
Chapter 32: Concern and Worry

32 Concern and Worry

They parted ways on the route back. Jayden transformed into a cat so she could go more unnoticed while Moby circled around to the other side of the forest emerging right behind his dorm building.

On his way, Moby used his inventory to change back into a new, clean student uniform and washed away all the blood from his body before finally reaching his dorm.

When he entered the room, he could see Alex sitting on a chair tapping his feet like he was impatiently waiting for something while Ray was lying on his bed playing video games like usual.

"Where were you! I was looking for you all day!" Alex asked in a worried expression.

"I was just studying in the library! Don't worry about me like that, I'm fine" Moby replied.

"Don't lie to me! I checked every nook and cranny of the library at least 5 times and you were nowhere to be found! Tell me the truth! You were with Jayden, weren't you! Is she forcing you to stay quiet!" He asked in a serious expression.

"Fine I was with her, but it's not what you think! Our relationship is not that bad! I just didn't want you to be worried about me!" Moby replied with conviction.

"Are you sure?! My experience with her was not at all pleasant and seeing that you are much weaker than me you probably had it a lot worse. She is ruthless, she does anything she deems as "fun" and completely disregards the safety of others. You don't have to stay quiet through all this abuse! I promised that I would help you no matter what!" So please! Be honest with me! I am trying to help! I promised myself that I would help those who are abused and in need! And if I can't even help and protect my roommate, then how am I supposed to help others!" Alex said with clear passion and confidence.

Moby was taken back by how strongly Alex feels about what he is saying. Although Moby wanted to believe that he had some sort of evil ulterior motive, he could not see anything in his expression that would point to that.

'Either he is really good at acting or he is actually 100% serious about what he is saying. If so, then is he trying to be some sort of noble hero of justice? How childish,' Moby thought.

"I promise you I'm fine! Just look at me! I'm not at all injured or anything," Moby said trying to calm Alex's nerves.

Moby could not allow Alex to know the truth. He still has no way of fully knowing if he is truly trustworthy. He just needs to keep pushing and maybe he will forget and drop the subject.

"Please! Stop! I promise I am okay! Jayden has yet to do anything bad to me! I understand you are trying to help. But, please understand that I am completely fine! I promise you if she ever tries anything on me that I will come to ask you for help! So can we please drop the subject!" Moby said in a kind tone.

Alex was still not at all convinced by Moby's words. The Jayden that he knows eats and chews people like Moby for breakfast and uses them as a toy until she gets bored and throws them out for being "no longer fun".

Alex thinks that Moby is too kind and caring to suffer such abuse and that Moby does not want him to bother helping him for the sake of his own safety.

" *Sigh* Fine, I will drop this matter for now. But, know that it is never too late to ask me for help." Alex said with a warm smile.

Moby inwardly breathed a sigh of relief knowing that Alex had finally stopped.

"Anyways, I heard that you beat a C rank student in a hand to hand combat fight without the use of abilities. That's impressive!" Alex said while smacking Moby's back in a friendly manner.

"Maybe you and I should spar, I am also a C rank you know. You might also be able to beat me!" Alex added with a laugh.

"Heh, you are giving me too much credit, I only won on a fluke. You would no doubt whoop my ass pretty bad, " Moby said in embarrassment.

"What's that ring on your hand?" Alex asked with curiosity.

"Oh, this. This is the prize my teacher gave me for beating the C rank in the tournament. It's a dimensional storage that can store up to 5 meters cubed worth of space, " Moby replied.

"WHAT THE HELL! He gave you a medium grade dimensional ring! That thing is worth a fortune!" Alex said, jumping out of his seat.

"So, how much we talking?" Moby asked with curious greedy eyes.

"It's worth at least 25000 dollars!" Alex replied.

Moby's eyes went wide open from shock. If he were to sell this ring, he would have enough money to buy the complete novice demon equipment.

Moby was about to question why Jayden did not point out the worth of his ring or at least be surprised.

Then he remembered.

'Oh ya, she's rich, it's probably not that expensive or surprising to her,' he inwardly chuckled.

Moby fought back the urge to sell his ring so he can keep the use of his inventory skill in front of others without arousing any suspicions.

He felt like it would pay off more for him in the long run if he kept his ring.

Plus, if he sold it, it might be a sign of disrespect towards his teacher and he definitely does not want to be on Leo's bad side.

Suddenly, Ray went off the bed and went to join in on their conversation.

"What are you guys talking about," He said in his usual emotionless expression.

"Nothing, we were just talking about how this guy bested a C rank in abilityless hand to hand combat for a class tournament and even won a medium-tier dimensional storage as a reward!"

"Really. That's amazing," Ray replied trying his best to smile but failing miserably in the process.

The 3 boys talked a bit more about Moby's fight. Moby explained to them what happened in the fight leaving out all the parts that made him look good in order to convince them that it was truly only by luck that he managed to win.

Then, they played the racing game they all played the last time. This time, Moby managed to beat Ray once in one of the races which was a huge accomplishment for him which made him really thrilled in the process.

Whenever Moby plays video games, it is almost like he is completely sucked in making him at times get carried away with excitement.

The group then went to sleep at 2 am in order to wake up refreshed for school the next day.


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