
Chapter 323  322: The Regrets Of Many Part 1

Chapter 323  322: The Regrets Of Many Part 1

"Oh? So now you admit you have a son? I admit Elia, you have done much for our people, but don\'t dare to think we\'ve forgiven the atrocities you committed to conceive that child!"

Ertha had been the only vocal Matriach in the hall ever since Elia walked in, seeming to hold a special hate for her.

But at that time, before Elia could once again respond to the frowning woman, another voice spoke up.

"Please calm yourself Lady Ertha, it is not good for your waned health to over exert yourself over small matters. We all remember quite well what Elia did but we move on. These were your words weren\'t there?"

The voice that added this came from another female Koliean, who looked to be only slightly older than Elia.

Ertha seemed unwilling to let the pass pass but she simply scoffed and clicked her tongue. "So be it, but only out of respect for you Monlar."

"Thank you Lady Ertha." The one called Monlar showed a smile on her attractive face, gracefully moving aside strands of her dark hair as she moved her glance to Elia, "please, carry on Elia."

Elia met the crimson eyed gaze of Monlar but didn\'t reply, choosinginstead to waste no more time and speak on the issue at hand.

"Right. As we are already aware, Aron is the sole reason our people in Pesia were able to return to us, solidifying our strength and position in the region. More impressive are their claims of the strength his possesses despite having only experienced three evolutions."

The gathered Matriarchs listened intently and did not interrupt Elia, despite the words she revealed being already widely known among them.

Ertha remained less patient than the others though and asked. "What is your point Lady Elia?"

Elia ignored Ertha and continued on what she was leading up to. "It is for that reason that the council decided to make finding him an important priority yes? Well, in due part to my contact within the Aethelian community, his location is no longer a mystery."

This revelation sparked reasonable reactions from the gathered Matriarchs, many of them showing intrigue and interest.

One had to know that Kolieans valued two things the most, knowledge and power.

For females, this was especially true when they sought a mate with whom to continue their lineage with, bearing strong descendants and further solidifying or increasing their importance in the heirachy.

For example, Lady Elise and Helar enjoyed positions almost equal to those of Matriarchs, for the simple fact that they were the respective mothers of Harald and Elia.

What made Aron so valuable was not only his heritage, but the fact he possessed and even showed the potential to be greater than His value to them was clear, to breed stronger generations and strengthen certain bloodlines or positions.

Harald once matured. To make an already attractive package even more irresistible, he demonstrated to possess an impressive level of intelligence, rare among Koliean males.

His value to them was clear, to breed stronger generations and strengthen certain bloodlines or positions.

The other Martriachs however were concerned that Elia pursued the exact same thing as them, many thinking her intentions were to pair him with Selha and further solidify the grip on power she held.

But they couldn\'t be anymore wrong…

Ertha was the only Matriach who remained unmoved, having no descendants with whom she could pair Aron with. \'I knew it, she seeks to further increase her hold on power… but I will not allow it.\'

Unlike Ertha, Monlar was especially keen once she heard this news.

"Oh? Then this is a wonderful time for our people indeed. Do you care to share the location with us Lady Elia?" Monlar\'s tone even changed to a more kind and appealing one when she spoke, her intentions as clear as day.

Elia, from start to finish didn\'t show much change in her expression, instead nodding and answering, "it is indeed, sadly he is currently within the settlement of Jor Harald."

Hearing this name, every single matriarch couldn\'t help but frown. Harald had long been a headache for the Kingdom of Kol, even inspiring many to leave and join him or become independent.

What made him especially troubling was the sheer amount of strength he possessed, regarded by many as the most powerful male in known Koliean history.

It was a title that wasn\'t exaggerated either. Time and time again, their attempts to reel him in had all failed.

Because of that, the prospect of getting their hands on his young child who was yet to mature was very appealing.

Unlike Harald who had reached a level where they couldn\'t touch him without suffering immense losses, Aron was still young and relatively weak in their eyes, the perfect time to attain him.

Sadly Elia\'s revelation only made their mouths feel bitter and their hopes dwindle. The only one who seemed happy to hear this piece of news was Ertha.

"Are you sure about this?" Monlar asked with a small frown, but Elia didn\'t change her stance.

"I am. More troubling though, he had met with the Aethelian\'s elder, Rorthik and was even taken to the Neglardia. It seems Harald is no longer taking a passive role now that his son has been found."

Elia spoke with a straight face, despite her now twisting what Trutet had revealed for her own benefit.

She didn\'t know that Aron had actually gained entry to the Neglardia before and only mentioned it to support the message she was trying to put across.

Every word she said was believed wholeheartedly by the matriarchs present. Who would dare doubt her?

