
Chapter 100: Demon Knigh

100 Demon Knigh

"Hey. It seems like you're finally awake." a familiar voice came from in front of him.

"Moby!? Why the fuck are you here! It's too dangerous! Natalia might attack at any second!" Alex said, picking his spear that laid to his side, pushing Moby behind him before taking a fighting stance.

"Calm down! She has already been dealt with! I now have her under my complete control!" Moby said, putting his hand on Alex's shoulder before pointing at the crazy animal-like Natalia who was still going insane behind them.

"STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM MY LOVE!" Natalia roared like a wild beast.

"Heh, just ignore her. It's all part of the process." Moby said with an awkward chuckle.

"What the hell is going on here! I am so fucking confused," Alex said, his mind spinning in circles.

"Yo! Alex! Nice to see that your still alive and kicking!" Jayden said in a cheerful tone, popping up from behind Moby.

"J-Jayden Griffith! How the hell are you still alive! Y-you saved my life! Again… I saw you jump in front of a few of Natalia's attacks before they hit me. I would like to apologize for everything… I was treating you so harshly and you risked your life multiple times to save me…" Alex said in a truly apologetic voice.

"Heh, don't sweat it! I knew that I had a much higher chance of survival than you so it's no big deal," Jayden nonchalantly retorted.

"Huh? How do you have a higher chance? My power-level is definitely higher than yours which means that I am definitely more defensively capable!" Alex said in even greater confusion.

"Well… About that, we will explain it all later…" Jayden replied in a more awkward tone.

"Anyways, as you can see. What she and I were telling you is in fact the truth! She doesn't treat me like a slave or rape me every day. There is absolutely no bad blood between us. In fact, we are even now actually dating!" Moby said with a small chuckle.

"YOU'RE DATING! ARE YOU FOR REAL!" Alex screamed, his mouth wide open in shock.

"Yep!" They both replied with a smile.

"For how long!" He asked.

"We got together only a few minutes ago!" They both replied, still smiling.

"Hold up, hold up, hold up! I still have many questions! Why the fuck do I have night vision?! Why is Natalia acting like a crazy wild dog!? Why the hell do you think that you had a higher chance of survival than me?! Why in the world are you guys dating?! How am I fully healed when I was at death's door only a few minutes ago?! And why the hell has my power level went up from 12,010 to 14,200!" Alex asked in complete and utter disarray.


A few minutes later.

Moby had finished explained everything that happened to him: Their demon race, their plan on Natalia, how he and Jayden met, what happened to Nathan and Eric, and what happened with Abby.

As Moby talked, he saw no major emotions show up on Alex's serious face that was taking in all the information given to him like a sponge. He found that to be very concerning. Moby expected Alex to be very vocal and be strictly against everything he said. But, he kept his serious face the whole way through, not even once stopping him, even in the most graphic parts such as all the torture and killing.

"Then we confessed our love to each other and decided to turn you into a demon as well… You are now of the demon race too… A demon knight to be more precise." Moby finished his explanation and looked at Alex with expectant eyes."

"I see… I now understand everything. So you have been hiding your powers all along… You know, I actually really respect your decisions. They are all for the sake of justice. You got rid of all those scum that littered society in a way that they truly deserved."

" I found it especially noble of you to help out that teammate of yours that was unjustly and indirectly killed by Natalia's hands. You did not go after anyone that did nothing to you and kept to yourselves which is more than I could say for the rest of our school."

"And I also don't mind being a demon. As long as I can live my life as usual and still have my free will I don't mind at all. Plus, I gained a lot of power from it so I feel like it was a big win in the end," Alex said in a serious tone.

As soon as Moby heard Alex's reply, he was indeed very shocked as his mind started spinning in high gear. He could not believe what his ears were hearing. He was not at all expecting what he heard. Especially from Alex, the paladin type.

Jayden who was standing beside him was just as confused but kept it all under her poker face just like Moby.

'Avilia! What the hell is going on!?' Moby asked.

