
Chapter 114 114: Sudden Ice Atmosphere!

Power stones☺�☺�☺�☺�


His steady progress up the wall was a testament to his strength, skill, and determination. Finally reaching the top, he paused to catch his breath and take in the stunning views from his elevated vantage point.

Batibat focused his thoughts and expanded his consciousness to scan the entire palace grounds in search of Iris and Katiyana.

Being human, they did not possess a distinct Sin that he could detect, and so he had to rely on the emotional energy emanating from their souls to locate them.

As he scanned the area, he felt a faint stirring of unease within him. He had always prided himself on his ability to read people\'s emotions with ease, but there was something about the way these two women were feeling that eluded him.

Undeterred, he continued to search until he finally felt a glimmer of recognition. It was a subtle feeling, but it was enough for him to pinpoint their location. They were in a garden on the eastern side of the palace.

Without hesitation, he began to climb up the side of the spire. Using his impressive physical agility, he quickly scaled the walls until he reached the top.

Once there, he clung to the very tip of the spire, wrapping his legs around it to anchor himself in place.

As Batibat approached the top of the spire, he heard a voice coming from a succubus who was sitting on a nearby window ledge.

She mocked him, saying, "And what might it be that brought you up here, Maturity? Have you surrendered to your desire for inanimate things yet?"

Batibat brushed off her remark and replied, "I\'m taking care of any issues that may arise in preparation for the meeting that\'s coming up soon, which is the job that you should all be doing. Because it is evident that you are not engaged in anything vital right now, Limbra, I was wondering if you could please inform me whether or not you had seen Iris or Katiyana."

"Well, well, to be honest, I haven\'t been paying all that much attention to the ground. I\'ll have you know that I\'m not utterly apathetic, as I am the only one who is even paying attention to any possible attacks from the air, so that should give you some indication. Aside from that, I am currently sipping on some tea... Do you want some? It\'s delicious!" Limbra said casually as she took another sip of her tea.

Batibat sighed, "No, thank you. I\'m trying to locate Iris and Katiyana. Have you seen them around?"

Limbra, the succubus on the window ledge, let out a sigh and replied, "I haven\'t seen them anywhere, but I did hear that they were arguing earlier. Maybe they\'re still at it somewhere."

Batibat\'s expression grew grim at the news of their argument. "Thank you for letting me know, Limbra. I\'ll continue my search for them."

As he turned to leave, Limbra called out, "Hey, Maturity! Don\'t forget to live a little, okay? All work and no play makes for a very dull demon."

Batibat merely nodded in acknowledgement and though of something other.

Despite the slim possibility of aerial attacks, Batibat couldn\'t help but acknowledge Limbra\'s proficiency with projectile magic.

Her skills in that regard would make her an excellent line of defense against airborne attackers, if they were to occur. However, he still believed that it was unlikely for any enemy to come from the skies.

His thoughts shifted to a previous conversation he had with Limbra. She had confided in him about her own physical weaknesses, expressing that she was not particularly strong.

Nevertheless, he knew that her magical prowess more than made up for her lack of physical strength.

"It\'s good to know that we have you watching out for us, Limbra," Batibat said with a smile, grateful for the succubus\'s contribution to their defense.

Limbra chuckled. "Of course, it\'s what I\'m here for. And don\'t worry about me being caught off guard. My tea might be delicious, but I won\'t let it distract me from my duties," she replied, taking another sip of her drink.

Limbra\'s physical strength was not particularly noteworthy, as she had a unique muscle structure that made it impossible for her to fly independently. Despite having wings, she was unable to use them to their full potential. In order to overcome this disadvantage, she began carrying an umbrella with her. This provided stability and allowed her to glide through the air like Mary Poppins, with her wings providing minimal acceleration.

Limbra would also use wind magic to increase her speed or elevation when needed. Although she was not the most physically strong demon, she made up for it with her impressive projectile magic and her ability to manoeuvre through the air with ease.

Limbra responded, "Ice? That\'s strange. It\'s not common for ice to be present in that area. Maybe Katiyana and Iris caused it with their bickering." She took a sip of her tea and then added, "But I could be wrong. It\'s not like I\'ve been paying much attention to them."

Batibat nodded in agreement, "It\'s worth checking out. I have a feeling that they might be there. Thanks, Limbra."

He then pushed himself off the spire and into the air, aiming towards the direction of the cool area where he sensed the presence of Iris and Katiyana. As he flew closer, the temperature dropped even further, confirming his suspicions.

As Batibat made his way towards the unusually chilly area, he couldn\'t help but overhear Limbra\'s bizarre musings.

"I don\'t think that\'s a good idea, Limbra. It\'s important that we all work together and respect each other," he replied, hoping to discourage her from acting on her sadistic urges.


(A/N: Hello guys done reading. If yes, send a power stone, 1 power stone is also enough we just have to increase fan value, so 1 power stone is enough, but if you like the novel I won\'t mind if you send more stones, and plz don\'t forget the gifts.)

Thank you very much for all your support.

I will upload 5 extra chapters for every 1 magic castle� . If someone is interested and want extra chapters. You know what to do. � �

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