
Chapter 64: Worm Part 1

64 Worm Part 1

A large visible bump in the sand could be seen where the worm is currently travelling.

Its speed was incredible.

It immediately went for Natalia's location, lunging out of the sand like a fish in water jumping out to swallow a bug.

Natalia responded by immediately blinking back, dodging the quick attack of the worm.

Then, she quickly ran in the direction of the seemingly frightened Moby, picking him up like he was a princess, blinking 3 times away from the fight before gently letting him down.

"You can stay here where it's safe! It's far too dangerous for you to stay over there!"

"You can leave the rest up to me! Your team leader! I promise I will keep you safe!" Natalia said with a smile and a slight blush.

"Thank you so much for your help team leader!" Moby said to the speeding Natalia in the distance.

'You know, her plan might have actually worked. I might have fallen for her if I didn't realize what she was truly like,'

'However, she made two major miscalculations.'

'The first is that I already like someone else and wouldn't flip flop like a fish out of water.'

'The second is that I'm not retarded and can actually use my brain,'

'I want her to believe that I actually like her. It would make my revenge that much sweeter and more shocking. As long as she doesn't try to force herself on me I should be good. Luckily, I don't believe she would do that as it is pretty much the same thing as admitting defeat,'

'I bet she must be thinking that I am starting to develop feelings for her and that she has me secured in the bag or something along those lines.' Moby thought with a mischievous chuckle.

'I got him secured in the bag! After all, I just saved him from impending death twice in the same day!'

'I must be his hero!'

'It won't be too long until he will be begging me to be with him!' Natalia thought blinking towards the huge worm with a smile, putting her hands over her beet red cheeks.

'I can't really do much against that big worm without exposing my power. My best bet is to just stand back and examine how the rest of my team fights.'

'It would be helpful to know the exact specifics about each of their abilities.'

'Especially for Natalia. No way she can just infinitely blink. She would be untouchable. Her blink ability must have a weakness or restriction that I can exploit.'.

'First, it would be nice to see exactly how strong this worm is, ' Moby thought using his inspect skill on the worm.


Name: Brown Terram Sand Worm

Power Level: 18,700

Hp: 150/150

Mana: 298 / 376

Strength: 485

Agility: 432

Endurance: 577

Intelligence: 376

Mind: 0


'It seems like this worm's power level is around the middle of the pack, according to Natalia, these worms range from having a power level of 14,000 all the way up to 21,000,'

'If it were a 21,000 power level worm, there would be no doubt in my mind that we would lose.'

'This worm seems really defence heavy, but, even still, all its other stats are still insanely high.'

'I wonder how they will take care of a monster like that…' Moby thought.

After the worm noticed that Natalia was no longer there, it focused his attention on Jay instead, going underground once again and speeding towards the terrified Jay.

As soon as the worm popped its head out of the ground opening its wide mouth about to eat Jay whole, Natalia blinked in from its side like a meteorite kicking the unsuspecting worm on the side of its head, blowing it away, slightly cracking one of its gigantic scales.

"Are you ok? Sorry I'm late, ' Natalia said to the shocked a relieved Jay.

" Uhh… Yeah… Thanks a lot. You just saved my life. I will try and stay farther back and support you from there by manipulating the sand to slow and ensnare the worm, " Jay replied, trying to regain his composure.

"That's good to hear!" Natalia replied with a smile.

"It's time I got serious!" Natalia said in a serious expression, releasing 2 white yellow glowing blades from each arm before blinking straight towards the startled enemy, slashing at it's exposed cracks between scales, making it scream a loud cry.

'So that's what her weapon is… Seems interesting and unique...' Moby thought, taking a mental note.

Travis immediately used this opportunity to back off from the worm's attack range while it was distracted by Jay, Natalia, and Haley, running towards the opposite side of the worm from where Moby was standing.

He kept moving until he was at least a good 1 kilometre away from the worm.

Then, he stood still taking a stance. A moment later, a purple bow made of raging energy appeared on his arm. Then, out of thin air, 5 different arrows appeared into the hand that was not holding the bow.

He pulled back all the arrows into his bow and shot them all at once towards the huge worm at immense speed.

