
Chapter 310 With You

As he woke from his restless slumber, his gaze fell upon Ravina, still in a peaceful sleep beside him. Her complexion had improved, and the wounds on her neck were gradually fading, leaving behind a mark that resembled a crescent moon.

With a gentle touch to her face, Malachi silently urged her to awaken, his mind restless until he could see her eyes open once more, but she remained sleeping. 

Leaving her side with a sigh he started his morning with a flurry of activity as he faced the daunting task of rebuilding their ravaged village with his people. Malachi took charge, overseeing the construction of lookout stations atop the mountains, ensuring their vigilance against future threats. 

He took pride in the capable individuals Aaron had selected for their new court, knowing that they would effectively implement their plans. The citizens, too, actively contributed to the restoration efforts, their resilience and determination echoing the spirit of unity.

The looming threat of the red dragons' return weighed heavily on their minds. Malachi understood the importance of being prepared and showing a united front. They needed to show the red dragons or any other dragon clan that their clan would not be easily defeated, and that any attempts to disrupt their peace would be rendered futile.

Malachi rallied his people, instilling in them the belief that their unity and unwavering resolve would prevail against any threat. They needed to instill fear in the enemy. 

He was now confident with his brothers by his side, and grateful for their unwavering support. The weight of their responsibilities would have been overwhelming had he faced it alone.

Nazneen returned with Ares's men, who were currently under her command. Together with the court, they delved into the strategies of human warfare, learning about the humans ways of battle,  to be ready for any attack. This alliance not only strengthened their defenses but also showcased the existence of humans who sought peace with them and were willing to help them and fight by their side. 

Noah, Ares's most trusted man, worked closely with Malachi, strategizing the usage of weapons and devising plans to set traps in case of an impending army. They discussed various traps that could be employed to hinder an army riding on horses, such as strategically placed pitfalls, hidden snares, and barricades that would slow their progress. Malachi was determined to ensure that these plans were set into motion as soon as possible, aware of the need for effective defense mechanisms.

Additionally, they examined the armor worn by the fallen human soldiers, hoping to gain any insights or clues from the design and symbols. Unfortunately, most of the soldiers had perished in the battle, leaving them with only a few prisoners. Noah didn't recognize the armor but the he wanted to look into the symbol as it seemed familiar to him. Malachi left the task to him. 

The day passed quickly, and Malachi immersed himself in his duties until Saul interrupted, reminding him of his own well-being. 

"Did you eat anything the whole day?" Saul asked. 

Despite his lack of hunger, the mention of food reminded him of his longing to return home and see Ravina.

"Let's get back and eat," Saul said, patting him on the shoulder. 

Together, they made their way back to their home and to his disappointment, Ravina was still deep in slumber, her recovery progressing at its own pace. Malachi had dinner without her once again, already feeling the void of her presence. 

As he retired for the night, he sat by her side and spoke to her as if she could hear him. "Wake up Ravina. Let me see your beautiful eyes. Let me heart rest. Let's wake up together tomorrow. Alright?" He tenderly tucked her in, gently stroking her hair and placing a loving kiss on her forehead before settling down to sleep beside her, hopeful for the day he would witness her awakening.

That night, the dream of the mysterious couple once again haunted Malachi's sleep, their identities still shrouded in mystery. Yet, despite the uncertainty, he couldn't shake the lingering sense of serenity that enveloped him upon waking, as if an unseen force assured him that everything would eventually fall into place.

"Malachi!" A soft, familiar voice made his eyes shoot wide open, chasing away any remnants of sleep. 

He sat upright, met by the elegant sight of Ravina sitting at the corner of the bed. A soft smile curved her lips, her golden hair shining brighter than before, and her eyes twinkling. 

"Ravina?" Malachi's voice trembled with a mixture of disbelief and overwhelming relief as he witnessed her awakening. A wave of joy washed over him, a weight slowly being lifted from his shoulders.

Her smile widened, reflecting the happiness that radiated from within her. "You must have been very worried," she said softly. 

Without hesitation, Malachi beckoned her closer. "Come here!" he exclaimed. "Let me make sure this isn't a dream."

Ravina chuckled softly. She crawled up onto the bed, gracefully sitting up on her knees, before wrapping her arms around him in a warm embrace. "Still think it is a dream?" She asked playfully. 

He held her tightly. "You are a dream come true." His hands roaming her body as if to make sure of the reality of the situation and to ensure she was truly alright. 

He pulled her back. "Are you in pain?" 

She shook her head. "No. I feel… rested." She smiled. 

"Well, you haven't eaten for two days. We need to get you food and … perhaps a bath and…" 

"Malachi," she said, grabbing his face between her hands. "I am alright, and I am here now. There is no rush. I am not going anywhere." 

Malachi's shoulders sagged as a wave of relief washed over him. He let out a sigh, feeling the weight of his worries dissipate. The tension that had coiled tightly within him began to unwind, allowing a sense of peace to settle in its place, and it was overwhelming. He hadn't even realized how tense he had been. 

"I was so afraid," he admitted. 

Ravina's thumbs gently caressed his cheeks as she looked into his eyes, her gaze filled with understanding "I know," she whispered softly. 

"I couldn't bear the thought of losing you," he confessed, his voice tinged with vulnerability."If anything happens to you I can't live…" 

Her thumb came to his lips, pressing them to silence him. "Don't utter foolish words. Don't think of ifs. Be here with me." She said. 

"With you is where I want to be," he said.

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