
Chapter 17 Mayhem

As soon as Dave and the others saw the blue messages, they started panicking. They didn\'t know what was about to happen, all they could do at the moment was brace themselves. Quickly, all of them jumped on their feet, open the doors, and went outside. For the moment, they thought that it would be for the best to inform soldiers, stationed around this facility, they could tell them about the message that they just received.

The facility that they were staying in was made especially for the Earthians, it was the same one that they had stayed in yesterday, it was specially commissioned by the city of Ravenshade. And according to Carlin all the Earthians that had been officially identified, were all staying here.

Their doors were not locked so they were able to roam around the facility. But the only thing that they had to make sure of was that they don\'t leave the facility. Because if they leave it, they will be hunted down by Carlin\'s men…

When Dave and others came out of their room, they started searching for soldiers who were stationed there. And it didn\'t take them long enough and they finally found one. But the problem was that the soldiers didn\'t believe them. They didn\'t believe it even when every single of the Earthians staying in the facility came out, all of them started creating a ruckus because of the message that they had received, but still, the soldiers didn\'t believe them.

As every Earthian was a low-level person, they were not able to argue with soldiers on equal footing, after all this was not Earth, and this was not some government facility. But the hell broke loose when every Earthian was issued an emergency quest. And when they saw they there will be a constant onslaught of the beasts on them, till sunrise, everyone started panicking.

People started shouting and throwing things at the soldiers. Dave stopped Soo-Young, Sanjay, and Suzie from participating in the assault. People wanted to get out there. They wanted to go to the Ravenshade where they will be protected by 10 m-long walls from all directions. No one wanted to stay in this facility anymore. And more importantly, they wanted their weapons back.

Dave noticed that even though people behaved poorly, the guards didn\'t do anything to them. They just deflected or easily evaded the objects being thrown at them. Seeing this, Dave realized that maybe these soldiers had been instructed by the city to behave this way. After all, they wouldn\'t want the Earthian to feel threatened now, do they?

And it is after the chaos started ensuing throughout the facility, someone finally went and communicated with the Ravenshade. And after the call, miraculously, every soldier\'s attitude took a 180-degree turn. They brought weapons from the storage unit that had been confiscated from the Earthians and started distributing them back. While some soldiers were handing out weapons, other soldiers went and brought all the carriages of the facility and quickly started evacuating it.

Dave who got his sword and shield back looked at all of this mayhem with a frown on his face…

\'Based on how they are behaving, it seems that the threat about beast waves must be true. Probably the beast attacks would be very huge in scale, otherwise, they won\'t be evacuating everyone in the facility.\' He thought.


"MOVE YOUR LEGS! COME ON HURRY UP! HURRY UP! UP! UP!" the soldier yelled while practically stuffing as many people as he could in the carriage.

Dave and his friends had stepped aside earlier, he wanted women to evacuate first, and then only he would follow. That is why they had to take the last carriage out. Most of the Earthians didn\'t give a shit about manners and ethics, they just wanted to get out her as soon as they can. But Dave chose not to evacuate first, he insisted Soo-Young and Suzie go ahead, but they also stay behind, with him and Sanjay…

It was the last carriage out of the facility. Most of the people had left. He and his friends boarded the carriage from the back door, they had to put some effort to get in, as the carriage was jam-packed with people, but after some rough pushing, they were able to squeeze in somehow. While sitting in the carriage, he thanks his luck that Carlin had the courtesy of performing some magic on him. Because of this, he was fine now and was able to move independently.

But it was then he received a red color message in front of his eyes…


The cataclysm had begun.


Dave quickly looked at his friend\'s faces and realized that they had all received the same animous message. It was then Sanjay wanted to say something, Suzie who was sitting beside him, put a finger on his lips. She signaled him to look inside.

People in the carriage were either crying or were on a verge of crying. While most of the people had their eyes closed and their hands clasped. They were praying. Sanjay understood what was she trying to say and in turn stayed silent…

Ten minutes into their journey, the carriage moved, as fast as it could. Till now the travel to Ravenshade city had been mostly silent with the noise of some people\'s whimpering from time to time. But it was then the people of the carriage started hearing noises….


Till then he had only heard the sounds of a wolf\'s howling on television. And although the sound of howling is quite majestic on the television, now as he listened to the sound live, a chill ran down his spine.

The sounds of wolves were coming from all directions, it sounded as though a big pack of wolves was following them. Hearing this the crying and whimpering of crying started increasing. Everyone became tenser as they knew that the monsters were approaching.

It was then the soldier that was driving the carriage shouted…


And as soon as he shouted, two spikes which were around 12 inches long broke through the armor of the carriage. One of the spikes penetrated Sanjay\'s arm who was sitting just by the door. At the same time, the other one stabbed one of the servants.

"AAHH!" multiple people started screaming as they saw that blood coming out of the woman\'s body.