At first, all the arrows looked like they were way off hitting their targets, going around where the worm was. However, at the last second. All the arrows swerved all at once in an unnatural way, hitting the worm in the small exposed parts of its body that were not protected by its large scaly armour.

The worm once again let out a loud cry. Although not nearly as loud as Natalia's hit, it clearly did some damage.

'It seems like Travis can control his arrows mid-air to track and throw off his opponent,'? Moby thought, once again taking a mental note.

In the close-range fight, Natalia was fighting on nearly equal ground with the worm while Jay stayed a little farther back trying to slow down Its movements.???

Haley stayed even farther back from Jay, using her staff to heal Natalia from a distance every time she got injured.

However,? Her healing was not able to keep up with the rate that the Worm was hurting Natalia.

Travis was still far in the back shooting arrows at the worm.

Every time the worm tried to focus its attack on someone other than Natalia, she would always retaliate with a very powerful attack, punishing the worm for taking its eyes off of her.

'They are working a lot better together than I thought., I'm really surprised. I thought that their survival instincts would kick in and they would start acting selfish but, I guess I was wrong, ' Moby thought.

Natalia quickly triple blinked up to the worm's head and kicked down on its forehead, making it fall on the ground with an outstanding thump.

"It looks like it's dead. I'm pretty sure I just cracked its skull or something."

"You guys did great. I'm not sure I could have killed that thing by myself." said the badly beaten up, Natalia.

"Ya I agree! I'm so glad we survived that!" Said Jay in a relieved tone.

"Hey Natalia, come closer, my healing ability is much more effective up close than at range," Haley yelled to Natalia in the distance.

Sure thing! Natalia said, rushing her injured self over towards Haley as fast as she could.

"Sorry, I won't be able to heal you up to full strength. I used up way too much mana in that the fight," Haley explained, healing what she can of Natalia.

"It's ok! You did great during that fight!" Natalia replied.

"Thanks…" Haley replied with a smile.

"Whelp, I'm just about done. That's all I can do for you currently. Once my mana regenerates, I'll be sure to heal you up completely!" Haley said in a cheerful tone.

"My body still aches all over! But I'm so much better now! Thanks for the heal!" Natalia replied.

"Jay! Go tell Travis that the worm is dead! Can you do that for me?" Natalia asked.

"Uhh Yes, Ma'am!" Jay responded in a very nervous and stiff manner.

"Good!" Natalia replied with a smile.

"Now let's go take our reward! A whole 625 points! We will definitely be first place after this!"

"However, it did come at the cost of the life of our dear teammate Neia Spud. I really liked her… It was sad to see her go. She was so young, full of hope and energy… May she rest in peace, " Natalia said with a sad expression.

'Huh? What the fuck are they doing? They are speaking too quietly for me to hear? Why are they just standing there doing nothing and just socializing?'

'The worm still has 71 hp!'

'Wait a second… don't tell me they…' Moby thought, immediately dashing towards the group as fast as he could.

As Natalia got closer to the worm's body, she noticed a crack in the shell exposing what there was inside the worm.

"What the fuck!!! Why is it hollow!!?" Natalia exclaimed in confusion.

Suddenly, the mouth of the huge worm appeared from under her, rising up towards her at breakneck speed.

Natalia was not at all expecting this. She was almost certain that the worm was dead. This made Natalia's reaction time much slower, not allowing her to react fast enough to blink out.

Her eyes grew wide open with complete shock as to what just happened, her body slowly falling into the abyss known as the worm's mouth.

However, as Natalia's head was mere inches from being bitten off completely, she felt the tug of an arm that quickly grabbed and took her away from the worm, only an instant before the worm did its bite. A fraction of a second later and Natalia would have no doubt been dead.

She was then flung out into the sand, safely away from the worm's attack range.

Then, Natalia regained her sense of thought and started touching herself all over trying to understand what happened.

'I'm alive… I'm actually alive… How… I swear I was just a goner.'

'I was saved by the heavens!'

'A miracle!'

'The gods must not want me to die just yet!'

'Now I know that my motivations are 100% just!'


'NO ONE NO MATTER WHO THEY ARE CAN GET AWAY WITH THAT!' Natalia said with fire in her eyes, standing up and taking a fighting stance.


+1,000,000,000 points and a shout out to whoever can first correctly guess what just happend!



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