
Chapter 77 Two Threats

At the Vice-captain office,

Berwick paused his other works when he heard the knock on the door. He was thinking it was his man when he lifted his head from the file. But it was the security chief officer. He put on an amicable expression immediately, "Chief, please come in…"

He stood up and went around his desk. The security chief sat down on the chair and looked at the vice-captain who sat next to him without maintaining the hierarchy of their posts. That's the humble Vice-captain they know.

"Vice-Captain, the speculation on the Collins couple having their hand behind the network manipulation is completely baseless. We have found a few videos of past days and my team is sure those videos didn't play in the monitoring room." The security chief opened the laptop and played the video for Berwick to watch.

Berwick doubtlessly knew that the couple wasn't behind the network manipulation. However, he was still doubtful of the couple as their ensuite camera was being hacked. He clenched his teeth and appeared to be very attentive to the chief.

The security officer continued while the video played, "The same group of young men was harassing, forcing some ladies on the deck, passageway, and resto-bars. We have questioned those girls, they have accepted the unruly behavior of those men…"

The discussion continued with more blames on a group of young men and giving a clean name for the Collins couple. Thus it put Berwick in a dilemma.

He couldn't go to Alvin and Anya's room by saying the cleaner found them suspicious when it was clear as the day they had no connection to the issue.

His eyes glinted mysteriously. He will tell the team as he went to convey apologies for the inconvenience on the cruise ship, and he will use the same reason and enter their cabin.

He flashed a faint smile while the security officer continued to report the updates of the investigation status. Their investigation process was nowhere endangering him yet so he was calm.


Anya and Alvin's cabin,

The duo was in deep sleep when they heard the doorbell ring. Alvin was very sensitive to noise so he woke up but he didn't open his eyes. He contemplated who could be at the door as they were sleeping separately, it could sprout suspicions on them.

Anya, who was aware that the things aren't as simple as it was appearing, jerked up from her sleep, holding her breath. She opened her eyes and swiftly recollected while yawning.

'Am I pig? Why didn't I wake up? Why didn't Alvin wake me up? What about the call? Didn't the call come? Did Alvin handle the situation by himself?...' She had a set of questions with the last one, 'Who is at the door?'

She looked at the door, then to her right. Alvin wasn't on the bed and her eyes shifted to the couch. He was sitting on the couch with his legs stretched and resting on the coffee table. It was such an uncomfortable position to sleep.

'Ding dong.'

The second door ring caused her to jerk her eyes to the door, "Coming." She said loud enough for the person to hear on the other end so that he won't have to ring it again. Then she thought Alvin sleeping on the couch might create any suspicion, after all, they are husband and wife on the ship.

That tension apart, if the vice-captain or his team noticed any oddness in their room, they might be testing them. So her and Alvin's behavior has to be smooth as butter.

She got off the bed, pulled the comforter with her. She went to Alvin and behaved like a sweet and caring wife, just like her mother with her father, "Alvin, sleep properly."

He squirmed on the couch and she understood he was awake. Her voice lowered, "Rest more. I will see who is at the door." She helped him lay down and put the cushion under his head.

She was spreading the comforter over him when she heard him whisper, "I have mobile in hand." His groggy voice was low and deep.

If the vice-captain or his men identified the 'loop' and 'pause' of the secret cameras, then it was important to show the cameras weren't in their control. Both were on the same page so it was easy to understand, "Then let's play."

Alvin froze when the tips of her cold fingers brushed over his forehead and gently caressed his hair while acting as a good wife. A simple gesture felt truly good and relaxing. Without getting lost in a daze, he hummed in acceptance.

Anya went to the door. She didn't open the door directly. She clamped the door security chain to the door hook and unlocked the main lock. The door opened enough for her to see the man in front of her. Her face looked groggy but her gaze was sharp enough to catch the annoyance on the man's face.

'Vice-Captain Berwick Thomas,' Anya identified the man looking at his face. She had read about him briefly while knowing about the cruise ship P-S-R.

Anya's initial analysis was that Berwick was doing this job due to his family. Harper Johson was undoubtedly holding something against Berwick or holding somebody as a hostage. So having no choice, a man with principles had to turn evil overnight. However, that wasn't enough for her to put her guard down against the man.

"Yes?" Her groggy voice was adorable. She didn't identify the man as they hadn't met before.

