
Chapter 51: Field Trip Part 2

Chapter 51 - Field Trip Part 2

Moby's theory was simple.

If his inventory was able to store anything as long as it is not living, then the same should apply to the undead as well.

Luckily, his plan worked out successfully, the undead was safely transported into his inventory.

'I'm impressed that you found that out all by yourself. Ever since dimensional magic was discovered, even before my reign as the first demon lord, Necromancers have exploited that loophole to their advantage.

'Before dimensional magic, Necromancers were always forced to drag their undead army with them wherever they go, as they were not able to store them at home due to the maximum range that they were allowed to be from their undead and, they would be completely defenceless and an easy target without their undead's protection. Also, dragging around an army of undead where ever you go does attract a lot of attention and makes you really stand out no matter where you go. That is why necromancers were seen as very weak and impractical as they were looked down upon for a very long time by most of the other classes.'

'Then, when my young self wayyyy before my reign as demon lord and uniting all the demon tribes under one kingdom, discovered dimensional magic, allowing me to store anything I want in a separate pocket dimension. That is what your inventory really is. By doing this, I indirectly allowed necromancers to have a convenient way to effortlessly store all their undead, removing one of their biggest weaknesses. This elevated the status of necromancers as one of the strongest classes among demons.' Avilia explained.

'Your story sounds really interesting... I'm now really curious about your life and adventures leading up to you uniting the demon tribes into one kingdom and becoming the first demon lord. Also, I need to know more about the nether realm as I will be most likely going there sometime in the future.' Moby said.

'I'll tell you once you pass your exam. Consider it as a celebration present and a motivation to do well!' Avilia replied with a mental smile.

'I'll take you up on that offer!' Moby replied, returning a smile back to her.

'Now, I just need to test out a few things before I can truly celebrate my discovery,' Moby thought

The first, and most important thing Moby needed to test is if the undead will still exist when he lets them out of his inventory.

He immediately took the zombie out of his inventory.

The zombie instantly appeared out of nowhere in front of Moby, shocking both Jayden and Abby.

'Test 1 is a success!' Moby thought as he could hear the zombies low volume "uurrgghhh".

"What the hell! It's back!" They both exclaimed in shock.

Before their surprised faces turned into panic, Moby explained to them what he had done.

"So, you used your dimensional magic that can store things as long as they are not living to store the zombie allowing you to be safely transported anywhere you want with no hassle?" Jayden said.

"Yeah, pretty much," Moby replied with a nod.

"Soooo… I didn't fail in my summoning?" Abby muttered.

"Of course not! You did it perfectly," Moby replied, trying to comfort her.

"Thank you for your kind words, my lord," Abby said, lifting her head.

"Now, let me try this out…" Moby said, now trying to use his dimensional storage ring to store the zombie.

The zombie immediately disappeared, now being sucked into his ring.

'Success!' Moby thought once again.

Moby was ecstatic. If he is able to store an army of undead in a ring and send it to someone like the trojan horse strategy, he would be able to effortlessly sneak attack an unsuspecting enemy. Also, Abby would be able to dispel all her undead once the deed is over, leaving behind no evidence as long as there are no witnesses or cameras. And, the best part is, they would not be able to connect the murder back to them in any way! The plan is almost full proof if done properly!

There are only a few downsides.

First, Abby must be within 20km of the attack since her undead are not able to function or exist beyond that range.

Second, If the attack was unsuccessful, either the target escapes or finds out the contents of the ring, or if there is a witness that escapes, or if it was caught on camera, it would cause a huge uproar all over the nation.

Third, and last is that the dimensional rings cost a small fortune and it would cost a lot of money to do.

If Moby were to try this, he would need to find a way for the target to not immediately be able to check the contents of the ring. And, make sure that there is no chance of them escaping or surviving, with no witnesses or camera's in the area.

This makes the strategy very situational.

'It would be funny if someone stole my dimensional ring on for an army of undead to spawn on him, eating him alive,' Moby thought with a chuckle.

However, being able to store undead in the storage rings was not entirely a good thing, a double edge sword. If other people are able to suck the zombies into their rings as well, then it would make Abby's ability pretty much useless.

Moby needed to know if just anyone was able to store Abby's undead in their dimensional storage or if he was only allowed to do it because he is her master.

Moby released the zombie back out of the ring and told Jayden to try to store it in her's.

"Jayden, try to store this undead in your ring. And, Abby, for now, think that Jayden does not have permission to store your undead." Moby told both of them.

They both nodded as they did as they were told.

In the end, it turned out that Jayden was not able to store Jayden's undead in her ring. But, after Moby told Abby to allow Jayden to store her undead, the storage ring worked once again.

'Perfect!' Moby thought.

Jayden released the zombie from the storage ring back out in front of them.

Moby used his inspect skill on the zombie to examine its strength.


Basic Zombie Warrior

Space Worth: 1

Power Level: 1800

Hp: 100/100 (regeneration 0.5hp/second)

Strength: 70

Agility: 35

Endurance: 75

Intelligence: 10

Mind: 0


'That's pretty decent… Avilia said that Abby is currently able to summon 20 spaces worth of undead, since a zombie is worth 1 space, allowing her to summon a maximum of 20, this means that the stronger summons must be worth more spaces.' Moby thought.

'Time to test out her weapon…'

"Abby, can you please make a cut on your hand for me?"

At first, Abby was a little confused about why Moby would ask such a thing. He has never told her to harm herself in the past even when she offered to break her own arm. It seemed a little out of character.

