
Chapter 105 She’s checking up on Garret?

Chapter 105 She\'s checking up on Garret?

Holy Sword Tournament Arc II


(POV: Akashic Records)

In the dimly lit corridors of the coliseum, Genevieve, accompanied by her peculiar companion Skum, made her way towards the recovery room eagerly awaiting news of Garret\'s condition. Skum, his beady eyes fixated on his small scroll, meticulously scribbled down betting odds with a worn-out quill. Paper was a luxury he couldn\'t afford.

Curiosity getting the better of her, Genevieve halted her steps and turned to face Skum, her brown eyes piercing through his unkempt exterior. "Tell me, Skum," she inquired, her voice tinged with a playful disdain, "why, in all the wretched realms, have you chosen to follow me?"

Skum chuckled, his wiry frame shaking with mirth, as he slicked back his greasy black hair. "Ah, my dear princess," he replied, attempting to sound suave but failing miserably, "a gentleman such as myself couldn\'t simply allow a fair maiden like you to wander these treacherous halls alone."

Genevieve rolled her eyes, a twinkle of amusement dancing within their depths, and resumed her determined stride. The clacking of her boots reverberated through the corridors as a haunting silence loomed, broken only by the occasional moans of the wounded in the distance.

It was then that Genevieve caught sight of a figure draped in a flowing black robe, the unmistakable aura of danger emanating from her very being.

A shiver travelled down Genevieve\'s spine, causing her to pause in her steps. With a tinge of unease, she turned to Skum, her voice barely a whisper. "That... that\'s the Lirien girl, isn\'t it?" she asked.

Skum deftly folded his precious scroll and slipped it into the depths of his pants, causing Genevieve to cringe at the thought of its potential filthiness. He nodded, a mischievous gleam dancing in his eyes.

"Indeed, my dear Genevieve," he confirmed, "Lirien is another one of my prime targets. I always place my wagers on her."

Genevieve folded her arms, a playful smirk tugging at the corner of her lips, as her ample bosom pushed against the fabric of her bodice. "Is she that strong?" she knew Skum didn\'t bet on sure winners.

"Definitely." Skum nodded. "All her matches were won without her taking a single step... no one would see when she pulled her sword out."

"Must be rank S+ [Blink Strike] maybe?" Genevieve suggested.

"No. It was a bit different.." Skum rubbed his chin.

"It doesn\'t matter anymore," she declared, her voice filled with resolve. "Unless I\'m facing off against Lirien, the rest is inconsequential."

She took a bold step forward, the weight of her purpose evident in every sway of her hips. Skum followed close behind, his eyes darting between her dynamic figure and the surroundings. "But, Princess Genevieve," he started hesitantly, "surely having a strategy is important in any battle."

Genevieve raised an eyebrow and smirked, her playful nature shining through. "Oh, Skum," she chuckled, "in the heat of a real-life combat situation, we don\'t have the luxury of knowing our opponent\'s abilities. It\'s all about adaptability and instinct."

Skum muttered under his breath, his mind struggling to process her words. Genevieve halted abruptly, causing Skum to collide into her from behind. Stumbling back, he scratched his head and blurted out, "That sounded kind of dumb, didn\'t it?"

A mischievous glint twinkled in Genevieve\'s eyes as she turned to face him, her hands resting on her ample hips. "Say that again," she teased, a sly smile playing on her lips.

Skum gulped and cleared his throat, stealing a quick glance at her voluptuous form. "I, uh, I meant that your strategy, or lack of it, is... unique. But, um, you\'re looking lovely today," he stammered, his face turning slightly crimson.

Genevieve\'s smile widened as she brushed a lock of hair behind her ear. "That\'s what I thought," she responded, her voice filled with satisfaction.

With a decisive nod, she resumed her stride.

As they walked, Genevieve thought to herself, her mind wandering to Lumiere, the enigmatic figure she held close to her heart. She shook her head several times, as if to clear her thoughts, and slapped her cheeks lightly. "I\'ll talk to him later," she whispered to herself, refocusing on the task at hand.

