
Chapter 5: Rebirth [1]

Chapter 5: Rebirth [1]

Stepping out of the train, my eyes were greeted by that same boring orange sky that never seemed to change.

I\'ve heard stories of how the sky used to be blue back in the day, and how folks used to call this rock the "blue planet."

But apparently, after the shitshow known as \'World War 3\', our sky decided to switch to a badass shade of red.

And over time, thanks to some real catastrophic shit, it gradually morphed its color into orange.

Of course, being more apt in engineering, chemistry, and math, I didn\'t know much shit about history of our planet.

I had also received training as a laboratory assistant, mainly in medical laboratory science, from my grandfather. But, my true talent is in the field of computer science.

Well, shit...I know it all sounds geeky as hell, but being stuck to the damn bed most of the time and unable to live like a regular person, didn\'t leave me with a whole lot to do.

So, I dived into a shitload of subjects, studying most of the time.

I got closer to the place, some dude approached me. "Ah, you gotta be Dr. Hope\'s grandson," he barked, his voice all rough. "I\'m the security sentinel \'round here. Follow my ass \'cause Mr. Reynar\'s been waitin\' for your arrival."

Following the security guard, I passed through a large metal gate and was then approached by a beautiful woman who had an Indian appearance.

She was wearing a lab coat. "Hello Noah, I\'m Dr. Amodini. Assistant to Sir Hope. He sent me to come and get you", she said, motioning for me to follow her. A smile appeared on her face. "He\'s waiting for you inside the lab."

I don\'t mind ...following your beautiful a.s..-back!

I mean back! Jess what a mis-slip.

Good thing I didn\'t actually say it.


(Inside the lab)

A small poem to explain what confronted me —

Steel. Grey. Cold.

Wires. Glasses. Doors.

(End of poem)

People donning white coats and dresses.

Unfamiliar machines and hovering white orbs--drones I guessed. This was the sight that greeted me on my way, following Dr. Amodini\'s beautiful as--back!

I meant back!

Damn it! This mis-slip just keeps happening all the time!

I shook my head in my own disappointment.

Finally, we arrived at a pristine, all-white room, void of any belongings or objects, an empty tomb.

Telling me to stay there, Dr. Amodini took her leave. I tried to not look at her beautiful back as she left.

The white room was completely empty, like a blank piece of paper. There was nothing.

"Hmm"—I absorbed the scene.

\'Oh?\'—I saw something.

I take back my previous statement and that there was not nothing in the room.

There was something— a white metallic table and a chair and a door at the far end, which suddenly opened only to reveal an old man.

"Ah, Noah. You are here! "—his voice echoed.

The old man was stooped with age, his face etched with lines of experience and wisdom.

But there was a fire in his eyes, a glint of determination that belied his age of 78.

"Grandfather Hope"—I said.

He smiled. But his smile didn\'t quiet reach his eyes.

I redirected my attention to the otherwise hollow white void, I had to call a \'room\'. Remembering everything I saw while coming here I asked, "What exactly is this place? I have never seen this part of the establishment before?"

"A shelter for innovative thoughts. Come follow me", he gestured,"I have figured the cure."

His words hung in the air.

"Cure?"— I reiterated.

"Yes, a cure. Back when your father entrusted me with the responsibility—to find a cure for you, I didn\'t think that cure could also be the antidote for this world."

The mention of my father stirred a wave of emotion within me, gratitude, sorrow...

"To save the world, huh?"

He motioned for me to follow his old wrinkly ass. I didn\'t mind . He was my grandfather after all.

Together, we went deeper into the building, each step resonating with the symphony of gears turning.

I was led to a section at the end of the hallway which was separated from the rest.

Right in front of us was a black wall, with an electrical compartment to the right and on the left...

When I shifted my gaze to the left side of the hallway, I came face to face with a colossal metallic door, adorned with a strange S-shaped mark. As I stared at the unfamiliar symbol, I felt a sudden weakness wash over me.

I judged that it was perhaps due to my blood condition.

But I refocused my attention back on grandfather.

Hope waved his hand mid air, and the wall infront diverged to reveal an extra compartment.

Inside, I saw a small room, filled with what looked like glass containers containing silvery dust floating in some translucent liquid.

He looked at me with a calculating expression. "These are nano machines. Something we can use to survive in this god forsaken world. "

\'Nano machines?\'—I thought, almost impressed.

Keyword \'almost\'.

Nano machine-the concept did exists but we were 60 years too early for them to be developed for functional use. Did he already do it?

