
Chapter 16

Ravina noticed the guards standing at a decent distance and turned away as Lord Steele helped her get up from the blanket.

“Don’t worry. They are deaf and blind.” Lord Steele assured her.

She was not worried. Just… something.

Lord Steele took her on a walk in the woods and the guards followed behind. They walked in silence for a moment and she took the chance to calm down. Lord Steele seemed to be lost in his own thoughts. His face became grim again and his jaw was clenched as he walked with his hands crossed behind his back.

Why did he stop? Did he not like it? Was he trying to be a gentleman? And why did he look at her surprised? As she attempted to step over the trees roots, he naturally extended his hand to her, which she accepted.

“Am I being too bold with you?” He suddenly asked.

“I didn’t expect anything less.” She said.

He smiled still helping her across the thick roots and large stones.

“Protecting your honor will be my duty. You don’t have to worry about my intentions.”

Was that why he stopped? She could care less about honor. She came to a halt, stopping him as well. He looked at her curiously.

“I am not worried, My Lord. I am not a little girl and if I cared for my honor I wouldn’t be here with you. I am past the age of marriage and if I don’t marry you I am not marrying anyone else.” She wanted him to know that he didn’t possess that power.

He narrowed his eyes. “I don’t care about your age. You still deserve to be honored and every one is young to a new experience.”

Why was he tearing her off her defenses? She suddenly felt like she was being harsh for no reason.

“I didn’t mean to be harsh, My Lord.”

“I didn’t expect anything less.” He teased.

Ravina frowned at him and he chuckled.

“Shall we drop the formalities now?” He asked.

She nodded as they proceeded to walk.

“Do you remember my name?”

“Ares.” It felt strange saying his first name. She had never called him by his first name before. She only heard her father call him that.

Ares took her on a short walk, telling her a little about her future home and town. Slowly things began to fall into place, such as the fact that she would soon leave the castle behind. The place where she grew up. A thick sadness settled in her heart.

When they arrived back at the castle, Ares joined them for dinner. The queen who didn’t quite like him pretended to be very kind and spoke about Ravina as if she was her own daughter.

“I am finally happy that Ravina found someone. It is important to have a family.” She said.

Ares gave her a court nod.

“I encouraged her before but she is so stubborn.” She chuckled. “I hope you won’t have a hard time with her and will take well care of her.”

Ravina chewed her food viciously, to stop herself from saying something rude. Ares was polite but didn’t give her much attention. “I will, Your Majesty.” He replied and then went back to focus on eating his food.

When the queen was done, it was her son’s turn to pester Ares.

“I am surprised you accepted to marry our Ravina.” He began.

Our? The food in her mouth suddenly turned sour and she wanted to spit it on his face.

“I hope you don’t have too big of a dream that you are trying to achieve,” Andrew said.

Ravina stiffened. Was he implying that Ares was after the throne? But then she shouldn’t be surprised. Andrew was paranoid and thought that everyone was after the crown which wasn’t even his yet.

Ares was a wealthy man who already had a lot of power which also allowed him freedom. He was known to be free-spirited and loved adventure. He wouldn’t want something like the throne that would restrict him in many ways.

She could be mistaken, but it didn’t bother her. His desire for the throne had no effect on her plans. In fact, staying in the castle was much more favorable.

Despite Andrew’s ludicrous remark, Ares remained calm. “Your Highness, what is the purpose of having big aspirations if not to fulfill them?”

“I just don’t want you to become disappointed and hurt,” Andrew told him. “Some dreams are dangerous to have and could turn into nightmares.”

Ares chuckled. “I was a pirate. I thrive in nightmares.”

Ravina sipped her tea, enjoying the conversation. Now, this was why she chose this man.

After they had their dinner, Ares walked her to her room.

“Have you gotten a nice chamber?” She asked him.

“Yes. His Majesty is making sure I am comfortable.”

She nodded and came to a halt in front of her room. “Thank you for the picnic today.”

“Thank you for your time,” he said.

“Have a good night.”

“Good night.” He gave her a curt bow and walked away. She watched him disappear into the long hall and then she went into her room.

Ester had already put fire in the hearth and was now closing the windows and curtains.

“Ah, you are back.” She said with a smile.

“Yes,” Ravina said, as she proceeded to undress without waiting for Ester’s assistance. She merely kept her chemise and then retired to her bed, exhausted.

It was probably due to the fact that she went out after such a long period.

“How was your time with Lord Steele.” She asked.

“He kissed me,” Ravina shrugged.

Ester turned around from the window with eyes wide. “Oh my!” She said putting her hands over her mouth. Then she hurried to come to sit with her in the bed. “I told you, My Lady. How do you feel?”



She shrugged and Ester frowned. “Was it bad?” She asked looking saddened.

Bad? Oh no.

“No. The kiss felt good.”

Ester’s lips quickly curved into a smile again.

Ravina let herself fall back in bed and stared at the ceiling. “I don’t understand. It felt good and I kissed him back. I didn’t want him to stop.” She admitted, fear slowly crawling into her heart. “It was intense, exciting, and frightening.”

Ester’s smile turned into one of sadness. “Oh my lady,” She took her hands in hers. “It is normal to feel that way. It is actually good you feel so toward the man you are going to marry.”

“I don’t know. It made me forget the world and… just ignore everything and …just act on…” She tried to find the right word.

The point she was trying to make was that she didn’t want to lose her mind. Her mind was her weapon and if someone made her feel that way then she lost her most powerful tool.

“Your desires.” Ester finished for her.

Desires? No! It couldn’t be. She gave a small involuntary shake of her head. “I shouldn’t act that way.”

“My Lady. Imagine offering food to a starving man. Would he eat like a shy boy? That is what is happening to you.”

Ravina blinked and sat up. “That is an absurd analogy.”

“It is not. Humans crave warmth and intimacy, love and affection just like we crave food and you have deprived yourself of those things.”

“We need food to survive. It is not the same thing.”

Ester stood up and walked to the dressed. “Maybe that is a more urgent survival need but I don’t think we need the others any less.” She picked up the comb and came back to her.

Ravina turned around to have her hair combed.

“As sad as I will be when you leave, I will be happy that you will leave this place and get to discover the world. And yourself. You are much more than a mind with a mission.”

Ravina shivered at the thought. She would leave this place and Ares would take her to a new world, confuse her, make her yearn for other things, and cause her to forget her mission.

She could not let that happen! She could not forget who she was and what she worked hard to achieve.



How to pronounce the names:

Malachi: Ma-la-kai

Ares: Air-eez

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