
Chapter 160: Avilias Scolding

160 Avilia's Scolding

Moby then opened a mind-link not just between him and her but also with every other household member at the same time.

'Guys, let's cancel the roof meet, I have a bad feeling… I know that some of you guys would not care but, ever since the exam ended, I was not able to contact my other roommate, Ray, no matter what I did or what I tried. I am worried that something happened to him, which I think is highly likely. I called you to ask if you could help me search for him during lunch? He is a short, tired-looking, long blue-haired boy that is only at the bottom to the middle of D rank. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.' Moby announced to the rest of his group.

'Yeah, I know! What do you think I've been doing for the last 2 minutes? I've been busting my ass off trying to find Ray! I can't get to him either! I have only checked hallway C right beside one of the staircases that led to where all the second-year classes are and I am on my way to the library right now!'

'Someone check the cafeteria, someone else checks the forest, and last person, who I think should be Abby, checks the yard and the dorm areas! Use your wisp to scout from high in the sky, don't bring it close to the ground under any circumstance or else you would have a high chance of getting caught. Jayden, if you want you can use your doppelganger clone to help speed up the search but that is not required if you think that it would lead to unnecessary trouble! I need to know if he's safe! Moby! Is that plan okay with you?' Alex asked in a firm yet worried voice.

'Yes, of course, That plan sounds perfect!' Moby said, nodding his head as he took in and analyzed Alex's words.

'If my lord wills it then it shall be done! I will check the surrounding area of the school with my wisps, I can even help scout the forest if needed,' Abby said, holding the urge to go on one knee in front of Moby but instead bowed just in case someone took a peek inside the arena.

'I will check the forest, I should be able to sneak and blend in well with my shadow and doppelganger powers,' Jayden added, not knowing who exactly this Ray guy they were referring to was but choosing to find him as she knew that he served some sort of significance to Moby which was more than a good enough reason for her to agree.

'Understood!' All of his servants said in unison, some saying it in their own unique way before ending the mind link.

'I will be going to the roof to scout and release my wisp! I wish you the best of luck on your search my lord and I hope that your roommate is okay,' Abby said with a bow before swiftly exiting the arena.

Now, instead of focusing his attention on following Abby to do his part of the search, he focused it on the foot-tapping sound and grumbling of either anger or annoyance, maybe even a mixture of both, coming from his head ever since he had started his conversation with his servants like something was patiently waiting for him to finish.

'Okay, listen up kid! I am tired of seeing this and I just have to speak out! Why are you being so soft and gentle all the time when giving out orders? Why are you asking them so politely? You are so heartless and ruthless in front of others but in front of your servants, you are just a harmless puppy. You were so harsh towards your servants at first, treating them like actual slaves but then I told you that it was not the way. But, now you took it far off to the other end!'

'What? If they declined you would just let them do whatever they want? I hope not! And if you never planned for them to have an option to decline, what was the point of even asking them instead of giving them an order!? You are being way too nice! A perfect example of this was when you let Jayden hold you at a dagger's edge this morning, you should have asserted your dominance and ordered her away! Even Alex just now acted more like a leader than you and took the spotlight of giving everyone orders! YOU are the leader! Not him! Act like one! You have authority! Use it!' Avilia scolded him with a hint of disgust and clear annoyance in her voice.

As soon as Moby heard Avilia's words, His eyes opened wide as he immediately knew that they were true, something that he only just realized. It was like he was totally unaware of his previous actions as they felt totally natural to him as everything was most likely happening in his subconscious, making many thoughts run through his mind such as,

'Am I too scared to lose them?'


'Is my old self rubbing off on me?'

It almost reminded him of when he first met Alex and Ray, back when he brainlessly walked into his dorm drenched head to toe in blood. At that time he also acted uncharacteristically nice, not just pretending as he had previously done at every other instance before that. And, even at that time, Avilia had asked him if he was feeling alright.

Maybe it was something deeply hidden and ingrained in his subconscious, the urge to have something that he never had before, true friends... And, the soft side of him emerged out of that desire and out of the fear of losing them for acting too harshly which would lead to him having to kill them if they left his group so they would not disclose his secrets, something that he wanted to avoid at all costs.

Moby's eyes were now more open than ever before, both literally and metaphorically, as he was now more self-aware all due to Avilia's words. Indeed, if he wanted to become the demon lord, he needed to use his authority more and let go of his subconscious fears. There was a time to act casual and polite and there was a time where one must use and demonstrate his authority and leadership. Something that Moby understood far more than before.

'I know I sounded really harsh but this is for your own good! You need to stop acting like that! There might come a time where a servant thinks that you are a soft pushover and not respect you. Or, even worst, if the servant is extremely smart they might gain your trust and abuse your kindness to make you do things you would have usually never done before, maybe even using you as a puppet. I am not saying that any of your servants are like that, but there might come a time, maybe with a current or future servant where that situation might arise if you keep acting like this!' Avilia explained in a passionate, yet still kind-sounding voice, reaching deep into Moby's soul.

'Thank you for that wake-up call, I really needed it more than you could imagine… And, don't worry, not once did I ever think you were doing any of this from malice. I know that you have my best interest at heart. After all, you need me, and I need you, we have a mutual bond and synergy. If you want to mess with me now you would only be messing with yourself!' Moby said with a chuckle, lightning his mood the more he spoke.

'Hah! You think of yourself too highly! Just do your job properly and I wouldn't have to scold you like that! Like I said, I would rather die than let some unworthy shmuck become the next demon lord so I will mould you into someone worthy! Hahaha! But yeah, you are right, I do need you for a new body and to see my homeland again so don't die on me until then,' Avilia said with a chuckle and a playful voice, joking around to match Moby's smug attitude.

Moby inwardly nodded at Avilia's words feeling really appreciative of her, a smile on his face that dissolved into something more serious as he focused back at the task at hand. He needed to find Ray as soon as possible, he just hoped that he was okay and nothing bad had happened to him like he feared as he quickly ran out of the arena at top speed before slowing down once he reached the crowded hallway in front of the arena entrance.

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