
Chapter 144 ~Entry~ Hero goddess, Aurelia? (R-18)

Chapter 144 ~Entry~ Hero goddess, Aurelia? (R-18)

(POV: Akashic Records)

In the God Continent, a powerful Empire known as the Aurelian Empire rose to prominence under the guidance of their divine ruler, the hero goddess Aurelia. Aurelia, who was blessed with unparalleled godlike powers and driven by a noble desire to protect and uplift her people, established the Empire to bring lasting peace, justice, and prosperity to all.

At the heart of the Aurelian Empire\'s foundation lay the sacred Ten Commandments, divine decrees said to be imbued with immense power. Each commandment carried its own weight and significance, and was entrusted to the guardianship of chosen champions, who served as the Empire\'s revered defenders and protectors. These commandments had been bestowed upon Aurelia\'s most loyal and worthy followers, an honor that signified their devotion and righteous character.

Like Aurelia, all her loyal followers were Highest tier Divine Humans.

Behind closed doors, Aurelia\'s true nature was revealed - that of a cruel monster, an entity that cherished only the existence of humans. Those who weren\'t humans were deemed inferior and disposable, their lives inconsequential in the grand scheme of a perfect continent. To her, they were naught but trash, fit only to be discarded and eliminated.


Corvus the Just approached the magnificent throne room of the White Palace, his steps echoed in the grand chamber. A hush fell over the room as the sight of the old man with long white hair and flowing beard, clad in a billowing black robe and wielding a staff.

Corvus, guardian of the 1st commandment - the Commandment of Absolute Authority, which declared the everlasting superiority of the Empire.

Corvus stopped before the colossal doors, flanked by two towering giants.

It was then that a gentle voice broke the silence, reaching Corvus\' ears.

"Human Emperor, Corvus, wishes to speak with our revered Hero goddess, Aurelia."

The voice came from a man dressed in pristine white garments, who bowed his head in deference before Corvus.

This was Ignatius, a figure of unrecognized strength and significance, for he was not one of the heralded champions who safeguarded the sacred commandments.

"Lead the way," Corvus responded.

He followed Ignatius as they walked slowly, their solemn footsteps echoing through the vast expanse of the chamber.

Ignatius, with his striking green hair, golden slit-like eyes, and sharp fangs, contrasted the butler-like air of calmness and composure that surrounded him.

Their path took them towards the end of the seemingly infinite throne room, where Aurelia held court.

Soon after, Ignatius and Corvus stepped into the presence of the captivating Aurelia. Upon a magnificent throne crafted from gleaming white metal adorned with intricate carvings and shimmering gemstones, sat the alluring lady herself. Her pale skin glowed with an ethereal beauty, her flowing cyan locks cascading down her back, framing her radiant amethyst eyes. Aurelia possessed a figure that was nothing short of provocative and enticing.

Yet, amidst this regal setting, something unexpected transpired.

Aurelia\'s attention was fixated on a mirror that showcased Lumiere\'s battle with Gallus. As her fingers disappeared beneath her skirt, finding their way into the confines of her dampened and snug panties, a soft sigh escaped her lips.

"Ohhhhnn... Nnnyessss!~~ Ahhhhnnnn!~~ right there!~~"

Her pleasure was intertwined with the mesmerizing sight of Lumiere\'s beauty, each stroke fueling her desire.

Aurelia\'s delicate fingers gracefully danced in and out of her vagina, igniting an ever-increasing surge of desire that elicited euphoric moans. Her nectar of passion gently flowed, enveloping her fingers in a glistening cascade, as she indulged in the art of self-pleasure, reveling in boundless delight.

Just then, Ignatius couldn\'t withhold the revelation any longer.

"Emperor Corvus has arrived... Empress Aurelia," said Ignatius.

A shiver of satisfaction rippled through her body.

With a sultry smile gracing her lips, she responded, "Is that so?"

Her gaze met Corvus\' as he humbly bowed his head before her.

"Yes," he murmured respectfully.

Aurelia withdrew her fingers from her vagina, glistening with the evidence of her self-indulgent pleasure. She delicately brought them to her lips, her tongue sensually tracing the trail of her essence.

Looking at Corvus, she purred, "Oh, it\'s been far too long since I\'ve laid eyes upon you."

Finally, Aurelia emerged from her majestic throne, clad in a sheer white garment that clung to her voluptuous form, accentuating the exquisite curves of her breasts and outline of her cleavage. Her skin shimmered with a subtle sheen of perspiration, highlighting the sensuality that radiated from her every pore. Drops of her fluids trailed down her glistening thighs, as if tempting one with a taste of the pleasurable sight.

"You have my thanks for answering my summon, Corvus," she murmured, her amethyst eyes filled with a seductive glimmer.

"It seems I\'ve arrived at an inopportune moment," Corvus confessed.

Aurelia\'s laughter danced lasciviously through the air as she held her hand up to Corvus, revealing the glistening evidence of her masturbation.

"Oh, my dear Corvus, don\'t fret," she purred, a mischievous smile playing upon her lips. "I was merely savoring the exquisite sight of that beautiful young man."

Confusion etched into Corvus\' features. "Beautiful?" he questioned.

Aurelia withdrew closer.

With a coy smile, she teasingly replied, "Yes, my dear Corvus, it seems he\'s destined to become my new plaything. A treat reserved for those who catch my eye."

Aurelia\'s sudden interest in this Lumiere stirred curiosity within him.

"You\'ve never expressed such interest in any lesser human before," he observed.

Aurelia tilted her head, amusement dancing in her gaze.

"Indeed, Corvus, but he\'s special," she breathed, her voice a sultry whisper.

"Much like yourself, he\'s a Human Emperor, but Lumiere, my dear, holds the distinction of being a Highest tier Ascended Human," she revealed with slight admiration.

"If this individual possesses the potential to join our ranks, then we should not deny him the opportunity," he asserted.

Aurelia, intrigued by Corvus\' eagerness, arched an inviting eyebrow and sauntered closer, her movements radiating sensuality. "Eager are we?" she purred.

Corvus met her gaze with intensity.

"Indeed, your Radiance," he replied. "Allowing Lumiere to join us could bring many advantages. And who knows, perhaps he\'ll be the one to satisfy your insatiable arousal."

Aurelia\'s curiosity sparked, a hot breath escaping her mouth, "Arousal? Explain yourself."

With a confident yet discreet gesture, Corvus directed Aurelia\'s attention to the pile of lifeless bodies scattered a few meters away in the opulent throne room. The grim reminder of Aurelia\'s voracious sexual appetite was evident in the broken and fragmented remains of the soldiers who had fallen under her merciless carnal prowess.

The most gruesome thing was their now non-existent manhood.

She would ride them to a point their manhood would crumble.

Aurelia\'s lips curled into a knowing smile as her eyes trailed over the evidence of her savage encounters.

"Oh?" she mused.

Corvus\' gaze never wavered as he explained, "These men, your Radiance, were incapable of surviving a night with you. They were merely fuel for your insatiable desires, their fate sealed by the intensity of your pleasure."

Ignatius, who had been standing silently nearby, bowed his head respectfully and interjected, "If you will excuse me, your Radiance, I will attend to the task of cleaning up this mess."

Aurelia granted him a dismissive nod, her attention already drifting back to Corvus.

Ignatius then inquired, "Your Radiance, will you require any more men to satisfy your cravings this evening?"

Aurelia\'s lips curved into a sly smile as she pondered the question, her sigh heavier than her disappointment.

"No, I don\'t think any of them will boost my libido... I won\'t be satisfied until Lumiere is my dog."

"Oh?" said Ignatius, unsurprised.

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