
Chapter 98 - All Things Have A Price

Ania sat on a crude chair with Bjorn by her side in the temple. Her eyes were focused on Winter and Midas' Oracles, who had come to pay her a visit with some of their followers. While Exile was in the Council meeting, Clay had informed them that Ania was the head Oracle of the Pantheon and that they should get in touch with her.

Mikel, who was Midas' Oracle, was busy explaining his plan to increase trade and bring more profit to the Temples. As a merchant driven by his newfound love of religion, he had appointed himself as being in charge of their financial affairs. Bjorn nodded with a satisfied smile as he listened to the plans. 

Mikel's plan involved sending more goods from Korden to Eraldsfen to help the village grow. In his mind, it was unsuitable for the head temple of their gods to remain in such a small place. His long-term plans saw Eraldsfen growing to become a bustling trade city that would be unmatched in all of Skardia.

Naturally, a lot of the profits from the enterprises of their followers would be offered to the gods. While some would be used to fund new businesses, the growth of Eraldsfen and Korden as well as to afford the construction of bigger and grander temples.

"As I was saying... It's all about wealth. Not only can it be used to build worthy monuments, but it's a great motivator for men. Think about it. It would definitely be a grand display of the power of our gods!" Mikel laughed as he finished laying out his plans.

"I agree. The gods will certainly be happy if we can offer them more. But to do that we need also need to be wealthy. You have a keen insight, Lord Mikel. I understand now why Exile felt that MidasTouch was worthy of joining him." Bjorn chuckled as he slapped Mikel on the shoulder, truly glad to count him as one of their own. 

"Ah, I'm glad that you recognise Lord Midas. To be honest, I was worried that I would lose my life when Lord Exile declared his challenge. If it weren't for Lady Grela here, I would have certainly have met my end at the more brutish Oracles." Mikel nodded as he waved a hand towards Winter's Oracle. "Her methods are subtle, but she is certainly invaluable. We have built a small joint Temple in Korden already. Naturally, Lord Exile's altar has pride of place."

"Splendid!" Bjorn beamed as he turned to face Ania. "What do you think?"

"I think his ideas have merit. Everything he has said will definitely benefit the gods." Ania nodded slowly as a frown crossed her face. "However, what do you both think about the King's ban on worship? Surely you must be aware that what we are doing is illegal? How do you plan to handle it when the King and his Jarls return?"

This was a subject that Bjorn and she had agreed to raise beforehand. They had to understand if these Oracles would help with their plan to make Harik the Jarl of the area once he returned. Which would, of course, give rise to a battle between their followers and the Jarl's warriors if he refused to fight a duel for the right to rule the area.

"That..." Mikel paused for a moment as he searched for the right words. "Is tricky. Naturally, we would never abandon the gods to save our own skin. It would be best if the King has died while on his raids. But that would only lead to one of the other rulers of Skardia launching an invasion."

Mikel sighed as he looked Ania in the eyes. "Even if we could deal with the Jarl, the King would never let it slide. It would lead to war... and war is costly. Both in gold and lives."

"Those are wise words. However, you've avoided answering Lady Ania's question." Bjorn sighed as he raised an eyebrow.

"I will fight if the gods will it." Grela stated to make her stance clear before anyone even questioned her.

Mikel shook his head slowly as he thought about how things would unfold if the King truly returned. The atmosphere grew tense as Bjorn's eyes narrowed. Meanwhile, Ania nervously chewed on her lip. The odds of their success depended on what Mikel would say.

"If Midas condones it, then I will naturally do my part. But I'm not a fighter so you'll have to excuse me from that. I'll help with supplies and weapons as much as I can. But we have to supplant the Jarl as soon as possible. We can't let him send word to the King otherwise we'll lose any chance of surprising him." Mikel said slowly, as he weighed his words carefully.

"Well said!" Bjorn burst out laughing as he clapped Mikel on the back. "Don't worry, I'm sure the gods will be on our side. After all, who is the King to put himself above the gods! You should return to Korden and prepare your people. Start gathering weapons and supplies. We heard it from Exile himself. Our warriors are already on their way home! So you'll get your chance to prove yourself to the gods soon enough!"

Mikel cursed under his breath when he heard that. He had assumed that the King and Jarls would not return for many months yet. If they were already on their way home, then the raids must have been a disaster. Mikel quickly tried to calculate how much time he had and what he could arrange before they were needed.

"If that's true, then we really should leave right away. There's much to do and we'll have to contact Lord Midas and Lady Winter. We'll send word once we receive their blessing for this endeavour." Mikel sighed as he glanced at Bjorn and Ania. "I hope you know what you're doing. And please... Pray to Exile for his help. I have a feeling we're going to need it..."

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