
Chapter 19: Grygans in the Great Forest?

Chapter 19: Grygans in the Great Forest?

[POV: Serena, goddess of fortune]

As I, Serena, returned to the Human Continent from the realm of the Trifects - Trinodyne, Lord Lumiere and I decided to travel to the Duchy of Elvindor by horse and cart, which we borrowed from Lord Randolph instead of purchasing one.

We had to leave the royal capital to reach our destination.

Lord Lumiere got permission from his father, and we left the city, claiming that our journey was for commercial purposes. The king, knowing Lord Lumiere's transparency and how beneficial it would be for his son, granted him leave.

We entered the Great Forest, a vast expanse of nature.

The Great Forest was divided into two main regions - the "Beast's Domain" and the "Spirit's Domain."

The Beast's Domain, as the name suggested, belonged to different monster races like goblins, orcs, ogres, minotaurs, golems, and dark elves. Each species had its own territory and was fiercely territorial about it. They did not tolerate any outsider entering their lands, let alone staying there.

On the other hand, the Spirit's Domain belonged to the elemental spirits, commonly known as the nature spirits. The region they occupied was adorned with a beautiful and serene landscape, consisting of green pastures, crystal clear lakes, and tall trees. However, they were hostile to any intruders who attempted to harm their habitat.

Lord Lumiere and I were prepared to face any monsters on our way to the city of Nuvada, a popular merchant city in Elvindor.

As we progressed deeper into the forest, Lord Lumiere pointed out the various creatures around us, explaining their traits and behaviors. As we passed through the sub-regions belonging to different monster races, we could sense their unique characteristics.

Orcs, ogres, lizardmen and so much more.

The Great Forest was unimaginably vast, stretching over thousands of miles in every direction. It was teeming with diverse flora and fauna, and its sheer size made it hard for any entity to explore and map it entirely.

The forest was so massive that it not only covered several kingdoms but also spread across kingdoms, making it an ideal hiding place for outlaws and criminals.

Navigating the Great Forest was a daunting task, mainly because its terrains and weather could change drastically in just a few miles.

The journey from the royal capital to the city of Nuvada could take several days, depending on various factors such as the weather, terrain, and obstacles that one might come across in the journey.

"Haven't seen much of other races since those funny ogres.." (Lumiere)

"Indeed, my lord." (Serena)

Other races that didn't look human, elven or dwarven weren't allowed to stay outside the Great Forest unless employed for labor.

These beings had to reside within their designated regions, and if they broke the rules and left their land, they could be punished severely.

This fear of punishment was what kept these creatures in check and boundaries intact.

As we made our way through the Great Forest, Lord Lumiere and I chatted about the different regions that made up this vast land.

"I've always been fascinated by the Beast's Domain," I said. "It's terrifying to think about all the different monster races that reside there."

Lord Lumiere chuckled.

"I can see why you'd think that. But I've always been enchanted by the Spirit's Domain. The beauty and serenity of that region are unparalleled. It's like being in a different world altogether." (Lumiere)

I smiled at his words as I gazed upon the towering trees and the lush greenery.

We rode in silence for a few moments before Lumiere spoke up again. "Serena, there's something I've been meaning to tell you."

I turned to him with a curious expression on my face. "What is it?"

He hesitated for a moment before speaking. "I... I know we've been engaged for a long time, but... I can't help the way I feel you think about me. If you had a better choice? Would you go for it?"

My heart skipped a beat at his words.

I had always suspected that Lord Lumiere had doubts about our relationship, but to hear him say it out loud was overwhelming.

"Lord Lumiere, I... I don't know what to say," I stuttered out.

He looked at me with a hopeful expression on his face. "Serena, I don't expect you to feel anything. I just needed to tell you how I felt."

Without thinking, I reached out and took his hand in mine. "Lord Lumiere, my father would never force me to be engaged to someone who he didn't think was proper... so, please, disregard your status as an integrator as the only reason I chose you."

