
Chapter 205 - Expectations

Chapter 205: Expectations

The entire room fell silent with a grave almost ominous atmosphere of death and despair filling the air, only the sound of a few stutters of disbelief being heard. No one moved a single muscle, their bodies would not allow them to, their mental strain and shock were too great, their hopes of an easy resolution was immediately thrown out the window and run over by a million cars, sweat running down each of their faces as both their eyes and mouth grew wide at the sudden realization, pure pandemonium in their minds.

Even Moby who had already prepared himself for the worst and did not expect Jayden's and Alex's idea to work bore such an expression as the reality of the situation began to sink in, pure darkness in his mind.

Nags and Jason also had a similar yet not as severe expression on their faces, they did not have any clear attachment to Abby but the true shock came from the realization that the boss was most likely Emilia Reid, the first daughter of the Reid family, there was no other explanation, she was the one giving out all the orders and controlling everything from the shadows. Either that or the Reids managed to intercept HikariYami and save Abby which they found rather unlikely assuming that it was Yami in control.

With shaky eyes, Jayden took a deep gulp, taking a few breaths to calm herself down before continuing her conversation on the phone like nothing had happened despite the pain in her heart, she still had to confirm many things before it was over.

"Wow! Really!? She's safe!? I'm so happy! You have no idea how relieved I am feeling sir! Is it possible if I talked to her? Her number isn't working and I really want to hear her voice!" Jayden continued, her expression and her voice being polar opposites as it was clear to any onlooker that she was in deep pain, forcing herself to continue for Abby's sake.

"I am sorry miss but that wouldn't be possible, young mistress Emilia had ordered no entry in her room. And, today is a rather special day as it is the anniversary of the master and his mistress so we are all rather occupied, which will definitely include young miss Abby. However, I will be sure to pass on your message to her! I am sure that she will be delighted!" The butler spoke in his usual upbeat British accent.

"If it's possible, could you tell me in what state did Abby arrive in the house? Maybe something happened to her that has to do with the attack on the school," Jayden added in a grave yet mellow tone, hoping to get an answer despite knowing that it was unlikely she would receive one.

"Ho ho! I can really see your love for the young mistress young lady! Seeing that, I will tell you about that just to make your heart at ease! She arrived in the mansion unconscious on her Sister's back. She said that while she was walking around in the outer courtyard, she managed to see miss Abby approach the gates telling her that she wanted to enter to join in on the celebrations. But, before they entered, they decided to have a quick spar and young miss Emilia accidentally took it too far and knocked her out. Ho ho! She indeed still has a long way to go until she catches up to her sister, they used to spar like this many times when they were little and Abby has never won even a single time, but I am sure she will get there eventually," The butler responded, confirming all the doubts and suspicions going through everyone's mind at the moment.

"Oh! Look at the time! I am going to be late! I have many duties to attend to! I hope your school affairs are dealt with swiftly! Stay calm and everything will be alright! Have a good rest of your day miss! I will be sure to relay your goodwill to young mistress Abby!"

The butler's voice sounded calm, panicked, and heartfelt at the same time as Jayden took another deep breath before responding back to his words.

"Thank you so much for everything! I feel so much better now! I hope your party goes well!" Jayden said in a joy-filled voice, closing the call before laughing softly, looking back at Moby with tear-filled eyes like she was asking for some sort of help.

Everything that they thought of was completely crushed to dust then incinerated into nothingness by just one simple option that they had completely overlooked.

Abby's sister was the gang leader all along, it was either that or she had saved her from HikariYami and brought her safely home, but from the stories and nightmares that she described to him, he would not believe it in a million years. He knew that even if she did save her, it was not out of the goodness of her heart. And, there was no way of confirming if the butler was even telling the truth and or if he was just repeating back what Emilia had told him to say or what she had told him about the situation.

The only logical conclusion was that she was the leader, and that was the same conclusion that everyone in the room deduced from the encounter on the phone.

There was absolutely nothing they could do about it, it was the perfect counter to anything they would have even attempted to do.

