
Chapter 656 - 656

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When the girls finally joined them for dinner Cedric smiled and helped Yoyo sit on his high chair. The maids quickly served their meals and the group ate happily, chatting amongst themselves as they ate.

Cedric was quite impressed by the feast his staff had served, he and Adrianna had announced to them the good news as soon as they got home from fetching Yoyo from school.

The staff were happy and excited for the couple, Cedric was proud that they treated their staff quite well and paid them higher than the industry standard. Cedric believed that if his staff was happy, they would do better at work.

This was his policy both at home and at the Reyes Group, a policy that had proven itself effective over the past few years.

Cedric smiled as he looked around at their group. There weren't that many of them, but they were quite close knit. He was happy that his children would have people like them to rely on as he grew up. 

"So Cedric, what's with the sudden dinner invitation to dinner?" Emilio Reyes III asked his son as he played with his namesake and grandson.

"In a bit, dad." Cedric told his father with a smile as he signaled for the maids to give everyone a glass of wine.

Cedric stood and held his hand out for his wife to join him in making his announcement.

Adrianna stood next to him and smiled. 

"Friends, family. Thank you so much for all joining us tonight." Cedric said as he raised a glass at all of them. "Adrianna and I have some amazing news to share with everyone, my amazing and beautiful wife is pregnant with twins."

"OH MY GOSH CONGRATULATIONS!" Nicole said in an exaggerated reaction, she was clearly trying to hide the fact that she already knew. Cedric did his best as he tried not to laugh at how exaggerated Nicole's reaction sounded.

"Congratulations Adri and Ced!" Sofia, one of Adrianna's friends said as she stood and clapped. 

Everyone gave their congratulations to the couple, some walking up to them, shaking Cedric's hand and giving Adrianna a hug.

"When did you find out?" Emilio asked his son. He was clearly beaming with pride together with Adrianna's parents.

"Just this morning, we went for a check up and Dr. Santos told us that she was seeing two heartbeats, not just one." Cedric told his father with a smile. "I'm really excited about this dad."

"Do you know their genders?" Natalia asked as she released Adrianna from a hug.

"No, the doctor said it was too soon to tell." Cedric told her, shaking his head. "But we should know in a month or two, it depends."

"So what combination do you think you will get?" Ayanna teased her sister in law and brother.

"Ayanna!" Emilio Reyes said, scolding his daughter. "Your nephews or nieces are not some sort of combo meal that you can mix and match."

Everyone couldn't help but laugh at Emilio Reyes' comment, no one expected the former CEO and business leader to make such a comment. He was normally a serious and stern figure, but as the years passed from his retirement he slowly became more easy going. A side he even showed to the public.

"Dad!" Ayanna complained, whining like a child. "You know what I mean." 

"I would love for two daughters." Cedric said as he smiled at Adrianna. "I'm sure that they would be as pretty as my wife, but  I would be happy with two sons too. But I think Adrianna would complain if we had too many men in the family." Cedric said with a laugh.

"Well, they could also take after you." Adrianna said with a shrug. "I think Ayanna is very pretty. I would love for my daughters to look like her." Adrianna said as she winked at Ayanna, who giggled at the compliment. 

"I do not look like my sister." Cedric said as he rolled his eyes at his wife and sister who laughed at him.

"Cedric, you and Ayanna look alike, like a lot alike." Veronica couldn't help but point out. 

"I remember your mom being worried that people would eventually realize that you and Ayanna looked too much alike and you would fail your poverty training because of that." Emilio Reyes laughed as he mentioned the funny memory of his wife.

"I don't believe you." Cedric said as he rolled his eyes and emptied out his wine glass. "I passed, did I not?" Cedric asked.

"Calm down." Ayanna said with a laugh.

Everyone had their turn joking and complimenting the couple, everyone was excited about having more little ones in their group.

Eventually the night died down and their guests began to leave. The parents were the first to go before their friends finally called it a night. 

Everyone left with a smile on their faces, gatherings like these have been too rare and too far in between. 

