
Chapter 296 Pearlescent

After dinner, Richard retired to spend some private time with his daughters. Ares, Ephraim, and Malachi settled into the quiet of the evening, sharing a final glass of wine before the day's end. Nazneen had stepped away earlier, and her absence was beginning to stretch.

"I think I'll retreat for the night," Ares announced, setting his cup aside. A teasing glint sparkled in his eyes as he turned to Ephraim and Malachi. "Since you'll both be without your ladies tonight, feel free to share a room." 

The jest elicited a couple of smiles. Their personalities being poles apart made the suggestion even more amusing.

Retreating to his room, Ares wondered if Nazneen had inadvertently dozed off. The responsibilities of her new role seemed to weigh heavily on her. 

Upon reaching his room, Ares pushed open the door. He paused on the threshold, his senses enveloped by a sweet, intoxicating aroma wafting from within. As he pushed the door to close behind him, he looked around the room that was bathed in the soft, sensuous glow of candles, casting long, dancing shadows on the walls.

Nazneen stood by the window, her silhouette etched against the soft light, a vision of ethereal beauty. Her figure, gracefully curvaceous, was delicately highlighted by the warm candlelight, the shadows emphasizing her allure. 

As she turned, her face remained partially concealed by the shadows, but he could feel the slow, seductive smile that curved her lips. 

The glimmering candlelight traced over her body, showcasing the magnificent selection of jewelry she had adorned. She wore a bodice made of pearls that draped sensuously around her shoulders and chest, the lustrous gems glistening in the soft light against her flawless skin. Matching the bodice, a skirt of pearl strands cinched at her hips, with strings of pearls cascading down to her exquisite thighs. 

"I thought pearls would appeal to a pirate and a sea creature," she mused, her voice laced with playful seduction.

Ares was momentarily speechless, captivated by the sensual spectacle before him. Managing a single word, he murmured, "Yes…"

Her laughter was a low, melodic chime in response. "It seems I've rendered you speechless for once. Why not come and claim your treasure?"

Ares had been seduced before, but this was entirely different, utterly spellbinding. It felt as if he was living every man's erotic dream, and he considered himself incredibly fortunate.

He found himself drawn toward her, each slow, deliberate step pulsing with anticipation. His gaze remained riveted on her, the candlelight playing a tantalizing game of hide and seek, revealing parts of her, while concealing others. As he finally stood before her, their eyes locked - hers glowing amber, mirroring the anticipation in his own.

She stepped closer as well, enough so that he could feel the heat of her body. He lifted a hand, his fingers grazing the string of pearls draped around the swell of her breasts. "I see you've made good use of my gifts," he managed, his voice a low rumble filled with burgeoning desire.

The pearls, though mere accessories, seemed to come alive under his touch, teasing her skin and evoking a sensual response. Ares moved closer, now brushing his palm over the pearls, causing the beads to roll over her skin. She let out a soft sigh, her eyes closing briefly in pleasure. 

He leaned in, and his lips found the curve of her neck, pressing soft kisses against her skin, while his arms wrapped around her, drawing her closer. The pearls shifted under the pressure, rolling over her breasts, teasing her hardened nipples while he nipped at her neck. 

Nazneen threw her head back, her body arching into the surge of heat coursing through her veins. Her fingers entangled in his hair, pulling him closer as his lips traced a path down her throat. Her breath quickened, and her skin warmed with a delicate flush of arousal.

Ares's hand slipped between their bodies, gently cupping Nazneen's breasts above the pearls. He skillfully massaged her soft flesh, his fingers working in a motion that caused the pearls to roll back and forth over her sensitive peaks. 

With each roll, the beads created a delightful friction, coaxing soft moans from her lips. Her nubs responded eagerly to the teasing touch, growing even more engorged and sensitive. The sensation was exquisite, a combination of pleasure and exquisite torture that made her whimper in his hold. 

His mouth kissed a trail along her jaw, finding her lips. He kissed her lips briefly, "I would have skipped the foreplay, but you have chosen such exquisite accessory." He husked, taking her mouth again and stifling a moan caused by the rolling of pearls on her chest again. 

She had indeed chosen a torturous accessory. 

Ares's exploration continued, his hands sliding under the strands of her pearl skirt, relishing the warmth and smoothness of her skin. In a swift, decisive movement, he lifted her, prompting her to wrap her legs around his waist. A fluid twirl brought them to the wide window ledge. He carefully placed her onto the cool marble surface, making sure the pearly strands were out of the way to not cause her any discomfort. The sudden chill of the marble against her heated skin caused her to shiver.

Ares continued to shower her with passionate kisses, his mouth seeking its way down, finding the valleys between the pearl strands.

Throwing her head back, Nazneen surrendered herself to the moment. Her legs remained tightly wrapped around Ares's waist, one hand entangled in his hair while the other propped on the windowsill, allowing her to lean back and grant him access to her chest. The heat of his mouth seeped through the strands of pearls that created an erotic barrier, teasing without allowing full contact with his mouth. This drove her wild and didn't go well with her impatient nature. 

She arched further, desperate to have his mouth on her skin. Her legs instinctively tightened around him, pulling him closer, causing the cascade of her pearl skirt between them to create a delicious friction against her inner thighs before slipping between her legs and rubbing sensually against her most sensitive area. Nazneen gasped, her legs tensing around him. 

"I love pearls," Ares husked, pressing his aroused body more firmly against hers before subtly moving his hips in a sensual rhythm.

Her breath hitched, and she felt an intense heat pooling between her legs. Ares's mouth danced above her breasts, seeking entrance through the pearls. Finally, he took her peaked nipple into his mouth, his tongue rolling it against the bead.

A desperate whimper, laden with a mixture of longing and urgency, escaped her lips as a surge of intense need surged through her body. Her senses heightened, every nerve ending ablaze with desire, as she pressed her hips against his, seeking more friction, more contact. The delicate caress of the accessory against her core added an exquisite dimension to the pleasure that was building within her. It was a desperate plea, an unspoken invitation for him to take her to the heights of ecstasy, to quench the intense craving that consumed her.

Sensing her urgency and need, Ares slipped a hand between her legs, his fingers expertly navigating the delicate terrain. With deliberate intent, he pressed the pearls more firmly against her pulsating core, allowing the string of beads to glide sensually between her folds.

Her moan of pleasure filled the room, an unabashed expression of the ecstasy coursing through her. The sound reverberated off the walls, mingling with the rhythmic gasps that escaped her parted lips each time he moved the string along between her intimate folds. 

The sensations became almost unbearable, an exquisite torment that pushed her to the brink of madness. Her breaths grew increasingly erratic, her body quivered with anticipation, responding eagerly to the rhythm he created. The tension coiled within her, building like a crescendo and then, in a moment of electric connection, her body surrendered. Wave after wave of pleasure washed over her, consuming her in a euphoric embrace. 

Ares held her securely while she lost control of her body, preventing her from falling back onto the window. He carried her up as she trembled in the aftermath, her body still buzzing with the echoes of pleasure. 

He then placed her on the soft mattress of his bed. She looked up at him, her head still spinning. He began to take off his vest, tossing it aside. She watched him as he undid his belt, not allowing her heart to calm. 

He paused with the belt still in his hand, tilting his head slightly as his gaze roamed over her. A mischievous smile played on his lips, his eyes filled with a primal desire. "Are you positioned the way you want to be taken?"

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