
Chapter 124 Quit The Job

Zane glanced at the mobile in his hand and looked at Alvin, "Mr. Matthews, could you please talk with my mother?" He requested Alvin, hoping he wouldn't turn down.

p Alvin took the mobile from tiny hand and went aside. He guessed that Anya was going to lash out at him for bringing her parents and son. Nevertheless, he was also angry, he was craving to strangle her to death. So he clenched his teeth and coldly instructed her through his teeth while keeping his voice down. "Rob is at the airport. He will bring you here." He hung up the call immediately without listening to her.

Since he was worried about Anya, he left his men at the airport and also asked his men to be at the capital city airport so that they could bring Anya safely by avoiding the eyes of Harper's men.

He hated that she chose to leave him like that, yet he was worried about her and her safety.

On the contrary, there was relief in his heart. He was glad she was fine and that warrant was fake.

He felt a tug at his pant and looked down at Zane whose smile could melt anybody's heart, "Thank you, Mr. Matthews. And I am sorry for troubling you." He was sincere.

Alvin stared at Little Brat who was indeed a gentleman. For some reason, he didn't dislike when Zane followed him around, just like Anya being around him. Hearing Zane's apology, he knew Zane would go back to his grandparents. He even had the urge to grab Little Brat and take him upstairs with him.

Before Alvin could say or do anything, Catalina held Zane's hand, "Zane, how about you take a nap till your Mommy comes? Or else you will be asleep when she reaches here." They still need to get adjusted to jet lag.

Zane became obedient and followed Catalina as he excitedly told Dennis, "Grandpa, Mommy is coming."

Alvin watched the three members taking the stairs. Every action of Dennis and Catalina showed how uncomfortable they were at his mansion. For some reason, Alvin felt like they were trying to be unproblematic purposefully. It was like they were silently waiting for their daughter to save them.

Linus looked at Alvin who had a complicated expression. He wished Anya and Alvin to get along, then the mansion could become a home.

Alvin opened Bernard's contact number. However, he didn't dial the number. If his guess is right, Bernard would hate to know Anya wasn't as simple as he thought. So he needed a different approach to get to know her. He called Ean as he went upstairs.


In the military jeep,

Anya controlled herself from screaming in frustration. She had seen a maid working for Madam Matthews who was Alvin's stepmother. So she wanted to ask Alvin to keep her family away from the maids or other people. She couldn't trust them. Anyway, Alvin ended the call in fury.

She could ask Jason to get her parents and Zane out but it will scare the three. Involving cops would make the situation more difficult. All the more, she also wasn't ready to trouble Alvin.

She felt like she deserved this agony because she was the one who tried to chase Alvin away and made him angry. She looked outside at the sky trying to hold herself back strong.

This mission messed her both personal and work life. Her body quivered just by thinking about the problems she might have to face.

Her life wasn't only in danger, her parents, especially Zane, were also in danger. And she doesn't even know who exactly had threatened her with Zane's life.


At dusk,

A Rolls Royce Phantom came to halt and Anya dashed out of the car holding her breath. She met the butler at the door who came to receive her. She desperately asked, "Where is my son? My parents? Where are they?"

The butler wanted to calm her down and take her upstairs. Anyway, Linus's voice sounded from upstairs, "Ms. Owen."

Without wasting a second, Anya ran upstairs skipping the steps. She wanted to question him how they got her parents but the important thing for her was to look for her son and parents and make sure they were fine.

Linus instructed her looking to the right, "Go straight, take left and… the… first… room."

He hadn't even finished, his jaws hung down when he saw Anya already trotted away. He shook his head in resignation and looked at the passage where his brother's study room was. He wanted to go and inform him but didn't dare. He wasn't ready to face the angry Alvin who could be tamed by Anya and her son only.


Entering the guest room, Anya almost collapsed on the floor when she saw her parents in a good condition while sitting on the couch and Zane was sleeping peacefully on the bed.

Anya was going towards Zane when her mother quickly ran over, "Anya…"

Catalina held Anya's shoulders, "What's wrong with you? Why are you so pale?" Catalina was extremely worried looking at Anya's state.

Anya shook her head and hugged her mother. Her heart rested at ease and she apologized, "I am sorry, Mom. I am so sorry. I didn't know things would go out of hand." Though she sounded like crying, Anya didn't break down. She couldn't let her parents worry more.

On the way, Anya had seen a new label on her as a wanted criminal all over the news and media. She could imagine how her parents were harassed by phone calls that caused them to switch off their mobiles.

Breathing in relief, Catalina gently patted her back to comfort her. She wasn't sure if she should be proud of her daughter or be a worrywart.

Dennis, who reached them, rubbed Anya's head, "Silly child. You are fine and that's all that matters to us."

Anyhow, Catalina suddenly peeled Anya away and grimly spoke, "Zane was crying because of your news." She showed her displeasure without hiding it.

"Why are you doing this job when it only makes us worry and panic?" Catalina shook her head showing she was done, "That's enough, Anya. We are simple people, we can't afford to put our lives in danger. Think of Zane… Quit this job."

Dennis couldn't believe Catalina used Zane against Anya.

Catalina threatened at last, "Or else Zane will live with us."

"Lina" Dennis grunted.

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