
Chapter 157 Warm embrace

Malachi stiffened as his hands reached behind her back. She flinched a little when he accidentally touched one of her scars and then he pushed himself up. A stern expression hardened his face and he just grabbed her, pulling her up with him he turned her around as if she was a doll.

He was not completely himself she realized but she tried to remain calm. Removing her hair from her back, she felt him become still. She had seen what the scars looked like. It was not a pretty sight and she had seen ugly. After all, she cut herself many times.

Malachi was silent for a moment, then he released a harsh breath. She trembled, feeling his anger even when she couldn’t see his face. With a low menacing growl, that sent shivers all the way into her soul, he released her.

Ravina quickly rushed to turn around and just in time before he manages to get away she grabbed his arm. He was quick. He had already risen from the bed and she held onto his arm while kneeling on the bed.


He turned his head, the look in his eyes making her flinch and almost drop his arm. She felt the scales beneath her palm, and his claws were fully extended now.

“Where are you going?” She demanded to know, although she knew, that wasn’t why she was asking.

“To hunt. And Kill.”

“No! Don’t go!”

“Can’t stay!” He gritted his teeth, pulling his arm from her hold.

“But I need you to stay!” She called now getting hold of the garment around his waist. He paused and looked down at her hand but she didn’t release him. She couldn’t let him go when he wasn’t completely himself yet. “I- I need you,” she told him feeling the bitter taste of saying something unusual on her tongue.

“They hurt you. I need to make sure they never do again,” he spoke.

He wasn’t listening.

“But that is not what I need. That is not the only way to protect me.” She said thinking that he was acting on instinct now. “There are more things I am scared of now. So… don’t leave me alone.”

The scales that had grown thick, now faded and appeared back and forth as if matching his mood. His eyes met hers, a little calmer but still burning.

He turned his body to face her and only then did she relax, knowing he would listen. “There is no other way I can protect you,” he said.

There was something in his tone, a panic, an obsession like he couldn’t let it go because he feared something. She understood it had to do with his past experience with his sister.

“You can… hold me,” she suggested. “Comfort me.”

His eyes glowed a copper brown now and his face twisted in realization. “Not now,” he said suddenly avoiding looking at her. “I don’t have much control right now,” his voice came out as a harsh breath that escaped his control.

She understood. He was in more of his beast form so his instinct was stronger.

Hesitantly she let go of his garment, not wanting to make things more difficult for him.

“Does it hurt?” he asked.

She shook her head.

“You speak about infection all the time. Why have you not bandaged it?”

Well, because then she would have to bandage her chest as well and it wasn’t so comfortable. She was already uncomfortable with whatever the blouse covered.

“It is not an open wound anymore,” she replied.

“It will…” he began but then stopped abruptly.

She frowned. “It will?”


Before she could demand to know he changed the subject. “The blouse is pressing at the wound. You should take it off and wear a robe instead.” He said.

He just swirled around and went to look through the drawers. He pulled out one of his own robes and came back with it. “Here.”

She took it hesitantly. “Thank you,” she replied.

He stepped back and then turned around to give her privacy. So much for saying he wasn’t in control, she thought amused but she did notice that his scales were fading.

She took off her blouse quickly and pulled the robe over her shoulders. It was much bigger so it easily wrapped around her completely and covered all the way down to her feet. She thoughts that she could remove the upper skirt as well since it covered all of her. She slipped out of it and then held the robe wrapped around her.

“I need a belt,” she said to hold the robe together.

Without looking back he went to find a matching belt. He came back and before she could reach out for it, he reached around her to secure the belt. He tied it loosely around her waist and she watched his hands that had returned to normal and when she looked up, she met his gaze.

She held her breath.

“Do you still want me to hold you?” He asked.

Her lips parted but only a breath left her mouth. As if knowing how hard it was for her to say such things, he just got into bed, moving over to make some space, and then patted for her to come up.

Ravina crawled up and he held his arm out. She moved closer and he gently wrapped his arm around her shoulder before laying back with her. She didn’t enjoy sleeping on her back with injury so she turned away, her back touching his chest now. He put his arm around her but didn’t press her hard against him, being careful with her injury as well.

“Were you in much pain all these days?” She asked him.

“Not much. I was mostly worried. Why did you not leave?”

Because she would rather die. Her eyes burned again, thinking back to everything. How life could fail her again and turn everything upside down. Deprive her of the things she found along the way again. As if taking something once from her wasn’t enough.

“I don’t do that.” She said. “I don’t let people in easily and I don’t leave them behind easily.”

“That is… foolish.”

“You almost died protecting me. Who is foolish?”

“I would do it again,” he said.

“Don’t.” She said shivering as she remembered his blood pulsing through her fingers. The life almost escaping her hold. “You scared me,” she whispered.

He stroked up and down her arm gently, helping her stop shivering. “I am sorry you had to witness all of that. That you had to get hurt like this. I should have been more careful, knowing we have enemies.”

“It is because of me,” she said.

“No. You are just a good excuse they found.”

“You have to let me make weapons. I can help you.”

He sighed. “Sleep now. You need rest.” He drew her closer. She was so tired from lack of sleep that his warmth already made her want to close her eyes and succumb to the darkness despite the fear of nightmares.

“Don’t go while I am asleep,” she said.

“I’ll be here until you wake up,” he promised.

Believing him, she relaxed and closed her eyes.

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