'Fine, fine! I was going to tell you this later on but I guess it wouldn't hurt telling you now. As you have previously guessed, turning someone into a demon will slightly change and distort their mind. The person will keep their core personality and morals but they would be twisted and exemplified in weird ways.'

For example, Jayden is a girl that just wanted to have fun. So, when she turned into a demon, that was what was twisted and was what she most cared about. Abby wanted revenge and a sort of hero, leader or father figure as she had that missing in her life. That is what you now represent to her and what was twisted about her. That is why she is so fanatic and holds you in such high regard. As for Natalia, I assume that her love and affection towards you had somehow grown even further which even I find it extremely hard to believe. Finally for Alex…' Avilia explained before being cut off by Moby.

'Alex cares about justice and doing what is right and now his perception of that has gotten twisted as well…' Moby thought.

'Bingo! The Best part is that the transition is so natural that they won't even feel like they changed at all! However, I would like to tell you that this world of wanna-be superheroes that you live in for some reason acts very demon-like in nature. So, the changes of the transformation are not usually very apparent like for this Alex friend of yours. It's very entertaining to see! To my knowledge, most humans 100 years ago before the discovery of these abilities were nowhere near this malicious! nothing close to how it is today!' Avilia said with a small chuckle.

'Does this distortion rule also apply to me?' Moby asked in anticipation.

'That you will have to figure out on your own!' Avilia said with an amused laugh before going quiet once more.

The sudden revelation of what Avilia just explained did not come as a massive surprise to Moby as he had that same thought lingering at the back of his mind. All it did was confirm his suspicions. However, what did surprise him was that the rule might have also been applied to himself as well.

He started to wonder how Alex, Jayden, and Abby would react if they knew about what he knew. And, he wondered how things would have turned out if there was no such distortion effect in his family member's minds and if they would have even accepted him as their leader or even friend if they were normal.

However, he pushed those ideas to the back of his head and decided to forget about them for now. What was done has already been done and he could do nothing to change it and in the end, it all worked out well.

Luckily, Moby's thoughts and conversation with Avilia only lasted a split second in real-time so it did not at all disturb his conversation with Alex.

"I knew that you snuck into the bathroom for some reason the first day you came into the dorms but I thought of it as you just needing to take an emergency piss. Also, the room did smell really bloody and all but me and Ray thought that it was from you getting bullied or beat-up by other people so I decided to not pry any further into it other than asking you if you needed help with bullies which you then rejected. It was pretty common for low-rank students like you to come back to their dorms all bloody and injured. But now that I know what actually happened I really commend you for standing up to your long-term bully and torturer like that! He got what he deserved!" Alex said with a chuckle.

"Hahahahah! Thanks!" Moby said, rubbing the back of his head.

"Also! You said that I was a demon knight! What does that mean?" Alex asked in excitement.

"Demon Knights specialize in close-quarters battles. They usually have a strong physique and a really low reserve of demon energy that they use for certain skills that help in close combat. The skills and abilities you gain vary a lot depending on your fighting style. I can't give more specifics as my memory is still hazy about demon knights. You should probably do some experimenting and training for it on your own!" Moby said, trying to squeeze Avilia out of as much information as he could.

"What in the hell is demon energy??" Alex questioned.

"It's special energy possessed only by demons, I don't have time to teach you it now so Jayden will just teach you instead when we both part ways and go back to our teams," Moby replied.

"Well, anyways, knight seems like a perfect fit for me! I was never into long-range combat anyways!" Alex said with a smile.

"I am glad to see that we are on the same page! Welcome to the team Alex! You are now the third official member of "The House of the Blissful Demon!" Moby said with a smile, wrapping his arm around Alex's neck in a friendly manner.

"It's good to finally join the cool kid club!" Alex said with an amused laugh, wrapping his arm around Moby's neck as well while Jayden smiled before giving a cute chuckle as the sound of Natalia's seemingly never-ending screeches still rang in the background.

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