
Chapter 14: Struggles.

Chapter 14: Struggles.

"As we planned, we will move in a group. Those who know close combat will engage from the front, while the rest will cover them from behind. All right, MOVE!" Markus Luke ordered.

Everybody started to charge from the front. Reven was one of the guys who was going to engage in close combat, so he rushed forward with a large rod in his hand.

At the same time...

Dududududu... Dududu…

Heavy firing covered the entire battlefield. The monsters kept getting annihilated as the bullets pierced them.

Soon, Reven engaged with his first opponent and used the iron rod to directly pierce through the head of the monster. Then he moved towards his next target and swung his rod directly towards its eyes as he killed it by piercing its head.

He kept on sending monster after monster to oblivion.

The rest of the team was also killing the monsters rapidly. Everything was going well when suddenly...


"S-Save me! Save…"

Someone\'s scream, asking for help, rang out but stopped soon after.

Everyone looked in the direction of the scream only to find a half-immolated corpse and a giant troll holding the other half of the body.

Everyone else couldn\'t even come out of shock when...


Another scream rang out.





Soon, they realized that the situation was much more grave than they initially predicted, as they saw many trolls coming towards them.

"Don\'t stop; keep killing. If we stop, all of us will die." Komi shouted as she fired bullets and killed the goblins coming towards her.

Hearing her, everyone steeled their hearts and started to fight again.

At the same time, Reven looked towards the trolls, trying to figure out any weakness he could utilize.

"Gaurav, you are with me. We are taking down the troll. Komi and Hirohito will cover us."

With that, Reven and Gaurav went to engage the troll. Reven came from the front, while Gaurav came from the flank. Reven ran towards the troll and swung the rod towards the legs of the troll, which ended up hitting it but didn\'t do much damage.

The troll looked at Reven with a sneer on its face as it used its hands to crush this being, whom it considered nothing more than a bug.

Just as it was about to get hold of Reven, it was hit on the head with another rod by Gaurav.

This angered the monster.

It furiously turned towards Gaurav to kill him, but Reven took this chance and directly pierced the head of the troll with the rod, killing him.

Huff! Huff!

"Let\'s continue." Gaurav said, taking a few breaths.

They continued towards the other trolls and killed them using the same tactics.

The group soon arrived at the airport\'s runway. Here, they observed that some of the jets had been destroyed, while many others were in danger of doing so.

"Guys, me, Rachel, and Hirohito will take one jet while Gaurav and Komi will take the other." Reven secretly sent a mental message to his group via the Seven-Link.

"They all will most likely start fighting amongst themselves for the jets that are nearby. We need to go towards the ones near the edges." Rachel commented.

"Sounds right. All right, let\'s move." Gaurav stated.

"Don\'t let them know about your movement, and wait until the argument starts." Komi said.

Soon, exactly what they thought happened. Everyone started to fight for the jets nearby, while Markus from the US military took this chance and provoked a hoard of trolls that were a bit away from the group towards them.

In the midst of chaos, he took the nearby jets with his team and flew away. The rest of the group had to fight the trolls now.

Reven engaged with the trolls like the others, while he secretly ordered his team to get to the jets.

Shuaaa… Shuaaa…

Tang! Tang! Slash!

Reven clashed fiercely with the other soldiers and kept on cutting the trolls left and right.

"We are in, Reven." Gaurav sent in his Seven-Link.

At the same time, everyone else also noticed this, so they also stopped clashing with the trolls and tried to make a run to the jets.


How could a normal human match a Meta-Human?

Reven was just too fast for them to stop. Also, they knew that without him, they couldn\'t even fend off the rest of the trolls to get to the other jets. So they ignored Reven, and all of them made a run for the leftover jets.

As a result, some of their fellow soldiers perished, though the remainder of them were able to obtain the jets after having to sacrifice some of them.

While this was happening, Reven also got inside the jet and started the engine.

"Gaurav, you in?" Reven asked.

"Yup, let\'s get out of here." Gaurav said, showing his thumb for the other jet.


[Engines Activated.]

[Fuel tanks are full.]

[Safety precautions are present.]

[Putting the thrusters to full power.]

[Ready for launch 3...

2... 1!]


The jet took off.

Reven and his team had successfully left the Hawaiian base.



There were two jets visible in the sky. Along with them, some monsters could be seen flying in the same sky.

It looked really conflicting that something that people only heard about in myths had come to their world and was flying with them in the same modern sky.

"Where to first?" Gaurav asked Reven through the Seven-Link.

"Japan, first. The government has sent many carrier ships to Japan to take as many people as possible to the mainland.

With the number of monsters roaming, Japan will fall very soon. We are going there to oversee the transport." Reven replied as he...


Shrieek! Boom!

Shot down the flying monsters that intercepted their aircraft.

They continued flying as Reven contacted the HQ to get more information about the situation. He was also anxious to know about Aarav, Aimee, and Vera. And everybody else too.

"Lt. Greh to HQ, am I in?"

"Lt. Greh, you are in. Connecting you to the President. You may speak now!"

"Greh, are you there?"

"Yes sir."

"What do you think about the situation? We discussed many possibilities here with Geena and Aleena. They have voiced many opinions regarding the incident."

"Sir, this phenomenon is most likely due to \'The Lunar Doom\' incident, but I think the scientists have already clarified that.

Now, about these monsters, they have arrived here because of these portals that opened as a result of the World Energy, which leads me to conclude that this incident is planned, but I have no idea who planned this or what their main goal is.

Next, have you noticed that the world Energy is not unfamiliar anymore? Although we can\'t control it just yet, it doesn\'t feel unfamiliar anymore, which means there is a high chance that people will soon be able to utilise this energy.

This will have large scale consequences, and I think you understand that too."

"Yes, the power structure of the world will soon change. If we are not careful, then we will be screwed badly."

"Sir, I think you should discuss this with the scientists and tell them to analyse this incident carefully.

I think this is more of a cataclysm. After this period, there will definitely be a buffer period, which will most likely give us a few years."

"I understand. I will talk about it with the scientists. Now, about the people..."

"Sir, I think we should wait a bit to make any decision on it. After the change, there will be a lot of people betraying us; many of them who lust for power will hit us on the back. So let\'s observe for now, and not be hasty about it."

"You are right. I will make the arrangements. Over and out."

"Over and out, sir."

As they finished their conversation, Reven and Gaurav\'s jet reached their destination.

"Shall we directly go to the harbor?" Reven asked Gaurav.

"Yes, the central area doesn\'t have much population living in it anyway." I think we should go to the harbor to ensure that people are boarded safely."


The Japan Ship Harbor was built after the Sino-Japan War in 2120, which was brought to an abrupt end after the ISC helped Japan in exchange for Japan\'s alliance with the ISC.

The harbor was huge. It was made with the clear goal of evacuating people in times of war. It was also a strategic center.

The area near the harbor was also densely populated. It was done so to carry out the evacuations in a short amount of time.

Soon, Reven and Gaurav contacted the nearby airport and made their landing.

After landing, Reven took over the charge of the entire Japan military base from Dave, who was the acting in-charge until now.

"Everyone, I need the officers in the meeting hall in 15 minutes with a full report." Reven ordered as he went into his room.

He went directly to take a shower as he called Aarav through his Seven-Link.

Pit… Pit… Pit… Pit…

Soon, his call was received, and a voice rang inside his mind.

"Hello, Kid…"


Author\'s Note:

>> Arc 2: Beginning of the Doom. >> End.

>> The second Arc of the first volume ends here. The next Arc will deal with the new changes in the world after \'The Advent\'. So stay tuned.


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