
Chapter 95 95: My Memory!

Power stones☺�☺�☺�☺�


The book interrupted, "Ah, but you humans have such quaint customs. It\'s not a big deal, really. And who knows, you might actually enjoy spending time with her. Just give it a chance, will you?"

Alex sighed. He wasn\'t sure what to make of the book\'s insistence on this marriage, but he didn\'t want to upset it either. "Fine, I\'ll give it a chance. But can we focus on more important matters at hand, like finding this sword you mentioned earlier?"

"I like you! I really, really like you! I\'m happy that I picked you since you have all it takes to replace \'Asmodeus\' as the Lord of Lust in the Realm of Lust. That\'s quite a mouthful, but whatever, I wish you the best of luck with that damned son of mine and that tournament held once every decade... assuming you live long enough. HA HA. I am very happy, choob."

After then, the peculiar individuals were nowhere to be found. Alex realised that despite the fact that this was just the second time he had seen those words, he still did not fully comprehend them.

Alex was certain that the words he had just heard were from the former lord. Although he couldn\'t confirm it, he had a strong feeling that the voice and the person were one and the same.

He picked up the book and flipped through its pages until he found the spot where he had left off reading.

The Grimoire, much like the voice he had just heard, lacked any semblance of organization or structure. The words seemed to be scattered randomly throughout the pages, making it difficult for Alex to discern any meaning or order.

As he read on, he realized that the chaotic nature of the book was intentional. It was designed to be difficult to decipher and understand, a deliberate attempt to keep its contents hidden from anyone who wasn\'t meant to access them.

The former lord must have known this and intentionally left his message in a place that would be difficult to find and interpret.

As Alex continued to read the Grimoire, he couldn\'t help but notice the haphazard way in which the text was written.

It seemed as though a child of no more than four years old had been given the task of copying a paragraph into the book, but instead of following any semblance of order, they had written the words at random. To make matters worse, the child\'s handwriting was sloppy and difficult to read.

Despite the chaotic nature of the text, Alex was determined to commit every spell he read to memory.

He knew that the Grimoire contained powerful magic that could aid him in his quest, and he was willing to put in the effort to decipher its contents.

Luckily, Alex had an somewhat good memory from his previous self memory at his disposal. This allowed him to easily recall any spells he had previously read, making it easier for him to locate them in the Grimoire.

He couldn\'t help but feel grateful for this gift, as it made the task of navigating the chaotic book much easier.

Alex couldn\'t help but wonder if his somewhat good memory was something that came naturally to him as a demon or Lord of Lust.

Perhaps it was a result of his exposure to the Grimoire itself. Regardless of the reason, he was determined to use his abilities to their fullest potential in order to unlock the secrets of the book.

As Alex continued to read through spells to store them into his memory, he couldn\'t help but feel a pang of regret. It was a humbling experience to realize how easy it was for him to memorize these incantations, knowing how difficult it must be for others to learn and remember large quantities of words in order to cast a wide variety of spells suitable for any situation.

Despite his confidence in his abilities, he knew that his now enhance memory was not something that everyone possessed.

He felt a sense of empathy for those who had to put in more effort to master their craft. He wondered how many promising mages had given up due to the sheer amount of work required to become proficient in magic.

Alex knew that Limbra, in particular, would have to work hard to maintain her magical skills. Although he had not yet witnessed her in action, he had no doubt that she was an expert in her field. He imagined her pouring over tomes and scrolls, memorizing spells and practicing incantations until they were second nature. He knew that it was this level of dedication that separated the true masters from the novices.

As Alex continued to immerse himself in the study of magic, his thoughts turned to the succubus he had seen in the city the other day. He was certain that what she had done was magic of some kind, especially given the circumstances surrounding her actions.

What intrigued Alex the most was the fact that the succubus had not chanted any incantations, recited any spells, or even spoken much at all during the entire process. Instead, she had simply raised one of her tarot cards and spoken out the name of the card she was holding. Alex couldn\'t help but wonder what kind of magic was at play here.

Intrigued by the mysterious succubus, Alex decided to make an effort to recall the outcomes of each card she had already used.

He pored over the deck, studying each card in turn, and noting down its corresponding meaning. It was then that he discovered the ability of the High Priestess card, the first one the succubus had used during their encounter.

Alex\'s curiosity was piqued even further. He wondered if there were other tarot cards that held magical powers, and if so, what they were capable of. He resolved to investigate further, eager to unlock the secrets of this mysterious art.

Perhaps the tarot held the key to unlocking even more powerful magic, magic that could aid him in his quest to become a master of the arcane.


(A/N: Hello guys done reading. If yes, send a power stone, 1 power stone is also enough we just have to increase fan value, so 1 power stone is enough, but if you like the novel I won\'t mind if you send more stones, and plz don\'t forget the gifts.)

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