
Chapter 41 [Bonus ] Your World

"It\'s not quite as... exaggerated as that..."

Avril\'s face reddened as she hung her head low, seemingly probing under the table for some imaginary tiny sprite or the like, resolutely refusing to lift her gaze.

Her mind was a frenzy of, "It\'s over, it\'s over, could it be that Banning already knows I... I... I like him?! Oh heavens, what am I to do...!!"

Banning, meanwhile, sat composedly opposite her, observing Avril\'s internal turmoil while consuming his meal, contemplating his next tactical move.

In comparison to the flavorings and cooking methods of the Earth World, Avril\'s dinner could only be described as rather "simplistic," even with the most diplomatic phrasing, one could only say that, "High-end ingredients often only need the simplest cooking methods."

However, simplicity wasn\'t Avril\'s fault, it was the failing of the low productivity level in the Prison Star world. Yet, within this simplicity, one could easily perceive Avril\'s meticulous care.

The yellowed, insect-bitten parts of the vegetable leaves had all been carefully removed;

In the two plates of sautéed vegetables, the tender leaves were all selected for Banning, while the tougher stalks that were difficult to chew ended up on Avril\'s own plate;

The fried meat was from the fresh meat Banning had brought previously. Evidently, Avril had not dared to consume it in recent days, waiting for an opportunity to prepare it for Banning... among other such heartwarming minutiae, too numerous to list.

These small details may seem trivial when examined separately, but when combined, they formed a priceless testament of love towards Banning, embodied in the subtle care taken.

Many say that dating and marriage are two different things.

Dating is like poetry and dreams;

Marriage is mundane necessities;

Young girls are pure and ethereal;

Old wives are the epitome of fading charm.

Many also say that good-looking girls may light up a room but are too selfish to care for their lovers, therefore girls suitable for dating often aren\'t suitable for married life.

But Avril is different, she\'s a rare combination of both cuteness and careness, if she were in the Earth World, she would be the ideal type for countless boys, they\'d be fighting over her in no time.

Such a wonderful girl, yet now she\'s the one pursuing Banning.

(Silly Nissen: Tyler, if you let-o Avril down, your life is doomed to shorten!)

Even the silly loli couldn\'t bear it: Such a good girl is truly hard to find.

Tyler didn\'t respond to the silly loli. He had been observing Avril more attentively and carefully than anyone else, how could he not be aware of her merits?

However, when "the lives of family" and "romantic relationship" are placed on opposite sides of the balance, there simply is no correct answer to this dilemma.


"Who would have thought that the combination of amaranth greens and wood ear mushrooms could yield such a refreshing flavour? I was utterly oblivious."

"Hehe, this is not my concoction. It was taught to me by my elder sister."

At the dinner table, Tyler was tactfully defusing the lingering tension with the evening\'s menu.

Before launching his genuine "assault", Tyler was methodically facilitating Avril\'s relaxation. If Avril remained in a constant state of anxiety and shyness, regardless of Tyler\'s guidance, it would inevitably culminate in failure, just like during the Rain Praise Festival.

"The village children are quite fond of the leather balls Avril makes. Whether it\'s tending the orchard, sewing, or cooking, Avril excels in all."

"Tha...That\'s just people being generous... I am not that accomplished."

"When you have some spare time, Avril, could I learn from you about nurturing fruit trees in the orchard?"

"Ah...Ah, sure."

Avril regretted her words almost as soon as they left her mouth. The thought of Rhode also being in the orchard came to mind. The relationship between Rhode and her was already somewhat awkward, and if Banning were to join them...

Tyler silently observed Avril\'s inner turmoil. His intention was precisely to make Avril think of Rhode and of her confession.

Their conversation flowed easily, as if they were old friends well acquainted over many years.

Gradually, Tyler sensed the atmosphere was ripe. It was time for his trump card.

"Avril, what are your future plans?"