But, she shook off her suspicions knowing that her lord must have a good reason, and even if he didn't she should just comply anyways. She had just gotten so used to Moby treating her like a friend that those thoughts popped into her mind without even thinking, almost like it was a natural reaction.

'I will not falter ever again!' She swore to herself once again.

'I know my lord definitely has a theory or plan in mind he wants to test out!' Abby thought.

"At your command my lord!" She said with a deep bow and a firm resolve.

Abby pulled her huge scythe out of her storage ring and made a decently large cut on her right palm.

"Now, attack your zombie using your scythe. Make sure to not use your full power, as to not kill it," Moby added.

"As you command my lord!" Abby said, swinging her large scythe towards her zombie, leaving a large hole in his stomach.

Suddenly, she noticed that the large cut she had caused herself had already been healed.

'Success again!' Moby thought in celebration.

After Abby noticed her healed hand, she understood the reason why her lord ordered her to do what she did and what the ability of her scythe was.

'I knew it! My lord is indeed the kindest and smartest! My scythe most likely has a life-stealing ability and my lord was testing my loyalty to see if I will falter!' She mused.

Suddenly Jayden noticed that the hole that was previously in the zombie's stomach was filling back up at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"What the fuck! That zombie has super healing!" she exclaimed.

'It looks like zombies can regenerate back to full hp, even after being dealt a fatal blow. As long as they have at least 1 hp remaining, they can still regenerate," Moby thought, taking a mental note.

After Moby explained to Abby why he did what he did, he asked her to try and summon a skeleton now instead of a zombie.

"Can you try to summon a skeleton now?" Moby asked Abby.

"I'm sorry my lord, I don't think I have enough demon energy to do that…" She replied.

Moby used his inspect skill on Abby to check how much demon energy she had left.

[ Demon Energy: 102/280 ]

'It seems like a zombie costs around 200 demon energy and the extra 22 she gained from her natural regeneration,' Moby concluded.

"Use nature's stimulation to regain your demon energy then try again," Moby said to Abby.

"Right away, my lord!" She said, closing her eyes and performing nature's stimulation.

After 5 minutes, She had finally finished and is now ready to summon another undead.

She went over to a random grave as she lifted her hands out as a purple glow covered them.

Then, like before, a rustling sound came out of the grave before a hand sprouted out of the dirt.

But, unlike the rotted hand they saw last time, it was now a skeletal one instead.

Then, before long, an entire perfect human skeleton erupted out of the ground.

The skeleton was completely white with some scratches and dirt covering its body. It stood at 5'10 probably the same size as the human of the grave this undead belonged to.

"Cool!" Jayden said, nodding in approval.

"Perfect! Great work!" Moby said, putting his hand on the exhausted Abby's right shoulder.

Moby used his inspect skill to check the skeleton's stats, comparing it to the zombie to see who is the superior summon.


Basic Skeleton Warrior

Space Worth: 1

Power Level: 2000

Hp: 75/75 (regeneration 0.1hp/second)

Strength: 75

Agility: 85

Endurance: 30

Intelligence: 10

Mind: 0


At first glance, Moby noticed many differences. skeleton's had a higher power level but they lost out on 0.4hp/seconds of regeneration and on 25 total hp, giving them a maximum hp of 75 instead of the zombie's 100.

Zombies were used more as slow defensive tanks that could still deal a lot of damage due to their low agility, high regeneration, hp, attack, and endurance while skeletons are more of an offensive glass cannon due to their high strength and agility and their low hp and hp regeneration.

Both of them were worth 1 space as they each had their own advantages. An undead hybrid army consisting of both skeletons and zombies would most likely be the best army build-up but Moby is still not yet 100% sure.

"Hey, Moby. the time is already 9:30, I suggest we head back and continue another time," Jayden suggested.

Moby nodded and stored both undead creatures into his inventory. He could not risk them being in a ring because if the ring had to be checked or examined for some reason, they would be in massive trouble.

Moby explained to both his servants why he is keeping the undead in his inventory and promised to teach them how to use dimensional magic in the future. It would most likely not be unlimited storage like his but, it would still be very helpful.

It would allow them to use the dimensional storage on school property and in restricted zones while also removing the risk that their ring might be searched or examined.

Moby, Jayden and Abby cleaned the graves and fixed the dirt, taking their time to do a good job. It was almost like they were never even there. Then they left the cemetery as quickly and stealthily as they arrived, making sure they were not seen or followed.

They met up with the butler who drove them back to Jayden's mansion.

The group just made small talk and cracked jokes their whole way home. In the eyes of the butler, they looked very weird because none of them were talking but he could see slight chuckles and changes in facial expressions every now and then.

They reached Jayden's mansion at around 11:20 pm.

Moby and Abby said goodbye to Jayden as they both headed back to school in the limousine with the butler.

It was 11:55 pm when Moby finally arrived at his dorm.

He opened the door to find the familiar sight of both Alex and Ray playing video games.

"I've been playing a lot lately! I've pretty much mastered every track! Think you can still beat me?" Alex said, handing a controller to Moby with a competitive look in his eyes.

"I'm still better than both of you," Ray added, trying his best to smile.

"You're on!" Moby replied with a smile, grabbing the controller.


I think this will be the end of the first volume!

The next chapter will be a new volume and a new arc! There will be a 1 month time skip all the way to the exam! I won't bore you with useless filler!

I hope you are as hyped as I am! <3

I hope that you guys enjoyed the chapter!

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