
Chapter 226 Lucilia’s marriage offers?

Chapter 226 Lucilia\'s marriage offers?

(POV: Lumiere)

In the Argentia Viscounty, our temporary abode was nestled within the bustling city of Ribune. Renowned for its delectable seafood delicacies, the city\'s proximity to the port ensured a steady supply of fresh catches. Ribune\'s harbor was also the bustling hub where the Efistes Company shipped its precious goods, a fact I diligently researched with guidance from Lucilia.

Though my heart ached for a long-overdue reunion with Lucretia, I had another burning question that demanded answers.

Her brilliant insights could only have come from being an Integrator, right?

There\'s no other answer.

Then again, I blame All-Father for not telling me more about them.

Why was I an Integrator?

Was it just by chance or was there some reason?

Come to think of it, I blame myself for not asking him.

In our current accommodations, a grand hotel room boasting a mind-boggling array of six beds, the excessive luxury far surpassed our requirements. Surprisingly, a single night\'s stay at this extravagant establishment incurred a hefty sum of five gold pieces.

It was in this opulent setting that I finally managed to convince Lucilia to join me in teaching at the esteemed Aldnoah Magic University.

Having relayed to her every crucial detail pertaining to my proposition, Lucilia sighed deeply.

"Teaching at the university wouldn\'t necessarily trouble me," she finally confessed, "but we mustn\'t disregard our duty to develop our Viscounty."

Umbra then interjected.

"Indeed, but that\'s not really a problem. If you both can balance your time between teaching and cultivating our Viscounty, there should be no cause for concern."

Eager to reinforce the feasibility of this plan, I added enthusiastically, "And with the aid of Stellaria\'s spatial magic, the process of juggling these responsibilities would be significantly eased."

Lucilia nodded, her gaze shifting towards Stellaria, who lay sound asleep, a picture of serenity.

"But Stellaria\'s pretty..." she murmured, her words trailing off hesitantly.

I gently reassured her, aware of Stellaria\'s habitual laziness.

"You can say it, we all know Stellaria\'s pretty lazy."

Together, Lucilia and I directed our gazes towards Stellaria\'s slumbering form, her peaceful countenance akin to that of a baby.

When she slept, she was in baby mode.

When she wasn\'t sleeping, she was in naughty, sexy, sadistic and condescending mode all at once.


Lucilia leaned forward, her hand resting on her forehead as she contemplated my proposal. After a moment, she looked up at me and said, "You know what? I think it could actually work. Well that\'s if we can make it work."

A smile crept onto my face as excitement surged through me.

"That\'s perfect!" I exclaimed. "We\'ll be able to develop our Viscounty and uncover more about Lucretia\'s trade secrets while teaching at the university."

Lucilia paused, a thoughtful expression on her face.

"You know, we might be lucky in a way," she mused.

Luck... tell me about it...

"If we were to approach the Efistes Company solely for the purpose of learning about Lucretia\'s trade, we\'d probably face a lot of obstacles. But with her being busy at the university, we\'ll have a more peaceful environment to dig deeper into her trade secrets."

"And get to know her better," I added.

Raising an eyebrow, Lucilia looked at me curiously. "Do we really need to know more about her, though?" she asked.

Her expression seemed to say that she found my curiosity regarding Lucretia somewhat puzzling.

I scratched my head, letting out an awkward chuckle. "You know, you\'re right," I admitted. "We don\'t necessarily need to know more about her. It\'s just... I guess I\'m intrigued. Plus, understanding her trade might give us some leverage or insight into other matters."

Lucilia studied me for a moment, her eyes narrowing slightly. "You\'re strange," she finally stated, shaking her head in disbelief.

Before I could reply, Umbra chimed in with his own dry remark. "He gets that a lot," he quipped.

"Eh, thanks Umbra," I said.

He shrugged it off. "No need to thank me, Master."

He... missed the part where I was being sarcastic.

Lucilia\'s expression softened, and she turned her attention back to me.

"If we\'re going to be spending most of our time in Argentia," she began, her cheeks turning a shade of red, "I need your help with something. It\'s a little embarrassing, but I don\'t think I have much of a choice."

Curiosity piqued, I raised an eyebrow and leaned in, encouraging her to continue. "What is it?" I asked.

Lucilia scratched her cheek with a finger, her gaze trailing to the side as she worked up the courage to ask me a question. Finally, she mustered up the nerve and said, "So, I heard you have about five fiancées, is that right?"

I tilted my head slightly, taken aback by the unexpected question. "I guess so," I replied, unsure of why she wanted to know.

She let out a sigh, clearly bothered by something.

"You\'re not even sure? Umbra, tell him how many women he\'s romantically involved with," she said.

Umbra raised an eyebrow and smirked. "If we\'re getting technical, I\'d say it\'s more like ten," he said.