Hope placed a hand on my shoulder, "They will revolutionize medicine, energy production, communication. Something we need urgently."

"And they can cure_me?" I asked, though I already knew the answer.

"Doubting my abilities, are we? "—Hope asked with a smirk. "Get ready for the procedure."

***(Sometime later)

\'Procedure\', huh... that was one way to say that my body would be covered in cold, slimy liquid from toe all the way up to my chest.

And that hundreds of small needles, extending into pipes —which were directly connected to the Nanite glass containments, will be injected all over my body- from my neck, legs, arms, ass and ballsacks....okay maybe not in the ballsacks.

And that the beautiful a...back of Dr. Amodini will be pointing at my face, as she works on a holographic monitor.

By the way, I was inside a vertical cylindrical glass contraption, with my limbs and body securely strapped inside. And I was naked.

Luckily for Dr Amodini and the other women here, they won\'t get to see my anaconda.

My nether regions were covered.

[Please close your eyes, the procedure is about to start]—The AI installed in the cylindrical machine warned.

I closed my eyes...slowly, taking in the last view of the beautiiiifuuull back of Dr Amodini.

Pffiissshh! —Some weird gas was released into the claustrophobic cylindrical machine I was in and I started feeling dizzy.

The last thing I felt before losing my consciousness was the liquid flowing all the way up-to my head entering my nostrils and lungs.

The next moment, I was out.


Darkness—that was all I was seeing.

\'What is this place?\'



Hmm? Did I hear something?

No, more importantly, where am I?



What was that? I could hear something in this otherwise pitch-black space.


"Noah!"—Alerted by the voice, I jolted awake. "Hnfhaaaa!"—I took a deep breath and sat up abruptly, but felt \'something\' beneath me.

As the view in front of me came into focus, I realized I was inside the same laboratory. But, instead of being hooked up to the contraption, I found myself sitting in a bed.

Pant! Pant! Pant!—I took a few deep breaths until my sense of reality slowly returned.

"Noah, are you alright?"—Someone placed a gentle hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Dr. Amodini, her black eyes peering into mine, my body still naked.

"Yeah... I think I\'m okay. Sort of. What happened?"—I asked.

Dr. Amodini handed me a bottle of water, advising me to hydrate myself.

"You passed out. Lost consciousness,"—Hope, my grandfather, responded, his attention fixed on typing something on a holographic monitor hovering above a box-like contraption device.

I looked downwards to find a thick cable resembling a massive electric data cable emerging from my lower back, specifically around my tailbone area. It was directly connected to the contraption my grandfather was typing into, while I still held onto the bottle of water.

Honestly, the sight of the wire plunging into my tailbone region felt so bizarre that it evoked a phobic sensation, almost as if my rational reasoning was urging me to flee in terror. I could almost sense the delicate lymph tissue and pulsating blood ...

"Relax, Noah. This is simply part of the procedure,"—Dr. Amodini reassured me, not shying away from my naked body.

"How long was I unconscious?"

"For four hours,"—she replied.

I quickly gulped the entire water bottle.

Once my thirst was satisfied, I remained seated on the cold medical bed, still naked, except for my lower part.

Hope exclaimed, "It\'s done!"—TAP! He tapped a command on the holographic monitor, and

Thiss!—"Ouch!"—I glanced down to see the tube that had been inserted into my back now being ejected.

\'That\'s so strange,\'—I furrowed my brow.

[Serial number: 01Z-619. Activating the 1st generation of Nanomachines. Scanning the user\'s physical data...]

Suddenly , I began hearing a voice inside my FUCKING HEAD!

And accompanying the voice was an eerie light emanating from my body.

"WHAT THE HELL?! WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?! "—I stood up, feeling frightened.

"Noah, relax!"—Hope approached me, offering comfort.

[Scanning complete. All vital\'s are okay. Condition healing... ]

"The hell is happening ! I can hear some voice in my head... It ..it feels weird! Like \'something\' is inside of me! "—I blurted , losing my resonality.

"Noah calm down! They are the Nanomachines! "—Amodini tried to comfort me while hugging."Relax!"

[Deploying Oxytocin to regulate emotional state.]

[Monitoring and regulating blood pressure.]—The same voice rang in my head but I immediately found myself calming down... Almost like someone sucked the panicness out of me.

And after sometime I was explained of the whole situation.

"The Nanobots runs under the system developed by your father. The system AI can talk to you inside your mind. Think of itas an assistant. It\'s normal"

\'Normal my ass\' I almost let out.

But I only nodded.

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