
Chapter 54 Execution!

"You can just call me nameless!"

Hearing such a chunni name the corners of Elric's mouth slightly twitched, shaking his head he quickly put away any distracting thoughts

"Okay nameless, based on the amount of mana you emit, I don't think those inquisitors would be able to lock you up if you resisted, so why are you here?"

Taking a quick scan of the entire prison Elric couldn't help but be shocked by the mana levels detected in nameless direction, it was by far the largest he had encountered so far

Listening to Elric say this although he wasn't sure what Mana was, nameless didn't seem surprised by Elric being able to detect his strength

"Haha that's because this old man let them catch me, isn't it the same as you?"

Still light nameless once again said something so absurd in such a light manner,

However after thinking about it, Elric realised that nameless was right, he did also tell George and the rest not to put up a fight, but rather surrender

"It seems I made the correct guess, so boy, tell me what could you have done to be branded a demon?"

"And think hard now, don't say you don't know"

Just as Elric was still contemplating on what next to ask, he suddenly heard a question from nameless in his head

It's just that to answer this question Elric began to hesitate after all according to his guess the only reason they could brand him and the others as demons was due to the existence of magic.

Unfortunately Elric couldn't understand how they were discovered or exposed in the first place

*Could it be one of the villagers noticed something and betrayed us?*

*Given the fact that was too engrossed in my research in the library, any of them could have taken a peek inside and I wouldn't notice due to my lack of focus on my surroundings*

Although he thought so in his mind Elric didn't fully believe it, after all thinking back to the looks of dependence and trust in their eyes whenever they met, Elric couldn't believe that it was all fake.

"Oh? It seems that you don't want to tell me, could it be that it has something to do with that book floating in your soul?"

"Let me take a closer look at it then"

As soon as nameless voice fell, the book which was supposed to be within Elric. Completely disappeared.


Feeling the disappearance of the spell book Elric Immediately tried to summon it back unfortunately there was no reaction from the spell book.

Realising there was nothing he could do Elric could only wait for nameless to be done with his spell book and hope nothing goes wrong.

Soon time passed and with every second or minute gone Elric couldn't help but feel anxious hoping that he would get his book back sooner

However, just when he was about to try and contact nameless again, familiar laughter resounded throughout his mind

"Haha interesting, as expected of someone I fancy!"

"It's amazing that a fellow human can study so far with so little time, and this is definitely a unique path I haven't seen before!"

Hearing nameless voice, Elric could hear all kinds of emotions such as excitement, relief, envy, and much more, however one this he said was what caught Elric's mind 'a fellow human'

Thinking of this sentence an absurd question suddenly came to mind, unable to hold in his curiosity he immediately asked what was on his mind

"Senior nameless, could it be you're also human!?"

It was at this time that the possibility of nameless being human crossed Elric's mind after all in Elric's view apart from the few humans under the three houses the rest were all weak

"Could it be you're a blasphemer?"

With a curious expression on his face, Elric waited for his answer completely forgetting the spellbook incident

"Haha close but not close enough!"

"According to you guys, This Old man is what you call the first blasphemer!"

Although Elric had somewhat expected the answer due to the mana levels detected before and the strength currently shown by him, it was still shocking to hear him say it

"Hey boy take your book, it's a nice idea you've got there however there's still much for you to be done"

Immediately after nameless said that the spell book immediately returned to Elric's soul

"Boy, why don't you be my apprentice? I'll teach you all I can before I get executed tomorrow"

"And don't say you can't because you're also going to be executed tomorrow, this old man assures you you'll get out of there safely along with your little friends"

Listening to nameless words Elric couldn't help but hesitate as he desperately needed more knowledge now to help the wizard profession plus if he had nameless help escaping tomorrow their chances would definitely increase

So after deliberating it for a while, with a serious face Elric suddenly spit out one word


Hearing this nameless Immediately burst into laughter as if he had achieved a great goal

"Haha Good!"

"I came here looking for someone named Elena Sole to be my apprentice However I accidentally picked up another gem, it seems this old man's luck hasn't run out"

Although nameless was laughing, Elric couldn't still hear a tinge of sadness in his voice when he mentioned his luck running down, hearing this Elric realised that his getting arrested may not be so simple on the surface, thinking of this he couldn't help but ask out

"Master, since you're so powerful and have lived for thousands of years, why surrender and agree to get executed?"

After All, according to Elena's Diary, the first blasphemer was born thousands of years ago, but according to this situation, it seemed his thousand-year life was about to get to an end.



After a few minutes of silence nameless suddenly spoke only this time it wasn't accompanied by his usual laughter but rather a serious tone

"Boy, when you're someone like me who's lived his whole life to improve the human race's status you'll notice a lot of things you never did"

"In this world there are rules, and to suddenly want to try and change a rule is to go against the world"

Hearing nameless speak Elric's face also gradually became serious, seeing this from his cell nameless just nodded slightly and continued

"However something amazing recently happened, in all my years of wondering, all the research, in all the loss and all the gains, I have finally found hope to save my human race!"

As nameless spoke an unspeakable excitement could be detected in his tone

"However for my human race to be saved, this can only be implemented by my death and execution"

"So don't think too much about it and try and learn as much as you can before tomorrow"

Hearing nameless say this, although sadly there was nothing he could do to save this man who dedicated his life to saving the human race, Elric could only nod promising to learn as much as possible before the execution

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