Berwick controlled his expression and flashed an apologetic smile, "I am sorry for arriving unannounced. I am the Vice-Captain of the ship." He paused after the introduction. He saw no changes on her face other than her nodding.

Anya was honestly not surprised or feared so there was no expression on her face. Whereas Alvin's ears sharpened. As he thought, the Vice-Captain was probably there to attack them or to find the problem in the camera. However, he didn't react yet, it wasn't the right time.

Berwick continued, "Mrs. Collins, could you please open the door?" Saying it, he made space by pointing to the serving trolley filled with snacks, juice, coffee, and also tea.

"I won't take much of your and your husband's time." He added, at last, silently pressuring her to open the door.

To be exact, Anya didn't want to open the door in case the vice-captain brought any firearms. The man behind him didn't exactly look like restaurant or cafe staff. So he must be one of Harper's men. Although stopping them wasn't the right choice, she tried to give a better excuse.

"Vice-Captain…" She glanced at the name pin, "...Thomas. I genuinely appreciate your kindness but my husband is taking a nap, I prefer not to disturb him. He is tired after a long journey."

'The right time…'

"Darling, who is at the door?" Alvin's mesmerizing sleepy voice floated in the air.

Anya: "..."

Anya turned around with a question written all over her face, 'Who the hell is your darling?' Nevertheless, he sat up lazily and flashed a simple, sinless smile that cooled her instantly.

Understanding Alvin's plan, Anya unlocked the chain as she responded to Alvin, "The Vice-captain of the ship has brought us some snacks personally..."

As the door opened, Alvin cued her with his hand to go near him without showing any hurriedness in their behavior.

Anya obliged as she continued to speak, "He said he has something to say. I didn't want to wake you up but..." She slid her palm to his and let him help her sit next to him.

'The act of husband and wife.'

Alvin covered her slender bare legs with the comforter like it was the most natural thing to do. At the same time, his eyes were on the Vice-captain who nodded at him and signaled the waiter-like dressed man to serve them the snacks.

"When did the Vice-captain of the ship start to personally serve the guests?" Alvin's tongue immediately turned bitter and sharp.

Anya sat like she didn't understand the mockery in Alvin's tone. She stifled a yawn due to incomplete sleep.

Berwick clenched his fist tight and flashed a friendly smile. He has to bear with the situation with no choice. He forced himself to be well-mannered, "I don't do it to anybody unless we fail in our hospitality, Mr. Collins."

He faced both by standing in front of them, "Mr. and Mrs. Collins, I am truly sorry for your unpleasant experience on the ship caused by other guests. Our team wasn't able to reach you on time due to some technical issue, we regret the inconvenience caused by us. Please accept our sincere apologies." He bowed his head at the end.

'Such nice acting.' Anya thought. Although the assistant general secretary wasn't her real job, it was still the work she had to do every day so she never felt she was lying or pretending to be somebody else. Importantly, nobody was asking her anything that needed to be lied to. So seeing the vice-captain, she didn't know if she should admire him or pity him.

Alvin was not dumb. If Berwick's presence is truly as simple as he made it sound, he wouldn't have come with the trolley of snacks. He could already guess his second move. Stalling or avoiding it wasn't good for them. So he barely hummed in response.

Anya: "..."

What does that mean?

She looked at the vice-captain, "We understand." She glanced at the trolley and added, "You didn't have to do all these for us." She faked a gentle laugh. She pointed at the far end of the couch, "Please take a seat and join us for snacks." She wouldn't take a chance of being poisoned.

The vice-captain wanted the same anyway. He thanked them and took a seat. Anya didn't want two threats in such a closed space so she turned to the waiter-like dressed man, "You should go. Later you can collect the trolley outside."

The man looked at the vice-captain who inconspicuously signaled him. "Enjoy your snacks." He wished them and left the room.

Anya stood up to serve Berwick first in case the food was spiked but Alvin tugged her back to be seated, "Sweetheart, I am sure the Vice-captain would like to show his sincerity to us."

Anya and Berwick: "..."

Berwick hated this man's arrogance. He awkwardly laughed, "Absolutely, I should serve our guests." He stood up and started making coffee for them asking how much they needed sugar, milk, and decoction.

Anya: "..."

'This man makes anybody as his servant.' She sighed to herself looking at Alvin who had his arm wrapped around her shoulder.

Berwick noticed the couple looking at each other so he snickered thinking of them as a witless couple for easily giving him a chance for his next move.

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