
Chapter 416 - Angel Vs Demon (2)

Chapter 416 - Angel Vs Demon (2)

The match had officially just begun, yet there seemed to be no movement from either side. It was completely out of character for both fighters who would have immediately rushed their opponents with no hesitation in their previous fights.

The crowd held their breaths, most in a mixture of confusion and anticipation. But, upon closer examination, all became clear. Their eyes were deadlocked, like fierce predators sizing each other up, both in their own special way—? like a Lion to a Fox. Despite all their previous talk, it was more than clear from their gaze alone the level of respect each bore towards the other.

Yet, it did not take too long for them both to do their first moves…

A brilliant aura of flowing power twinkled and swirled beneath both their feet like a ferocious yet gentle typhoon— a typhoon that slowly became thicker and wilder until one point, both erupted into bright light…

Regrit's body was now covered in flaming orange from head to toe, his previously bland armour now had an extra layer of flowing translucent cloth, almost like that of an ancient fighter with a fox-like appearance. From shape alone, it incited a certain reaction from the audience. For indeed, they had seen this form before, or at least something very similar. It was the exact same form as Kai Fatebringer's, only his form seemed to have been far more orange than yellow and only possessed eight tales compared to the usual nine. They were brothers after all, but some spectators did not even realize considering their different last names.

Not only his weapons were set ablaze but also his heart that burned passionately, perfectly reflected by his open smile towards his opponent clad in all white.

The armour of aura he conveyed was far more solid. His eyes pierced through his waving silver hair past the sockets of his bird-like helm that only covered half of his face and did not extend down past its beak-like nose. The elegant curves and aesthetic of this armour extended down towards his waist where two large feathered wings were found, puffy and white as snow. However, it was only below that did his image take a more feline approach.

He was a Griffin, a spirit beast that almost none even knew existed.

Regrit had both katanas now unsheathed, yet Artorias still had seemingly nothing to fight with, at least for now...

He slowly brought his claw-like gauntlets out in front of him, and from his palms, a bright light of blinding white began to manifest.

And from that bright gleam, something began to mould like dough until it took form. A long sword of light, encrusted in breath-taking gold with an edge so brilliant that it would cut even some of the hardest metals like mere butter. Compared to his armour, it completely stood on its own far above, such was the aura it emanated.

On opposite ends, they both stood grinning, and in the next instant, they were in the middle clashing blades with that expression in their opponent's face.

"INCREDIBLE!! Things were going so slow but it suddenly just sped up to blistering speeds!! Both fighters have already entered their spirit modes! It's like they read each other's minds! No need to set up anything for their transformations!"

Clanks permeated the space, the bubble protecting them shook and the crowd turned from silence to absolute madness as they watched with clenched fists and wide-open eyes.

"So! Where's your ability!? You gonna show it to me?" Regrit mocked as they clasped blades.

"Now is not time to talk… But if you must know, this very sword is my ability… I guess you can call it my Excalibur…"

"Excaliber!?" Regrit laughed. "Your name is Artorias, not Arthur! I'll make that sword of yours melt like butter!" Suddenly, Regrit's smile widened, and along with it, the flames upon his blade also expanded in both volume and strength in a form like a roaring fox that engulfed the entire Arena in scorching flames.


From above, Regrit's sword slowly began to make its descent upon the struggling Artorias. He gritted his teeth, the ground beneath his feet started to crack and melt like putty as he began to sink down into it like quicksand. The sword held within his hands began to slowly falter and be pushed back near his chest.

He narrowed his gleaming eyes and strengthened the grip on his sword, bending his knees to the point of almost kneeling down.

All looked grim from the blazing inferno below, yet through the flames, Artorias gritted teeth slowly softened into a confident smile.

Suddenly, his holy blade's glow expanded, and like it truly was butter, it slid upon the edge of Regrit's blades until they were no longer locking edges.

The impact from Regrit's momentum left him tumbling down off balance. The only thing he witnessed in that moment was Artorias dodging his falling katanas with his sword aimed directly towards his head.

In that moment, his face widened, his heart sank as time slowed down within his mind. He was witnessing his own demise, yet he could not control his falling body nor his flailing arms.

And in the very next moment, it was like time had sped up once more, and his all was consumed by darkness…

Yet it was not at all the darkness he expected. It was grey, and dusty, not the black emptiness he thought.

Wind blew past his face as he found his footing, and silence filled the air.

His hands unconsciously lifted towards his neck where he thought that sword would strike. Yet there he only felt but a small scratch, yet that mere scratch burned like the surface of the sun.

'I'm… Alive?'

That was when suddenly, he heard the very first sound within his hazy mind coming from behind. And when he turned around, he bore witness to Artorias coughing on his knees, his hands grasping his blade that was stabbed through the ground for balance. Sweat rolled down his face like a river and his eyes lost some of their previously vibrant colours.

'Ha… HAHA!'

The Relief that Regrit felt in his heart was immense. His previous attack must have weakened him enough to disorient his final blow to the point that he completely missed.

There he saw an opportunity, and he used it to his advantage.

His grin once again returned, and his blades roared even more furiously than before. He blew past the dust blocking his way and lifted his blades up in the air in the shape of an X as he dove down towards the recovering Artorias who immediately reacted by lifting his sword up to block.

