
Chapter 65 - 28

Inside a small mansion, in the middle of the forest in the academy area. Ziel who was placed on the floor by Kalya suddenly opened his eyes and woke up. Currently, Kalya is sitting with her legs folded while sipping tea. Other boys will have nosebleeds after seeing Kalya's beautiful and slender legs wrapped in black stockings in front of them. But Ziel looks at her with his poker face.

"So, what do you want from me? There's no way you brought me here just because you're my homeroom teacher, right?" Ziel stood up and brushed the dust off his academy uniform.

"Then I'll get straight to the point. Who are you? And what do you want you to do in this academy? No, in this world to be exact." Kalya put the cup back on the table and asked with a serious face.

"What do you mean? Isn't it obvious? I came to this academy to study." Ziel sat on the chair opposite Kalya and poured tea from the teapot into the empty cup on the table. .

"Can you stop pretending?" Kalya starts to feel annoyed at Ziel's attitude.

"Ah, maybe you mean my other goal? In that case, I'm just the butler of a noble's daughter." Ziel spoke to her while sipping tea in his cup. He imitated the same attitude Kalya did before.

Kalya stood up from her seat and walked towards the kitchen. She seemed to be shaking as she walked. Not because of fear, but because she was holding back her anger.

"Don't joke with me!" She shouted and unleashed her full strength. 7 magic circles appeared on her body and 1 large magic circle floated behind her back. That is one of the things that distinguishes spiritism and magic. But Kalya can use both at the same time.

(Kalya stop!)

Silphy who understands what Kalya is about to do tries to stop her. But it's too late. Kalya made a bow from wind magic and pulled the bowstring. An arrow of wind magic was created and she shot straight at Ziel. The arrow shot at high speed towards him. A Sword/Magic Master would be seriously injured if hit hard by that attack.

Ziel who saw that remained calm, he placed the cup he was holding on the table and caught it with his bare hands. Then he squeezed the arrow until it shattered and turned into particles of light.

"Is that your so-called spiritism? I've seen it before, but it's not that big. You... Do you have the blood of the elven royal family?" Ziel looked directly at Kalya. No, rather the large magic circle hovering behind her back. He had seen people who used spiritism in the past, at that time he was interested in learning about it. But unfortunately, he didn't have time due to Fallen God's subjugation and he didn't have a suitable teacher for him.

"How do you know that!? I don't care anymore, Silphy help me!" Kalya is surprised because Ziel can guess her origin that only the Principal of the academy knows. Either because her identity was known or something else Ziel said, she lost her mind.

(I told you not to get into trouble with him! Why won't you listen!)

Silphy who had been inside Kalya's body all this time manifested herself in front of Ziel. She was a blonde-haired girl-like creature about 15cm tall with six wings and a green dress. Silphy then floated above Kalya's head.

Silphy who was on top of her head turned into a tiara. Then the whole body of Kalya is covered in light. After the light disappeared, Kalya who was previously in the teacher uniform was currently wearing emerald-colored armor. She looks like a princess knight from an elf. It was a combination of an elf and his contracted spirit. Currently, Kalya whose hair is fluttering in the wind looks very beautiful and amazing.

"Hmm... Is that a Great Spirit of Wind? I've only ever met a Great Spirit of Water, Undine. After that, I've never met another Great Spirit." Ziel muttered under his breath as Silphy appeared in front of him. But Silphy heard what he was muttering.

(What!? Has he met another Great Spirit? Even for an elf, it's almost impossible. If not by chance even Kalya can't have a contract with me)

Silphy was shocked to hear what Ziel said. Because a human boy can meet more than one Great Spirit during his lifetime. This time Kalya made a big mistake because she was carried away by her emotions. After all, the most important thing is to help her since she is the contractor.

Kalya's strength continued to rise to the level of a Sage. She could even fight a draw against the Principal of the academy.

[[Tempest Arrow]]

Kalya and Silphy cast spells at the same time. A wind elemental arrow shot out with a speed and power many times stronger than the previous Kalya's attack. The arrow was accompanied by a storm along its trajectory.

"You're troublesome." Ziel pointed his index finger at Kalya.

[Thunder Beam]

The laser beam with lightning flashes collided with Kalya's wind elemental arrow.