Most people didn\'t even pay attention to the roar as they were busy treating the woman who had her stomach impaled by a spike. But Dave and Sanjay did hear the roar. Both of them peeked outside from the holes made from the spikes.

They saw multiple wolves running towards their carriage, but they were a little bit far away from them. The interesting part was that the wolves were being ridden by what looked like small green color humanoid beings. As they were far away, they could not tell clearly what they were, but seeing these beings glowing yellow eyes made them realize that they were not friendly.

Just behind the wolves were large porcupine creatures that he saw back in the forest. And from the distance, Dave could tell that those were not small like the one he had killed. These were the big ones.

There were also some grey-skinned giants running beside those monsters. He didn\'t know what they were, but he understood that they were dangerous, considering their sheer size. It was then he noticed that one of the giants, grabbed a tree, and like a professional disk thrower, it swung around and then finally threw the tree.


The tree missed the carriage by a hair\'s length and crashed by the side. But that crash was enough to startle the horses pulling the carriage. The horses suddenly changed direction and thus titling the carriage to the side. And due to the weight of the carriage, it flipped, sliding on the dirt road that it was running on.

As the carriage crashed, the door of the carriage at the back flung open and threw Sanjay and Dave out…

Dave when landed on the ground, felt like his world was spinning. But he was fine, had a few scratches on his arm, but he was fine. He got up quickly, people were crawling out of the carriage slowly. Out of four horses that were pulling the carriage, three of them had run away, while the fourth one was not too far away from them.

He then looked back at the monsters that were approaching them. Seeing them getting closer and closer, his heart started beating faster and faster. He looked around and saw that there was a tree line not too far away from where they had crashed.

But the thing was, even if they make a run for it, the monsters would still be able to catch them. And on foot, they will be surely killed. He understood that someone or something had to distract the monsters.

And it took him only seconds to make a decision…

He ran towards Sanjay who was still unconscious. He shook his body, he was fine.…

"SANJAY LISTEN TO ME!" Sanjay opened his eyes, wide. He then continued. "Look there in the east there is a tree line. I will distract the monsters and then you guys go and make a run at the tree line. Do you hear me?"

"What?" Sanjay asked, still disoriented.

"Take care man. If we live another day, we would have a drink together the next we will meet. Till then, Goodbye." Dave said softly.

He then turned around and started running towards the horse by the carriage. He then quickly climbed up on it and started running towards the monsters. All the monsters soon started paying attention to him, and with the help of his horse, he was able to change the direction of the monsters slightly giving his friends a chance to live….


"FIRE! THE FIRE ARROWS!" the commander yelled and soon volleys of fire arrows were fired, killing many goblins and kobolds in the process.

Similar scenes could be seen all around the great wall of Infragilis. Soldiers running around, firing arrows at monsters. While many workers down the wall were busy making as many arrows as they could and as fast as they could. While the combustible liquid, which was Infragilis\'s secret weapon was running out fast…

The great wall provides good protection from invaders and monsters. But tonight is different. Monsters were spawning repeatedly because of which the stock of arrows that the army of Infragilis was diminishing at an astonishing rate.

Another thing to worry about in this scenario was the gates of the wall. Soldiers couldn\'t even use the combustible oil near the gates as they could not afford the gate getting caught on fire. So in a sense, they were stuck…

Still, everyone was safe. But for some reason, Damien felt, that something was wrong here. He could not shake the feeling that something bad is going to happen. It was then it happened…

No one noticed a thing. In all the war cries and cries of the monster, no one noticed a very peculiar screeching sound approaching the city. Some of the people were lucky enough and heard it. But they also weren\'t able to react in time when it happened.

The thing came down from the sky like an angel coming from the moon. It came down very gracefully, got as to the wall as it could, only then did people up the wall noticed. And simultaneously they all started yelling…


But alas it was too late. The Dragon opened his mouth and started spewing its toxic breath on the top of the wall. Many soldiers were instantly engulfed in the black toxic breath and died immediately. There were some, who saw him coming and thus jumped down the wall.

Just like that Roghorth went and spew his toxic breath all over the 10km long wall and thus destroying platforms on which soldiers were supposed to stand and fight the monster horde.

Roghorth only came to a stop at the gate at the far end of the wall. It then flapped its wings and became stationary in the air. It then spewed another round of toxic breath on one of the gates and thus melted it completely.

Then the dragon flew away towards Barcelma…

Damien who was the commander of soldiers was infuriated by that dragon\'s action. For now, he had a better thing to worry about, he immediately ordered some of his men to go to the gate that had been broken into.

He knows that the acidic and poisonous breath that melted the gate would provide them with some cover for now, as the monster who would touch that would either melt away or would die from poison.

But things didn\'t go as Damien expected. The monster under the frenzy started running over the toxic bile even though they were getting killed. Monsters who died because of toxic breath didn\'t turn to dust, monsters who have behind used this great opportunity and they started running over them to get inside.

This way monsters finally put foot inside the city of Infragilis after a 100-years.

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