
Chapter 144 Her Stallion

Ravina felt like her face was falling off again. She had tried her best not to remember the incident but never in her life had she been through something so embarrassing. She had grasped a man in his most private area. What else was left to touch now? And not only that, she had grasped so hard she had actually caused him pain. Ugh. She wished the ground could open up and swallow her.

She went to her room, in rush looking for better shoes to go out with while still burning. While wearing her shoes, she recalled his desperate hold on her hand. Even when he fell asleep, he didn’t let her go.

He was scared, she noticed. Scared she would leave. It was the first time she had seen him truly vulnerable. Not even in the cave with all the torture did he show any hint of vulnerability. Not this kind anyway.

Once her shoes were on, she left her room and went outside, waiting for Malachi with embarrassment slowly creeping back. Thinking of all the nakedness and washing that happened last night didn’t help at all. It was as if she couldn’t get used to it, no matter how much of him she saw.

She looked at the men passing by the street. Most of them were equally half-naked. Nothing new at this point, right? Yet as Malachi stepped outside, she realized it wasn’t a thing about the body alone. He was… gorgeous. Besides being King, she could see why women would want him. He stood out from the rest.

His dark gaze found her, “shall we go to the barn?” he asked and then went ahead of her when she gave a nod.

She watched him walk away. What a healing ability he must have! She did not think he would be able to walk after what she witnesses last night. She had butchered him and he was poisoned and here he was walking casually.

She followed him to the barn and he took her around to the other side. “Do you want a stallion?” He asked turning to her.

Her face burned anew and one corner of his lips curved up. “I am not talking about that kind of stallion right now.”

“I know,” she puffed wanting to punch him for a moment. They laughed at her this whole time.

“Stallion!” A familiar voice spoke and they both turned to the entrance. “So I can finally give my gift.” It was Joel.

He walked over with a smirk on his face. He glanced at his brother briefly before looking at her. “Ready to meet your aggressive stallion?”

She wasn’t sure anymore.

He motioned for them to follow him.

They followed him, passing by several rows of stalls until they came to the other side.

He took them to one particular horse in the stall, a black shiny horse with long black hair. He opened the stall and led it out.

“Here he is,” he said. “A black, healthy strong stallion.”

Ravina looked closer at the horse. She could tell he was well kept, his black coat shining and hair shining. He looked strong, she couldn’t say anything about his health yet.

She went closer to touch him but he steered away with a sound. Joel shrugged. “Told you. Stubborn.”

“Can I?” She asked for the rope.

“Be careful,” he said handing it to her.


Malachi watched Ravina take the rope from his brother. She led the stallion away, making him walk. He wasn’t sure what she was doing but both he and Joel watched cautiously and curiously. He was afraid she would hurt herself.

The stallion tried to resist now and then but Ravina gently led him out, taking him out.

“A walk won’t help. I have tried that.” Joel told him as they watched her leave.

“Well. Maybe she will be more successful.”

“What? Do you think the horse can smell that she is female? Then you shouldn’t let him take your breedmate.”

“You are right. I shouldn’t!” Malachi said trying to sound like his most possessive self.

Joel’s eyes widened. “I was joking.”

“So was I, idiot!”

“Oh..” he smiled sheepishly.

Malachi shook his head at him and decided to follow Ravina. He couldn’t leave her with the aggressive horse yet. He watched her from a distance as she led the horse on a walk on the grass field.

Slowly, she tried to reach for him with her other hand, getting closer to him step by step. While he flinched whenever the stallion made sudden movements, Ravina stayed calm and responded either by leading him or caressing him.

Joel watched curiously sitting on the haystack outside. “It will take time. I wonder if he will let her ride him. You know with that small body, if she falls off the horse, she will be injured.”

Why was he making him worry more?

Malachi ignored him and continued to watch Ravina, her white figure looking even more pale in comparison to the dark horse. Slowly, she became more daring and moved even closer, gently running her hand down his neck and back. Caressing his hair.

The stallion stopped pinning his hair down and even waved his tail. Ravina smiled. “Good boy,” she told him running her white fingers down his black hair.

“Is he waving his tail?” Joel asked standing up with a frown. “The bastard!”

Malachi ignored his brother. His eyes were glued on that woman. The way she smiled with satisfaction and praised the stallion as she caressed him.

She walked over with the horse, her eyes twinkling. “I think he likes me,” she said. He could hear the excitement in her voice.

This woman. More excited about a stallion liking her.

She touched him again. Malachi could see the care in her touch and the admiration in her eyes. She seemed to enjoy the feel, her hands delicately moving over his dark coat, taking her time to feel, to give, and show care.

Then slowly her eyes became sad and she stopped stroking him.

“Well now that you get along, you should name him,” Joel spoke.

She turned to them, her eyes still holding sadness. “Name him?”

“Yes. He is yours and you should be able to call him.”

Ravina looked back at the stallion, a small frown settling between her eyebrows. She gave him one gentle stroke while looking thoughtful.

“Darcy,” she said. “I think I will call him Darcy.”

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