
Chapter 50: Im in a picnic with my ladies, but theres a Wyvern?

Chapter 50: I\'m in a picnic with my ladies, but there\'s a Wyvern?

It was a radiant morning in the Wyvern Pass and I was eager to unwind with a picnic featuring my favorite lady companions.

Magenta, Fasit, Serena, and Isadora were sprawled out on colorful sheets spread across the jagged terrain.

Although I was the only gent, I had grown accustomed to the company of many women.

Unfortunately, Sangria and her reconnaissance squad were preoccupied with scouting duties.

Mimosa, on the other hand, was too busy teaching the art of [Plant Magic] and refining herbal remedies to join our jolly picnic.

But do not fret, fellow citizens, for next week we will have a school for the minotaur and grygan children, thanks to the hard work of Mojito and Skarz, who, despite wanting to join us, were devoted to hastening the construction of infrastructures.

As the village head, I found myself in an interesting situation when Fasit insisted that I teach the children personally.

With my expertise in potion-making, I had my sights set on launching a potion business for our domain.

However, our blacksmithing conundrum still persisted.

Although we had a plethora of high-quality materials, we lacked a skilled blacksmith to forge them into powerful weapons.

But I was confident that Bazirta, with his unwavering search for the ultimate trade, would uncover a talented blacksmith in no time.

All in all, our merry band of city builders had their work cut out for them, but nothing could dampen our spirits on such a lovely day.

[POV: The Omniscient Akashic Records]




As they lounged on the blankets, Isadora couldn\'t resist getting close to Lumiere and started whispering sweet nothings in his ear. "My dear Lord Lumiere, you look so lovely today. How would you want me to please you today, my lord?"

"Uhhh... Isadora?" (Lumiere)

Serena, who was betrothed to Lumiere, didn\'t appreciate Isadora\'s advances and immediately interjected, "Lumiere, my lord, let me take care of you. Please relax and let me feed you some of these delicious morsels."

Lumiere closed his eyes as Serena fed him, and he savored every mouth-watering bite.

"(This is the life!)" (Lumiere)

However, Isadora wasn\'t content with just whispering in his ear. She wanted to prove she could take care of Lumiere better than anyone else and started teasing him with small pieces of fruit. "Here, try this, my prince. It\'s a passion fruit, fit for someone as charming as you."

He could barely chew all the food forced into his mouth, "Uhh... guys, I think I\'m gonna choke if you ke— cough, cough, cough!"

"Oh no! Lord Lumiere!" (Serena)

"Master, are you okay?!" (Isadora)

Fasit, who was known for her sense of humor, started laughing and teasing Lumiere. "Oh, Lumiere, you\'re such a lady-killer. Look at you, surrounded by all of us pretty ladies."

"Ha~Ha... I guess you\'re right, but it\'s more like I\'m lucky." (Lumiere)

Magenta, who had been quietly observing the scene, started feeling left out and decided to confront Lumiere. "Why do you always treat me like a child, my lord? Do you not see me as a woman?"

It was a hard question for Lumiere. He couldn\'t see her as anything but the small gryganri (female grygan) that led them to the grygan village.

"Well..." (Lumiere)

Lumiere was perched on the blanket, about to answer Magenta\'s question, a quick gust of wind suddenly shot through the leafy trees surrounding them. The change in air pressure couldn\'t be ignored, and it alerted every member of their group, especially Lumiere, Serena and Isadora who had Rank A [Magic Detect].

"What was that?" Serena asked.

"Something powerful is heading this way." Lumiere responded, his eyes scanning the surrounding area.

Fasit, closed her eyes and listened intently before announcing, "It must be coming from a Wyvern."

Lumiere raised his eyebrows and sighed, "Wyverns in the Wyvern Pass, why am I not surprised.."

Suddenly, with a roar that could split ears, the mammoth Wyvern swooped towards them. Magenta gasped with shock, but the others remained unruffled.

"This is bad!" (Magenta)

The Wyvern closed in, and they quickly noted how well-built it was. The dragon had razor-sharp claws, and its wings were vast enough to cover a small village.

As they stood watching, shading their eyes against the sun\'s rays, a sudden movement caught Magenta\'s attention. Seven beast people scurried along another part of the Wyvern Pass, unaware of the looming danger.