She was the main reason behind their rejuvenation after near decline and was the one who would benefit most from Aron\'s capture, so why lie?

In the eyes of the matriarchs, Elia was extremely loyal to her kind and they were right to think so. She wanted nothing more than perfection for her race. What they didn\'t know however, was just how far her she was willing to go to attain that perfection.

Having believed her words, the matter on everyone\'s minds was now to deal with this predicament.

Monlar was especially concerned about the circumstances.

"If we are to act, then we must do so quickly. Aron meeting Rorthik must mean he now knows of the value the gate holds and will bear a grudge for our trickery of him. This may prompt him to work with Harald to face us…"

Her point was exactly what the matriarchs all feared now, and it was also exactly what Elia wanted them to feel. Harald and Rorthik allying was a recipe for disaster to them.

They in no way lacked strength or trained individuals, but compared to the combined experience of Harald and Rorthik, it was had to predict a good outcome for them.

No matter how they thought about it, direct confrontation with the two would absolutely cripple them as well.

So then what were their options? Attack one force only? Impossible, as this didn\'t guarantee the other wouldn\'t give support or capitalize on the opportunity to attack also.

The Kolieans of the kingdom of Kol, especially the females, lacked what most beast mongers had, a lack of fear for death.

Even the many matriarchs present sought only to grow and evolve, creating stronger generations and enjoying esteemed positions in their society.

To them, dying foolishly in battle for the benefit of others was something better left for their beast monger males, hence the decline after Harald left.

Despite being the most powerful of their society now, all were unwilling to put their lives on the line.

Lost for a solution, many collectively looked at Elia, even Ertha who despised her.

"What do you feel our people should do? You understand the mind of Harald best." Ertha urged, even making it sound like they were only seeking her opinion and not help.

Elia though, didn\'t provide the answers they sought. "I\'m afraid I\'ll need to properly ponder this for a time given what it is at risk, for now, I urge that you all recall our forces and strengthen our defenses and patrols."

Given the situation she presented, Elia\'s solution could be regarded as one of the best.

It was indeed too risky to act without learning more and it was even riskier to have their forces scattered. Without a single doubt in the matriarchs minds, they believed Elia\'s words and ended the council having agreed with her suggestion.

Upon leaving the council, Elia went not to her lonely balcony, but to a room situated in the depths of the colossal structure.

The room was dimly lit with crystals that had clearly been worn out, it\'s floors stained with dry blood, rusted restraints and littered with decaying feathers of varying appearance. At first glance, it looked like nothing more than an abandoned dungeon.

Elia walked slowly through this large empty room, her unfeeling gaze wandering from place to place.

Soon, she arrived at a lone stoney platform in the shape of a bed. She traced her finger along its edge and showed a complex expression as she muttered to herself. "I was wrong…"

Her self thought was brought to a halt when she abruptly raised her head toward the door and saw a familiar figure standing there.

"What brings you down here, mother?" Elia\'s distant tone didn\'t change, even as she spoke to her mother, elder Elise.

Elise remained standing by the entrance of the room and showed a saddened look as her gaze swept through the room.

"Do you not regret the atrocities you committed in here? The lives you sacrificed…" Elise asked while showing an explicable face to her daughter.

Elia however, didn\'t hesitate to shake her head.

"And whose to blame for that? Who made me feel like a mistake? Who looked at me like the biggest failure in Koliean history… and who told me that I was a disgrace to my lineage?" For the first time, Elia\'s tone changed from distant to angry, and her gaze became increasingly more frightening.

Elise didn\'t move from her position, lowering her head and sighing. "It was never my intent to-."

"And yet that is what happened. Through the blood and tears of many, I gave you the one thing you demanded most from me… a child. But even then… what did you do?"

Elise remained silent at the question, seemingly too ashamed to answer. This however only angered Elia.

"I said what did you do?!" Her once calm voice erupted into a vicious roar that caused the entire room to shake and tremble.

Elise showed hesitation, but answered in a low and self-pitying tone. "I blamed you… and for that I was wrong. But-."

"But nothing." Elia interrupted, "You demanded your barren daughter to give your lineage an heir! And through forbidden means and an unwilling host, I did just that, defying all odds to create a child that carried both mine and Harald\'s blood, only for you to deprive me of this feat because of a factor I could not control."

Elise could not argue with the harsh words being cast at her, how could she when everything said was true?

Elia took a breath and calmed herself, refusing to let herself succumb to emotions. She simply moved from her position and decided to exit the room.

While doing so though, she paused by the door and met her mother\'s gaze.

"Unlike you, I plan to fix my "mistake" before it\'s too late."

Saying nothing more, Elia moved passed Elise, leaving her staring at the empty room in regret for the monster she had created.

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