
Chapter 158 Inubi Information


There are 4 dummy chapters ahead, tread carefully by reading chapter\'s title. Medical leave.


The demonic entity within him seemed to aware of many things which Kayden never knew he would ever get an answer to. He was not sure how to react instead attempted to play cool and stern. How could he let the demon know he was afraid of whatever was about to happen.

[I have never seen any such sly child like you before. Got to praise your stamina even after such long years of bullying.]

"Oh! Then you must have never met headstrong ones. Someone who has lost more all his life."

Kayden self praised giving off a smug expression, while h placed his misery in the same breath. He knew that the demon would comply to his demand since he required a vessel to stay alive. That\'s why he saved Kayden\' life back there, when he almost got killed.

[Fine! Ask. What do you want to know?]

The boy smiled and laid back in the bed comfortably, Lydia was supposed to conduct an examination before permitting him to do any work. Kayden had a lot of leisure time to hear a detailed lecture from the demon. Since Lydia would always be there by his side to protect him, he did not need to worry about Coulter.

"Let\'s begin from the basic one. What are you?"

Kayden intend to know how much power he held to manipulate the demonic entity within him. Because having a demonic entity within his body he could not simply trust his words. After all, Medusa and Malcolm were not within him, and he could potentially harm them. But there was no way to fight back with the demon.

[Clever! But I can\'t tell you that, it will endanger my existence.]

The bargain didn\'t seem to be going well, that Zaiden switched the topic of the conversation. He placed both hands beneath his head and slowly resumed the conversation. Although trust was established on a certain level since the demon deliberately disclosed about his existence being in danger.

Lydia was now sitting besides him with her hand gently caressing his cheeks. While Kayden laid down on the bed as he continued to talk to the demon inside his head. Only he could hear the shrill voice of the demon while Lydia had no idea about any such existence present in the room.

"How much do you know about the incubi? The way you are confident in my body being your potentially strong vessel, you seem familiar with the incubi and their abilities."

Kayden knew that the demon was aware of any such potentially useful information. He eagerly waited for an answer and that\'s why chose to learn about his blood group from the demon.

[Ah! Let\'s just say I have an unsettled score with that race, and that\'s why I know about them. Haven\'t you heard, to destroy your enemy you have to know your target.]

The boy became stunned hearing those words, that the demon was perhaps there to eradicate his whole kind. Or perhaps due to the demon\'s presence Kayden\' personality was inclined towards evil. Or was it his own evil nature influenced by the surroundings?

"Fair enough!"

Kayden was forced to think about the consequences if somehow the demon succeeded on possessing his soul. Although the other thought made him uncomfortable too that he had no home. Being a hybrid he was not fully an incubus or a vampire.

[You know we both are same in many ways. Haha! Due to your strong dark element even at the infant stage, I chose you to become my vessel. Who knows I might take you as my successor one day! Haha!]

"Successor? Still bluffing despite having no physical body? You really take me a fool, huh."

Kayden finally succeeded into pulling out some information from him. But a lot more useful insights were yet to come. Right now he was just aware about his element and the point of possession. It was also certain that no matter what the demon will never hurt his body or him in general because of the dire need.

[Of course I have powers! How do you think I saved you and effortlessly made that pussy Jack kneel in front of you?]

Kayden was fine with the demon taking over his body for a while, as long as his ego was satiated and his body was kept intact in one piece. After all they both did not have any mutual enemy. But perhaps Kayden was hesitant to go against them because of numerous reasons.

"Mhm. So, what do you know about ordinary incubi? I mean how does their powers work? What kind of magic they possess?"

He bombarded questions at him in his excitement, and completely neglected the fact that the demon mentioned \'dark element.\' Kayden didn\'t realize that the certain words meant that he was not an ordinary \'thing\', but a powerful O negative blood from the noble lineage.

[Hey, hey slow down kid. You are moving too fast with all those inquiries.]

"I just got excited about the unknown, you know. I\'m just curious how my powers are different from the rest and why are you even in my body."

Kayden was eager to know every possible way to defeat his enemies. And find every possible way to make himself worthy to stand atop, perhaps that was not the only stimulus of his excitement now.

[Ah, curious kid! Incubi powers are mainly influenced on the basis of their blood groups. Each blood group has certain abilities and traits, but it doesn\'t limits the feats they can perform.]

"What do you mean by that? So, there are some base feats common among incubi? And the rest magic is determined by the blood group they possess?"

Kayden couldn\'t grasp that how the two things worked together, although he had figured it out that healing was common among all the people of Beelzebelle. So there must be some basic traits share by all of them.

[Yes, their magic and powers are different based on blood groups. And now I think the class difference has created new variations among them.]

"Oh, so it\'s not as simple as it seems."

A lot of information was hidden and every person of Beelzebelle was different. He saw that Medusa and Malcolm possessed different kind of powers. So, there must be other elements undiscovered, just like his own.

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