"Fu...Future? What do you mean by... future?"

Avril thought Banning was referring to the matter of marriage when he mentioned "future", causing her previously relaxed mood to tense up instantly.

"I mean your future life. You are incredibly talented in tailoring. Have you ever thought of advancing your craft in the town?"

However, Tyler\'s response immediately dispelled Avril\'s wild thoughts. In the midst of this earnest conversation, Avril, too, was led to ponder seriously and gradually she relaxed.

"Everyone in the village has been so supportive of me. If I were to move to Gudetown, there would be no one left in the village to make clothes..."

"Don\'t worry about that. I\'ve heard from the village chief that it only takes a day or two to travel from Gudetown to Ira Village. If the villagers need you, you can come back every two weeks."

At this point, Tyler posed a question to Avril.

"Avril, I believe what\'s crucial is what you wish to do, rather than incessantly meeting the expectations of others. Have you ever contemplated what you truly want to do?"

"What I want to do..."

Avril fell into deep thought.

From her youngest years to the present, Avril had never given this matter much thought.

In her childhood, she had lived an unassuming life, accompanying her parents as they scratched out a living, blissfully ignorant of the world.

Then, at the age of eleven, her hometown was swept up in a significant event known as the "Great Migration".

In the midst of the "Great Migration", those with usefulness were retained, while those deemed disposable were compelled to depart from their place of birth.

This experience instilled in Avril an indelible conviction: she desired to become someone of usefulness to others.

Later, in the interminable duration of the "Great Migration", Avril became separated from her parents. From then on, she could only rely on her elder sister for survival.

After half a year of wandering, the sisters found their way to Ira Forest. By a fortunate twist of fate, they encountered the benevolent village head Woodall, and at last, they found themselves a new home.

Eager to prove her value, Avril devoted herself to accommodating the needs of others. Day after day, she contemplated what she could contribute to her village, yet never questioned what she desired for herself.

Now, confronted with this question from Banning, she found herself at a loss for an immediate answer.

If she truly had to identify a desire... well...

"There\'s no need to force an answer if it doesn\'t come to you readily. It was merely a question that crossed my mind," he reassured her.


Avril gazed at Banning. The kindly youth radiated a distinctive aura that set him apart from others, an attribute that persistently drew Avril\'s attention.

"Banning, you\'re remarkable... You seem much more mature than our peers... Nor do you appear to have been raised within the confines of our village... The world you perceive is probably quite different from what we see, isn\'t it?"

Tyler remained silent, aware that Avril hadn\'t finished her thought.

"Hey, Banning..."

"If it\'s possible, could you show me the world as you see it? I\'d like to take in the landscapes that captivate your vision."

"Wherever I may venture to in the future?" Tyler queried.

"Mm-hmm, wherever that might be."

Avril nodded resolutely, oblivious to the trap Tyler had subtly laid out.

In Tyler\'s perception, Avril\'s words amounted to a confession of love.

However, Avril, with her more naive disposition, appeared oblivious to the implications carried by her words, until...

"Avril... Are you confessing your feelings to me?"


Avril was taken aback.

(Confession? Confess what?)

(I... I didn\'t confess anything, did I?)

(Eh? Wait a minute? What... What did I just say?)

Avril swiftly replayed her words in her mind, after which, her cherubic face started to flush...

From pink to crimson to scarlet... A faint wisp of steam started to rise from Avril\'s head.

If one were to place a kettle on Avril\'s head at this moment, they would likely witness the spectacle of water boiling from the heat of a young girl\'s blush.

Tyler missed this potential water-boiling opportunity, as his attention was arrested by a line of text appearing in his field of vision.

--"Love confession from \'Avril\' confirmed. Energy points +1. Current energy points: 1."

Without a moment\'s hesitation, Tyler activated the "Precognitive Death Scene" function of his Divine Eye of Transcendence. What unfolded before his eyes was a vision of himself, heart impaled.

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