles most likely leading to his death.

At the end of the week, he could just order her to commit suicide and write a suicide note explaining her reason for doing it. But, if he did that. it would probably cause a school lockdown and interrogate every student in the school seeing that she is from a really important family.

If they have an accurate lie detector, then he would be completely screwed. And, even if they didn't, it would still cause inconveniences for him to complete his revenge on Nathan. He needed to avoid a situation like that at all costs.

Moby's best move by is to try to win over her loyalty by any means necessary.

He wanted to establish their difference in status before getting friendly with her. He needed some way to solidify some form of loyalty between him and her.

If that doesn't work, then he will try a more friendly approach in order to win her over that way.

"Calm down. All I did was turn you into a demon. I am a demon after all." Moby said in a calm tone trying to hide his inner turmoil.

She started laughing hysterically in disbelief at what Moby just said.

"You? A demon?! Don't make me laugh! There is no such thing! If you really are a demon, then show me proof,"

As soon as she said that, a purple glow emitted out of Moby's eyes. His eyes had many different rune like-drawings on them that looked very mystical in nature. Staring at them made her feel like staring into an endless abyss which made her shudder with fear.

Moby only had 1 demon energy left in his reserves due to his 12 energy/ hour regeneration speed. So he was only able to use his "Eyes of Sin" for half a second. But, it was more than enough to prove his point.

Using "Eyes of Sin" by the master on a servant of their household is a way the master uses to put fear into their hearts. This effect only works on household members.

Moby did not know that fact so he was surprised to see Jayden trembling in fear.

"Wait so I'm a demon now?!" She asked, seemingly forgetting her previous anger.

"Yes, you are now a doppelganger demon," Moby replied.

Moby had no idea what a doppelganger was. So, he asked Avilia hoping she would know.

'Doppelgangers are a very powerful kind of demon that specializes in the skill of transformations. A doppelganger can transform into anyone, copying all their power and skills up to 70% of their strength. They can also replicate clothes but without the additional buffs and uses they might provide. Doppelgangers are the masters of the art of deception.' She replied.

'It seems like this 2 faced psychopath got the type of demon that perfectly fits her personality.' He thought.

With her manipulative and untrustworthy attitude, Moby feels like she will be a nightmare to deal with.

"What is a doppelganger?" She asked in confusion.

After only a little, Moby finished explaining to her what a doppelganger is by telling her exactly what Avilia just told him.

To his shock, she seemed more happy than angry at what she became.

"Why do you seem so happy? Weren't you just about to kill me like 5 seconds ago?" He asked in confusion.

"I felt like there was a huge change in my body but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. My skin and hair feel smoother than before and I feel more full of energy than ever in my life. Plus, these new doppelganger powers are amazing."

"At first, I thought that you were a filthy commoner who tried to kill me after I showed you so much kindness and generosity. But now, I understand that you were a great and powerful demon all along. You were just trying to help me gain new power out of your affection towards me. So, I shall forgive your previous transgressions."

'This bitch! Who does she think she is! She thinks too highly of herself. The only reason I chose to turn her into a demon was to extort her for her money and use her for protection at school so the bullies stay away. I need to make her better understand her situation'

"Kneel harder," he spoke in a powerful tone causing her to kneel so hard that the floor under her started to crack.

"I don't think you understand your situation here. I am now the master and you are my pet, I can control every action you do with but a thought. If you value your life, you will join me as my servant. I promise to treat you well in exchange for your trust and loyalty. If you join me, I will grant you more power and make it worth your time. If not, then I will just kill you right where you stand." He said in a firm manner.

"Ya whatever, I guess I'll join you. As long as I keep my new powers, get stronger as you say, and have the freedom to do what I want, then I will be willing to join you. However, I will only take the orders that I want from you. If you ask me to do anything boring, I will decline your offer in a heartbeat. That is my deal," She said with no hint of fear in her eyes.

As soon as Moby was about to scold her for her tone, he felt a huge pain ravaging throughout all his body.

He completely forgot that he cut off his pain receptors in his fight with Jayden.

'Why the fuck do my pain receptors go back to normal now of all times!' He inwardly cursed his seemingly never-ending bad luck.

His eyes suddenly felt blurry, his body lost the energy to stay standing. Moby fell on the ground with a loud thud leaving him unconscious.


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