With such an explosion, Kalya's mansion shook. Smoke and dust covered the room. Her mansion wasn't destroyed, just a lot of cracks in the walls. It seemed she had prepared beforehand by shrouding her mansion with a barrier no weaker than used in the academy tower.

After the smoke and dust slowly dissipated, Kalya was astonished to see what was in front of her. Currently, Ziel is holding a bow and has already drawn his arrow towards Kalya.

[Thunderbolt Arrow]

(Kalya! Watch out!)

Silphy's warning came too late. Arrows made of lightning compression shot out at a speed that was even faster than the combined attack of Kalya and Silphy before.


The arrow strikes heavily hit Kalya. As a result of being hit by Ziel's attack, the combination of Kalya and Silphy separated.

(Kalya! Are you okay?)

Silphy was worried about the state of Kalya who was directly hit by Ziel's attack. But it looks like she only suffered minor injuries to her stomach.

"I'm fine. How strong is he!?" Kalya screams frantically while holding her bleeding stomach.


One word from Silphy made Kalya freeze in shock. Currently, Silphy floating over Kalya's head. She still couldn't join again due to Ziel previous attack.

"I'm still confused about one thing, what is an elf royal family doing in the human region? Could it be that you were... banished?" Ziel said while guessing about Kalya's circumstances. But Kalya who heard it immediately woke up from her shock and her face turned dark. It was like the wound in her heart opened because of Ziel's words.

"Shut up!" Kalya shouted full of anger.

(Kalya calm down!)

Silphy tried to calm her down but currently, Kalya couldn't listen hear Silphy's voice. She was already consumed by her emotions because Ziel had opened a wound from her past. She shoots magic blindly at Ziel.

[Wind Scythe]

Dozens of huge scythes made of wind magic attack Ziel simultaneously. But Ziel just stretched out his hand and opened his palm at Kalya's attack.

[Mirror Fortress]

A miniature fortress made of mirrors materializes in front of Ziel. When the scythe of the wind magic came into contact with the mirror surface. The direction from which her attack was reversed. Dozens of scythes that previously attacked Ziel, turned towards Kalya.

"What!?" Kalya was shocked and didn't have time to dodge the attack. Silphy who saw the attack turned and headed towards Kalya immediately made a barrier to block it. But the barrier wasn't perfect because it was rushed, the scythes easily pierced through and hit Kalya.

Surprisingly the scythes did not hit her vital point. The scythes only tore up the uniform of the academy teacher she was wearing. Currently, Kalya is half-naked in tattered clothes. Silphy who saw this tried to quickly heal the wounds on Kalya's body. But Ziel's attack didn't end there. Arrows made of lightning compression hit them again, Silphy to be exact. But before the attack hit Silphy, the arrow changed its shape.

[Lightning Chain]

The arrows turned into chains and restrained Silphy.

(Naive! Do you think using this kind of thing can restrain me? As long as I can absorb the power of nature...)

Silphy's words stopped because she felt something strange. She was no longer receiving power supplies from her surroundings.

[Dimensional Prison]

A cube-shaped prison of space distortion formed and locked Silphy inside. Silphy who didn't get her power supply due to her disconnection with the surrounding nature became limp in the space prison.

"Silphy are you okay!?" Kalya runs towards Silphy and tries to free her. But Silphy's scream stopped her footsteps.

(Be careful!)

When Silphy shouted Ziel was already in front of Kalya. He grabbed her by the neck and lifted her. Then he brought his face closer to hers. A little more, their noses would touch. Even kalya can feel his breath.

"Ugh..." Kalya who was strangled by Ziel tried to speak.

"It's useless for you to fight. I'm telling you, don't interfere in my business. This time I will let you go because you have no killing intent in your attacks. And killing you here will only make things more troublesome. I apologize for what I said. So now... Go to sleep." Ziel said nonchalantly to her. Then he used magic on Kalya and laid her on the floor.

Kalya whose face turned red either from being strangled or the distance between them being too close started to shed tears after hearing Ziel's last sentence. Little by little her consciousness began to fade due to Ziel's magic. Until finally he was completely unconscious.

"Remind her after she wakes up, doesn't meddle in my business again. Next time you won't be so lucky." Ziel spoke to the helpless Silphy in the cage. After that, he immediately left the Kalya mansion. Silphy could only nod repeatedly at his words.

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