"Wait, Great Lumiere, look over there!" Magenta exclaimed, pointing at the distant figures.

Lumiere turned to look, then nodded gravely. "That Wyvern is headed for them," he said.

At that very moment, the Wyvern generated a powerful force that crackled with energy, forming a massive sphere.

"Oh no!" Magenta gasped, her eyes widening in horror.

The sphere was released with a deafening roar, generating a powerful beam of energy that zeroed in on the beast people. The path of the beam eradicated the ground beneath their feet, sending them tumbling and scattering in all directions. Though the beast people managed to leap out of the path of destruction, they were still in mortal danger.

Serena and Isadora exchanged a worried glance, but before they could decide on a plan of action, Lumiere bolted forward.

"I\'ll handle this myself. You ladies stay back," he declared, flashing a grin that was both confident and reassuring.

"But my lord, don\'t you need help?" Serena asked, concern etched on her face.

"Agreed, Wyverns are quite formidable.." (Fasit)

Lumiere shook his head, flexing his muscles. "No need. I have this under control," he said, casting a quick glance back at the girls. "Besides, I have to protect you all, if I don\'t then I\'m not worthy of your care."

His words were like cupid arrows to their hearts.

"O-okay!" Serena said, flustered.

"(Lord Lumiere is so amazing...)" (Magenta)

"(As expected of my master. He\'s absolutely stunning... I should give him a reward after this.)" (Isadora)

"(Great Lumiere, charming as always..)" (Fasit)

As Lumiere began his descent down the steep earthen elevation they were standing on, he unleashed his [Demon Wings], and a pair of gigantic bat-like wings emerged from his back, taking him aloft.

The girls gasped in shock and surprise.

"When did he learn to fly?" Fasit exclaimed, her eyes bulging in amazement.

"Since he became a demon lord candidate," Isadora explained, an expression of admiration on her face.

The entire group watched, awestruck, as Lumiere made a fearless beeline towards the Wyvern, his bat wings propelling him at lightning speed.

The tension in the air was palpable as the Wyvern prepared to launch another assault.

Its sights were set on a beast person with regal attire, flowing golden hair, and piercing lion-like eyes. The beast person looked ready to retaliate, but before he could do anything, the Wyvern unleashed another blast of energy from its mouth.

At that moment, a blur of motion caught everyone\'s attention as Lumiere appeared in a flash, his demonic wings spread out to their full extent. With practiced ease, Lumiere unleashed his 「Magic Barrier」, a powerful energy shield that covered him and all the nearby beast people, neutralizing the Wyvern\'s attack.

The grateful beast people immediately began to shout their thanks to Lumiere. "You saved us!" cried one. "How did you do that so easily?" marveled another.

Unfazed, Lumiere simply smiled and spread his arms wide as if to welcome the praise. "I am Lumiere Del Silva, the ruler of this domain," he said.

As the commotion died down, Lumiere closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Come forth, Fulgur," he intoned. A bolt of lightning flickered and danced around him before taking shape as a handsome, yellow-haired man.

The figure, Fulgur, hovered beside Lumiere, their eyes locked in a silent understanding.

Without delay, Lumiere used his unique skill, [Armatization], to fuse himself with Fulgur, transforming him into a beautiful, glowing bow. Lumiere pulled back on the bowstring, aiming directly at the Wyvern. Electricity sparked and crackled, forming a large and dangerous arrow.

"It\'s over, Wyvern," Lumiere proclaimed, his voice ringing with confidence.

『Ultimate Discharge — Thousand Arrows Crash!』

With a practiced motion, he let the arrow fly. It streaked towards the Wyvern like a flash of light, splitting into thousands of smaller lightning arrows that tore into the Wyvern\'s body with impunity. The beast roared in anger and pain, its flesh literally being torn apart by the magical attack.

It was a gruesome end, with remnants of the Wyvern\'s body scattered about the Wyvern Pass, sizzling and smoking from the intense electricity.

Lumiere watched stoically as the last of the Wyvern was incinerated. "Well, that was easy," he remarked to himself, raising an eyebrow in satisfaction.

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