They were no longer able to call the police since who would ever believe them? That the great Reid household kidnapped their own daughter? They would either take it as a joke or some sort of blasphemy. And, now the chances of either the Harts or the Griffiths helping was virtually 0% for nearly the same reason.

Moreover, that rose an even bigger problem. Hypothetically, if they were able to sneak out of the school's defensive barrier, how would they even plan to tackle a mansion like the Reids? They were far too strong, even if Abby's father was a fourth as strong as Mason Griffith, their chances of successfully infiltrating and retrieving Abby would be 0%, not to mention all the other guards and servants who were undoubtedly far beyond the school's X rank.

And, even if they did manage to escape with her, it would cause a crisis in the family and they would be forced to look for them with all their resources, something that he knew he would not be able to survive or escape from no matter how hard he tried. 30 minutes would be the most he could estimate he would be able to last in such a situation.

Moby began looking at Jayden's and Alex's looks of despair and hopelessness, especially Jayden who had a mellow smile with tears running down her face as she looked at him for hope or comfort like he was some sort of hero made his heart crack even more than it had already cracked before.

Everyone's expectations were solely on him. He had so much to live up to as their leader and future overlord that the pressure was starting to catch up to him even more. He kept trying to think of something but nothing would appear in his head no matter how hard he tried. He was afraid to let them down after so long and after they had trusted in everything he did.

Despite his inner turmoil, Moby forced a calm and collected expression, his hands over his mouth like he was in deep thought, like he had everything under control. But, in reality, he felt the same as they did. He was just far more experienced at hiding his emotions as he had subtly gotten trained into doing it in his many, many years of his negative emotions and thoughts being drained. Hiding his emotions under a poker face was almost second nature to him, as easy as breathing, but now even breathing was difficult with such a dense atmosphere.

As he looked up and peered into the abyss of Jayden's wet tear-filled eyes, seeing his reflection through them a sudden idea came in his head, making his eyes grow wide.

It was extremely difficult and dangerous in more ways than one. He knew full well that it had a very subtle chance of working, but he was more than willing to test it out for Abby's sake, despite knowing that he was not the one doing all the work.

Moby's clear, yet subtle expression of an idea completely contrasted the grim atmosphere in the room, making everyone look at him for hope, trying to rely on him, they all knew that if anyone could solve this predicament, it was him, he had never let them down before with any of his previous plans, so it was very easy for them to dump all their wishes, and expectations onto him as their unshakable pillar of a leader, the exact image he had always tried to present himself as.

As for Jason and Nags, their emotions were nothing like Jayden and Alex yet they were still very intrigued to find out what the future king of all demons had up his sleeve. It was not that their loyalty was waining, he had already proven his otherworldly intelligence to them during their encounters but they still wanted to see more of what their new master was capable of.

However, as soon as Moby's eyes widened, they furrowed once again as he let out a deep sigh, closing his eyes, making everyone that had been waiting in anticipation go back to their previous state of silence and despair, if not even worse as it seemed like not even he could think of anything to do.

Moby's plan required Jayden to somehow be able to breach the defensive barrier being put up by the school, but he had no idea where to even begin to bypass it. Even if she turned into a bird or a wisp, he felt like the barrier would undoubtedly stop or even kill her if she was such a weak creature. The chances of failure were exponentially bigger than success, they only had one chance and it was not worth the risk of Jayden either being caught or even killed.

Then suddenly, a familiar ringing sound resounded in his head. A system notification sound with a hint of excitement, one that was much louder than before like Avilia was trying to show him something.

This greatly piqued Moby's interest. He never received such a thing from Avilia before as he was able to pick up on her clear yet subtle humour from his head.

When he opened his eyes, he was greeted by 2 notifications, notifications that immediately shifted his sour mood back into what it was before as his eyes grew even wider, everyone's gaze once again refocusing on him with more intrigue and emotions than they had prior.

[ System Alert! ]

[ You Have Created a Demon Mechanic! ]

[ A New Demon Has Joined Your Household (House of The Blissful Demon) ]

'Oh yeah. It's all coming together,'

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