The last time they were all together and this happy was even before Priscilla Reyes passed away, making Cedric feel sad, he missed his mom terribly.

As they were saying good bye to the last of their friends, Cedric stopped Ram and Francesca from leaving. He asked his friend if he could have a word with him. Ram nodded and went with Cedric to speak in his office.

"Ram, I need to talk to you about Julia." Cedric said in a serious tone as he took a seat behind his desk.

Ram raised an eyebrow at him, but moved closer, pulling a seat over so that he could sit at the otherside of Cedric's desk.

"I don't understand why you want to talk about my ex." Ram said with a confused expression. "We weren't even officially together, we went on dates, we confessed our affections, maybe even made out, but she refused to put a label on our relationship."

"Isn't it normally the girls that demand this whole label part?" Cedric asked as he laughed at his friend. Ram was acting completely defensive and unlike his normal self.

"The thing is, she and I are in the past, why do you need to dig up something that's been buried?" Ram asked his friend with a serious expression.

"I'm not digging this up for nothing, Ram." Cedric said as he gave his friend a concerned look. He was worried for Ram because of Julia, because of what Adrianna had told him about Julia's past. 

"Ced, I'm with Francesca and we are both happy, extremely happy." Ram said, the look on his eyes, desperate for Cedric to believe him.

"I know you are Ram, but I am here to warn you about Julia." Cedric said in a sad tone. "What do you know about Julia's past?" Cedric asked.

"Her past relationships?" Ram asked.

"Yes." Cedric said with a nod. 

"Not much." Ram confessed with a shrug.

"Julia swore that she would come back and win you back, she even unfriended Adrianna because of it." Cedric warned Ram. "Adrianna said that the last time Julia did that was when she was with this mystery man. She turns scary and evil when it comes to love." 

"What does this mystery man have to do with anything?" Ram asked in a raised tone, taking Cedric by surprise. "My past relationship with Julia is different, it's not like I overlapped with any man."

"Did you?" Cedric asked, curious as to his friend's defensive behavior.

"Of course not." Ram said with a scoff. "I will never be any woman's dirty little secret." Ram said proudly.

"Ram, I'm just worried about you." Cedric said with a sigh. "You are my friend and this side of Julia seems dangerous." Cedric admitted to Ram.

"Thank you for your concern, but Cedric, I think I can handle myself against Julia Tiu." Ram said as he stood up and walked out of Cedric's office.

Cedric sighed and shook his head. He couldn't help but worry about his friend, something told him that Julia in her present state was quite dangerous.

"Dave." Cedric said as he gave his assistant a call.

"Yes boss?" Dave asked at the other end of the line. "Shouldn't you be having a delightful dinner?"

Cedric laughed at his assistant, the once shy man was now braver and more outspoken than he once was. A trait Cedric was glad that Dave managed to pick up. 

"Dinner is done, I'm sad you missed it." Cedric told Dave.

"It's my dad's birthday." Dave said. "I can't exactly miss out on his birthday dinner. Mom invited a lot of people over, some even had the nerve to ask if I had invited my boss."

"Adri and I would have gone, if you had asked." Cedric said.

"Nah, it's okay boss." Dave told Cedric. "There was no one important there, so why did you call?" 

"I need eyes on Julia Tiu." Cedric instructed.

"Your wife's friend?" Dave asked, making sure that he got the right person.

"Yes." Cedric said with a nod. "I'm afraid she might do something dangerous." 

"I'm on it boss." Dave told Cedric.

"I also want to discuss first thing tomorrow how things will be handled while I'm in Singapore. I'll be coming in earlier than usual." Cedric said.

"Okay boss, I'll have your coffee ready, I'll also tell Ian." Dave said, acknowledging Cedric's instructions.

"Thanks Dave." Cedric said as he dropped the call.

Cedric placed his phone on his desk and leaned back on his seat and sighed.

Ram might not have been willing to take the Julia problem seriously, but Cedric had a nagging feeling that it could turn into something worse. He was willing to take the risk, just to make sure that his friend was safe.

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