
Chapter 107 - Tier 1!

[You have received +2 Authority, +4 Speed]

[Congratulations! More than 100 points of Divinity detected!]

[You will now go through qualitative changes...]

Exile's eyes went wide in shock as he read the message. However, before he could share the news with everyone, his body was wrapped in a golden cocoon. Sealing him off from everyone else. An uncomfortable heat began to spread throughout his body. Causing him to break out in a severe sweat.

[Elevating existence... Race changed to: Elemental Royal Deity (Human)]

[External Influence detected... Fragment of the First Flame...]

[Please choose from the following options...]

[1. Link the First Flame to your Authority.]

[Description: Linking the First Flame to your Authority over the Hearth will provide the following modifications once the process of elevating your existence is over. Followers will be completely immune to cold environments. Hearth Spells will receive either a 50% increase in power or a reduction of 1 DP in cost (Cost can not go below 1).]

[2. Link the First Flame to your Element.]

[Description: Linking the First Flame to your Element of Fire will provide the following modifications once the process of elevating your existence is over. Divine spells will be modified to carry your element. Authority will be modified. Title: God of the Hearth will be removed. You will gain Title: God of Lightning (Incomplete: 1/3), (Warning! Hearth spells will be removed. Your Element will be modified to Lightning)]

Exile did not know whether to curse or be excited by this discovery. 'It seems like I've discovered a hidden element... Or maybe it would be better to say a purer form of fire.' While the first option was guaranteed to increase his overall current combat capability, he felt it was worth sacrificing his hearth spells for the chance to have a more aggressive offensive power. Plus, he liked the sound of being the God of Lightning more than being the God of the Hearth.

The only thing that concerned him was the incomplete status that came with it. His first thought was that it was linked to how many fragments of the First Flame he held, but the max was below the total number of fragments still out there. 'Maybe it's hinting that there's yet another purer form after lightning...' Exile hummed as he made his choice.

[Title changed to God of Lightning (Incomplete: 1/3)! Element modified from Fire to Lightning!]

Exile grinned as he read the message. He was excited to see what else would happen. He was completely unaware of the commotion going on outside of his cocoon as his Pantheon members became concerned about what was happening.

[God of Lightning: The sky is your altar. Followers can now send their prayers to you by praying beneath the open sky. Followers believe in your might, becoming more aggressive in combat and fearing lightning storms as a display of your anger.])

[Congratulations! You have reached Tier 1!]

[Aura of the Gods now affects everyone below Tier 1]

[Undergoing Base Stat modification...]

Exile wondered what modifications would happen to his stats as he patiently suppressed the discomfort from the heat he was feeling.

[Congratulations! You have reached... Level 1!]

Exile frowned as he read the latest message, but the game system did not give him a chance to digest it.

[All Base stats reset to 1]

[Race: Elemental Royal Deity (Human) detected...]

[Royal: +4 to All Stats... Human: +5 to All Stats]

[Element: Lightning detected...]

[+10 Speed, +10 Authority]

[All Hearth spells removed...]

[Divine Spells... Modified...]

[Please choose 3 of the following spells...]

It shocked Exile as he read the messages. He wanted to curse at what the promotion had done to his stats, but there was no going back now. His eyes scanned the list that appeared as a pensive expression crossed his face...

"Come on! Why's it taking so long?" Clay cursed as he paced around the golden cocoon. Everyone could feel a dangerous aura emanating from it.

"Do you think something happened to him?" Beans asked, as her hands trembled.

Everyone had gathered around the strange phenomenon with a mixture of concern and excitement. They were witnessing what they could expect to happen if they reached that stage. Most of them wanted to hear from Exile what he was going through so that they could prepare themselves.

Suddenly, the cocoon's colour changed from gold to blue. Sparks of lightning began to dance over it as they stared on in shock.

"Is that... Supposed to happen?" Leggy asked nervously as he backed away from it.

Clay shot a dangerous look in his direction, but he had to admit that he was getting more worried the longer the process took. 'Come on Exile! If this is some kind of joke, we're not laughing!' Clay cursed internally as a stern expression crossed his face. As time continued to pass with no more changes, Clay became impatient and concerned that something was seriously wrong.

A lot of people raised their eyebrows as he drew his two-handed axe from his back. "Everyone! Step back! I'm going to try to break it!"

Meanwhile, Exile sighed in relief as he chose the spells that he wanted. 'That was a hard choice. Just when I had settled on focusing on Endurance and Authority, the game threw me a curveball...'

He eyed his stats as he waited for the system to finish up the procedure...

[Name: Exile]

[Pantheon: Ragnarok]

[Title: King of the Gods (Ragnarok), God of Lightning (Incomplete: 1/3)] 

[Race: Elemental Royal Deity (Human)]

[Tier: 1]

[Level: 1]

[HP: 125/125 (50+75)]

[DP: 53/53 (20+33)]

[Strength: 10]

[Endurance: 25 (10+15)]

[Speed: 25 (20+5)]

[Authority: 53 (20+33)]

'My overall strength has dropped...' Exile shook his head slowly. It pained him to lose almost half of the Stat points he had gathered so far. 'Luckily, nobody else should know about this drawback... The developers have been really sneaky with this...'

As far as he could see, anyone who advanced a Tier would essentially become a lot weaker. However, at the same time, their overall foundation would become stronger. Meaning that they would surpass the previous limits as they grew through the new Tier. 'This will stop everyone who advances from trying to bully lower level players...'

[Elevation Complete!]

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