For a brief moment, they once again locked blades, yet this time it was interrupted. Swiftly, swords of light unmasked themselves through the dust and fell down like shooting stars towards Regrit.

Though, such tricks would never work, if anything, he almost felt insulted that Artorias would ever try something so amateur against him. Had he forgotten? They were indeed quick, but due to Regrit's demon vision, he was able to see them through the dust clear as day.

Regrit grew even more ferocious as he dodged all the attacks that would have turned him into a pin-cushion like they were rocks thrown by a child.

Artorias was left absolutely stunned by what he witnessed, and Regrit used that distraction to strike with a cross slash towards the chest that sent him flying and teetering over the edge. Had he not stabbed his sword through the ground to lessen the impact, he would have most certainly gotten eliminated by a ring-out.

Distance was put now between them, and Artorias used the time to ready himself and catch his breath. Yet Regrit would not allow him such luxury as his blazing figure was seen racing towards him.

Slashes of light from Artorias's blade whiffed past his face like nothing as he closed the distance in no time.

The tides of battle had so suddenly shifted. Once again they fought in close combat. Their swordsmanship was masterful, two uniquely distinct styles that were almost polar opposites clashing against one another, only this time, it was the style of demonic fire that was clearly on top.

Artorias's movements had become sluggish, a quick parry immediately led to a counter-attack, a clash of blades led to him losing a few steps back and his movements became easy to read and dodge.

Still, despite that, he still managed to land several blows, ones that Regrit agonized over far more than he thought he would, a pain he had little to no experience dealing with.

Yet through his adrenaline, he shook that seething pain away.

For the first time, Artorias flapped those bird-like wings and took flight above the ground preparing an attack. But, Regrit's eight tales expanded and pulled him back down only to see that he had used his own move against him, propelling himself down like a diving falcon.

Regrit's X-formed katanas blocked the impact, only just. The look in Artorias's eyes was fierce, yet that fierceness was so suddenly obstructed. It was only for a second that they locked eyes, as the tip of Artorias's Excalibur made it through both of Regrit's blades.

Time slowed down once more… Yet this time, Regrit did not quiver nor quail, no, he even smirked. By the time his sword slipped past, Regrit had already been ducking. And in an immediate reversal, he dropped his now useless, tangled blades on the ground and lit his fist ablaze.

And as if it was the very sun in his hands, he struck Artorias's chest.


Like a volcano erupted from the impact, black dust consumed all and quickly faded away… Like always the crowd sat silent, yet it was not in anticipation of who had won, but what they had just witnessed…

The victor was more than clear, Artorias was now sat on the grass struggling to stay conscious. Black chars filled his heavily breathing face that no longer had that same elegance as before. His spirit form armour was cracked beyond repair slowly faded away, and even the standard armour underneath was in a similar state…

It was all over…

"W-what a match!! It was obscene! Art— Artorias Kalameet has been knocked out of the ring and is unable to fight! Your winner that will be moving on to the semi-final round will be the blazing fox standing in the middle of the arena!! Regrit Oswald!!"

The announcer was almost too lost for words to speak, and the crowd did not fair much better as they recounted what they had just seen.

So many times, Regrit seemed dead, yet he always managed to escape. It was almost like he could see the unseen. By the times they could notice the sword-slashes of light from within the haze, he had already dodged them. Or an illusionary attack, he would strike with confidence as if it were not there…

Sweat began to fall down the announcer's face. The crowd was silent yet he did not know how he could hype them up again. He struggled to formulate words… And within that panicked mind, he noticed something…

*Clap*... … *Clap* … *Clap* *Clap*...

From the grand canopy of judges, Ashley Orbec, the leader of the Flameseeker guild had just so suddenly stood up out of her seat with a gleam, slowly clapping.

Soon, others followed suit… One man stood clapping from within the crowds, and that motivated another… And another… And soon like dominos, nearly the entire crowd roared in applause at the spectacle that they had just witnessed.

However… The man stood in the center, the focus of that very same applause did not celebrate nor writhe in the victory. No… That very same overly vocal man stood in absolute silence, his spirit form slowly fading away, not even batting an eye towards the crowd… Instead, he looked down towards his fist that had delivered that very same finishing blow with wide-open eyes in some sort of grand realization that narrowed soon after…

The announcer spoke, and the crowds cheered, yet he did not hear any of that as he lost himself in his own mind. Only the sudden appearance of a shadow caught his attention.

And by the time he looked up, he saw a figure standing directly ahead of him… The very man he had just defeated was still in pain, yet slightly more healed due to external reasons.

The crowd's applause grew even more boisterous as he approached with that calm smile of his yet, Regrit did not return that smile that he gave.

*Tch* He inwardly scoffed, shaking his head.

"You did great out there! You were much stronger than I ever expected!" Artorias spoke. "I can tell you've really been training hard for this! Congrats! And good luck with your next match!" He brought out his arm for a handshake.

Regrit's eyes widened then narrowed even further glancing down towards his extended arm before looking back up towards his face.

Unconsciously, his fists were clenched, and his teeth were gritted underneath his closed jaws.

"Artorias.... You… Who do you think you are? Don't you dare patronize me…"

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