Skum glanced at her, confusion etched across his face, but wisely chose to remain silent.


The recovery room.

Genevieve raised her slender hand and knocked on the wooden door, the sound reverberating through the quiet space. To her surprise, the door swung open almost immediately, revealing Dr. Samras, a renowned physician known for his expertise in the medical field within the Cross Kingdom.

Dr. Samras bowed respectfully to Genevieve, his eyes tracing her figure from head to toe, though he quickly averted his gaze to avoid being too obvious. "Princess Genevieve," he greeted with a hint of mischief in his voice, "it\'s been some time since I last saw you. You\'ve certainly grown... in many ways."

Unaware of his roving eyes, Genevieve smiled warmly, her eyes glimmering with genuine joy. "Yes, it\'s been nearly four years," she replied, her voice tinged with nostalgia. "I hope you\'ve been well, Dr. Samras."

Skum, standing behind Genevieve, raised an eyebrow, his mind catching on the subtle undertones in the doctor\'s words. He shot a quick glance at Samras, who wore a lecherous grin that couldn\'t be missed. Skum muttered under his breath, "That guy\'s a real pervert, huh?"

As if sensing the unspoken words, Dr. Samras quickly regained his composure. "Ahem, yes, quite well indeed," he replied, his voice returning to its professional tone. "May I assist you with something, Princess Genevieve?"

Genevieve\'s attention shifted, her eyes searching the room for a familiar face. "I\'m actually here to see Garret," she explained, concern etching her features. "How is he doing, Dr. Samras?"

Dr. Samras\'s eyes flickered for a moment, focusing a bit too long on the way the fabric of Genevieve\'s attire contoured to her curvaceous buttocks. Sensing his thoughts might be straying, he swiftly closed his eyes and took a deep breath, offering a silent prayer to regain his composure.

"Garret is inside," he managed, his voice strained but professional. "You\'ll find him resting over there."

Genevieve followed Dr. Samras\'s gaze, her eyes locking onto Garret, sitting slouched on the edge of a bed, his torso wrapped tightly in bandages. Clutching a plate of food, he was attempting to eat, but his face contorted with pain as Genevieve slapped him on the back with a little too much enthusiasm.

"How\'re you, Garret?" Genevieve asked, her voice filled with concern.

Garret, now folded up on the bed and clutching his stomach, let out a yelp of agony. "Ouch! Lady Genevieve, what was that for?" he managed to gasp out.

Panicking, Genevieve quickly apologized, her eyes widening. "Oh, I\'m so sorry! I didn\'t mean to hurt you!"

Skum, lurking on the sidelines, erupted into laughter at Garret\'s misfortune. Before he could finish his fit of giggles, however, Genevieve landed a swift punch right on his jaw, sending him sprawling to the ground in pain as well.

Garret, finally managing to straighten himself out, mustered a half-amused smirk. "Nice one, Genevieve," he chuckled, still nursing his now-sore stomach. "Remind me never to get on your bad side."

Genevieve gave him a mischievous smile, her hand patting his recently shaved head without thinking. Garret\'s expression immediately shifted from pain to mild annoyance.

"What\'s that for?" he grumbled, though a hint of a blush colored his cheeks.

Genevieve shrugged playfully. "Just trying to make you feel better," she quipped. "You know, the bald look suits you."

Garret\'s scowl deepened, though it was quickly replaced by a small smirk. "Thanks for the compliment," he muttered, taking a small bite of his food. "But losing in the first round of the tournament... fiddlesticks."

Genevieve\'s smile softened, her eyes filled with genuine empathy. "I get it, Garret. It may not be the end of the world, but it\'s still frustrating."

Nodding in agreement, Garret continued to eat, his frustration evident. "As the captain of the Knights of the Cross, I can\'t be seen giving up so easily," he sighed, "But I can\'t let our juniors see me like this... I need to remain tough for them!"

"Of course, and as your vice-captain, I\'m here to assist!" She responded.

The two smiled at each other.

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