After all, father - All-Father may have summoned him, but I was the one who chose him.

Of all the other integrators.

As soon as the words left my mouth, Lord Lumiere's face lit up with a bright smile.

But his happiness was short-lived as we suddenly felt a jolt and heard a loud crack. One of the cart's wheels had broken, leaving us stranded in the middle of the forest.

Lord Lumiere quickly got down from the cart to assess the damage. As he worked on trying to fix the wheel, I sat beside him, relishing the closeness between us.

I couldn't help but blush as he glanced up at me, his cheeks just as pink as mine.

As Lord Lumiere pondered over the best way to fix the cart, my gaze happened upon a small black-haired female elf, who seemed to be observing us covertly.

I felt a uneasy, wondering what the child might have been up to. Lord Lumiere noticed my intense staring and inquired about it.

"Serena, is everything okay?" he asked, sensing my apprehension.

"Over there," I whispered, gesturing towards the elf. "Do you see her?"

Lord Lumiere's eyes focused on the same direction and widened in realization. "I caught waves of her mana minutes before she got within range," he explained, referring to his Additional Skill: [Magic Detect].

"What should we do?" I asked, feeling a nervous lump form in my throat.

"We need to confront her," he replied before summoning [Earth Magic]. He used it to create a marsh beneath the unsuspecting elf, trapping her legs.

The girl's face contorted in fear as she tried to wriggle out of the mud.

Lord Lumiere and I approached her, ready to query her motives.

The small black-haired elf began begging for our help without any preamble. Her desperation was palpable, but we still needed to know the reason. Lord Lumiere took charge of the conversation.

"What do you need help with?" he asked in a measured tone.

The girl hesitated for a moment before speaking. "My people are cursed by the fire demon, Balrog. Anyone who touches us disintegrates into ashes."

I couldn't hide my shock. "I've never heard of such a curse on the elven race," I exclaimed.

Lord Lumiere's eyes narrowed, and his gaze flickered toward her dark hair. "Could it be that you're not entirely Elf?"

The girl's eyes widened with surprise. "Yes, I am a Grygan," she admitted.

Lord Lumiere muttered under his breath. "A cross between dark and high elves. They're despised by the majority and have no stand in the Great Forest."

I could feel my heart breaking for the girl. The hatred and discrimination she must have faced must have been unbearable.

Despite her predicament, she asked for our help again. "Please, I need your help to dispel the curse."

As the girl begged for our help, Lord Lumiere inquired as to why she had chosen us to break the curse. I was also curious as to why she had specifically approached us.

The girl replied with a confident tone, "As part of the monster race, like dark elves, we have the ability to sense magic power on a quantified level. Yours and yours," she pointed to Lord Lumiere and then to me, "are the strongest in this forest. I couldn't have chosen anyone better."

I was taken aback by her explanation. Could it be true that monsters sense mana better than a number of other races?

The girl seemed sure of her words. It was then that I remembered the time we had gone herb picking. The mana concentration of the herbs we had picked was so dense that it attracted monsters.

The girl's explanation seemed to be on point.

"My lord, I think she's right. Remember when we went herb picking and the monsters kept following us because of the dense mana concentration of the herbs?"

Lord Lumiere nodded in agreement, "That makes sense. It would also explain why no monsters have attacked us in the forest. Our mana combined would likely scare them off."

The girl beamed at us, clearly pleased that her explanation had sufficed. "Then you'll help me break the curse?"

I nodded, "Yes, we'll do everything in our power to help you break the curse."

Lord Lumiere sighed heavily, deep in thought. "Breaking a curse placed by a demon is no easy feat. But we'll try our best," he said, finally deciding to help the girl.

I grabbed Lord Lumiere's arm, "We have to at least try to do something. We can't just leave her hanging," I added, convinced that we had to help her in any way possible.

The girl's eyes lit up with gratitude. "Thank you, thank you! I knew I could count on you both," she stated with a small smile.

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