"Ten?" I repeated, surprised by the number. "I didn\'t realize it was that many."

I mean there\'s Serena, Stellaria, Isadora, Eris, Fasit, Genny, Bluestella... who else?

I guess Magenta liked me? She may look older but she\'s still a child in my eyes.

Same with Eris, we\'re only engaged so I can\'t actually do things to her until she\'s older.

Still, I love her furry ears... Heh~

Lucilia glanced at me. "What\'s so special about you that you have an illegitimate harem that big?" she asked, her tone teasing.

I scratched my head, trying to come up with an explanation. "Who knows? Maybe it\'s just dumb luck," I replied with a shrug.

Dumb luck was the right guess.

She let out another sigh, a wistful expression on her face. "Must be nice to have such an active romantic life," she mused.

I chuckled softly, finding her jealousy endearing.

"Well, it\'s not all it\'s cracked up to be. But hey, I\'m sure you\'ll find someone too. You\'re beautiful, well-mannered, and from nobility. It shouldn\'t be too hard for you," I reassured her.

Lucilia\'s shoulders slumped slightly as she let out a resigned sigh.

"That\'s easy for you to say. Almost every guy I come across is a total douchebag," she muttered, her frustration evident.

I couldn\'t deny that it\'d be difficult for her to find someone suitable. As the Viscount\'s daughter, it was advisable for her to marry someone of a decent class. However, finding a worthy suitor who wasn\'t either immediately lower or higher in noble ranking than her family would become increasingly challenging as Viscount Randolph continued to make waves in the King\'s Court. Eventually, he\'d likely be elevated to the rank of Earl or higher in his aristocratic career.

Oh boy, if he becomes a Duke...

I\'ll proudly be able to say he\'s a good friend of mine.

Lucilia brought out a delicately crafted scroll from beneath the ornate table. Handing it over to me, she said, "Take a look. This is my father\'s master plan to ensure a marital advantage for me."


I unraveled the scroll, revealing a written list of potential suitors.

My jaw dropped in awe as I whistled softly, realizing it was no ordinary compilation - it was an extensive register, showcasing more than thirty esteemed Barons, ten well-regarded Viscounts, and an Earl.

I turned to Lucilia. "Who\'s this Earl Drumbar?"

"He\'s from here, Drakoria. The ruler of the Drumbar Earldom."

"Noice," I said. "But how did your father manage to secure Earl Drumbar\'s inclusion in this list of potential suitors? It seems rather remarkable."

"My father never ceases to amaze me. Earl Drumbar himself took it upon his noble shoulders to provide my father with this list, hoping to test how deeply Viscount Randolph cherished their friendship while maintaining his own pride. It seems, indeed, that Earl Drumbar desires me as his bride."

My mind whirled with this revelation.

"So, if I understand correctly, Lucilia, this elaborate charade serves as an arduous trial. You must conduct formal interviews with all these suitors, rejecting them one by one until finally, Earl Drumbar stands victorious. That\'s pretty compelling..."

Lucilia sighed, her voice exuding a touch of resignation.

"Precisely. Officially, I must honor this intricate dance, ensuring I evaluate each suitor with utmost fairness before eventually selecting Earl Drumbar. It\'s a matter of protocol and preservation of appearances, you see."

That\'s stressful.

An Earl is a higher-ranking noble than a Viscount. If Lucilia were to marry one, it\'d elevate her status and potentially open up more opportunities for her family. However, it\'d also mean that Lucilia\'s family would have to rely on the Earl\'s power and influence, which could create a power imbalance. This marriage would strengthen Viscount Randolph\'s ties within the aristocracy but could also be seen as a potential threat by other noble families who might perceive him as trying to climb the social ladder too quickly.

Then, Marrying someone of equal rank, such as another Viscount, would ensure that Lucilia\'s family maintains its current status. This type of marriage would create a stable alliance between the two families, as they share similar social and political backgrounds. It\'d also ensure a balance of power between the families. However, it may not necessarily lead to further upward mobility for Lucilia\'s family unless the other Viscount\'s family has considerable influence or connections.

Which technically, he does.

The power dynamics gets tricky from lower ranks.

Marrying a Baron could still be politically advantageous. It\'d allow Lucilia\'s family to have control over the match, potentially gaining influence over the Baron\'s land and resources. This would increase their own family\'s wealth and power, albeit at the cost of marrying someone of lower rank. The power balance in this type of marriage would heavily favor Viscount Randolph\'s family, as they\'d have more control and influence over the Baron and his resources.

"So, where do I come in," I asked.

"You\'re going to help me sort through these suitors... yunno, let em? down easy."

"I guess I can do that," I told her.

"GREAT!" Lucilia exclaimed.

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