
Chapter 262 I'm on a date with my students? (I)

- White Dragon Labyrinth Exploration Arc

- Isadora Interlude Arc

- Lucretia & Lumiere Arc

- Isadora Soul Search Arc (Part I)

- Lord of the Abyss Revival Arc (Part II)

- Main Arc (End of Volume): Grand Conflict Resolution Arc


(POV: Lumiere)

Leaving the bustling merchant guild behind, I clutched my guild card tightly.

It had my basic information and identification number.

This wasn\'t only my registration point but also the hub for collecting information and sending messages to the guildʼs headquarters.

With my registered branch being in Drakoria, it "should" make things difficult.

However, Stellaria had her 『Spatial King Azurath』.

So we could easily move around.

As I mulled over these thoughts, Anastasia suddenly entwined her arms around my right arm and whispered, "I\'m so glad you passed!"

I smiled in response.

Not wanting to be left out, Ruri mirrored Anastasia\'s actions, her slender arms embracing mine as her petite, shapely breasts pressed softly against my arm.

Honestly... These women knew nothing about personal space.

With a cheery expression, Ruri chimed in, "I\'m happy too!"

Anastasia interjected, her voice teeming with exuberance, "Actually, I\'m even happier than Ruri! I was so worried when you were taking the exams!"

"Is that so?" I said.

She nodded gently. "I thought you\'d fail..."


Thanks for having faith in me?

Ruri nodded in agreement, adding, "I was worried too!"

Anastasia then confidently declared, "But I was even more worried!"

Her breasts seemed to press against my arm more deliberately, a smile boldly on her lips.

I let out a sigh, mindful of the gazes piercing through me like sharpened daggers.

"Guys... We\'re outside..."

Just then, Ruri broke the brief silence, her curiosity evident.

"Have you ever been to the Efistes Viscounty before now, Sensei?" she asked, her big blue eyes brimming with interest.

According to what Lugnar told me— the Efistes Viscounty was broken down into Argentia, Ivory and Obsidia.

Given how prosperous all three viscounties were, population increased, and more population meant more task as well as improved security.

It was around this time Lugnar established the "Blue Guards".

It had a good number of knights that were on Garret\'s level.

Which in truth was pretty high. Sure, I could kick Garret\'s ass, but that was because I was on Lirienʼs level of swordsmanship.

A battle god.

In truth, Garret deserved more credit.

"So, have you?" Ruri pressed gently.

I shook my head, "Um, no, I don\'t think I have..."

Intrigued, Ruri revealed, "Well, I\'ve been to Argentia a few times with my father. I could show you around, if you\'d like."

A blush spread across her face as she hastily added, "I mean, like a friendly outing, not a date!"

Embarrassed, she quickly released her grasp on my arm.

"Either one would be my honor," I smiled.

I gazed at Ruri, a warm smile spreading across my face, and she sweetly returned it, her eyes sparkling with affection.

But before I could fully bask in the moment, Anastasia forcefully pulled at my arm.

"Hey, don\'t leave me out!" Anastasia exclaimed, tugging at my arm. "I know some places in Argentia as well!"

Her rosy cheeks puffed out in a slight pout.

"Definitely not," I chuckled nervously as I reassured her.

"Better." She nodded strongly, once.

It became even more obvious how "enthusiastic" my students were.

There was nothing wrong about going out to see places with them, but it\'d completely suck if something were to happen.

By something I mean more than physical contact.

And for some reason, I couldn\'t keep my hands to myself lately.

I just didn\'t know what was wrong with me recently. It almost felt like I\'d been spending a little too much time around Isadora.

Just as I was about to respond to talk to Anastasia and Ruri, a well-dressed, elderly gentleman approached us with a bow.

"Greetings, young sir."

The man greeted with a silky smoothe voice. Almost like he\'d been practicing the voice prior.

"Hm?" Ruri uttered, surprised.

I quirked an eyebrow. "Good morning? How may I help you?"

"Apologies, it appears I haven\'t introduced myself," said the man in black.

"You think?"

Anastasiaʼs sarcastic response was unneeded, but one thing about her was doing something unnecessary at the wrong time.

She wasn\'t explicitly a nice girl, unless she knew you on a personal level.

In my case, she verbally assaulted me upon the first hour of our meeting.

But now, she was my obedient teacher\'s pet. Hah~

"I\'m a coachman."

Then, the man in black proudly gestured toward a row of elegant carriages nearby. His was likely among them.

It was no shocker that Argentia had beautiful carriages.

But in the end, why was he telling me all this. I wasn\'t interested in a carriage ride of the sort, the last thing I entered that was close to a carriage was the one I used to travel through the Great Forest while I was on my way to Elvindor.

And till this day, it hadn\'t been fixed.

I just left it suspended in Serena\'s pocket dimension.

After his graceful introduction and display, I told him, "Uh, okay."

"Wait a minute..."

"What?" I asked Anastasia.

"I think I know where he\'s going with this... What would be the best and most convenient way for us to go around Argentia?"

Ruri placed her palms together. "A carriage ride!" she realized.

"So, what\'d you think, Sensei~?"

Her arms remained tightly wound around mine as she flashed me a gentle smile.


I paused for a moment, my left hand resting on my waist as I contemplated her words.

"Well, if you guys really want to use the carriage, we can go for a ride," I conceded.

There were a few hours before I\'d have to meet up with Lucilia for her marriage proposal interview.

Maybe this would calm me down a bit before having to see one or two nobles cry after getting rejected.


The coachman\'s face lit up with approval.

With that settled, the four of us climbed into the luxurious carriage, settling comfortably beside each other.

Anastasia and Ruri deliberately left me in the middle.

Their proximity next to me was enough to look like I was wearing them.

And the little bits of skin that peaked out from their dress gently revealing their thighs added a hint of eroticism to it all.

I knew Ruri wasn\'t aware of how much her thighs were showing.

But Anastasia... She definitely was.

Taking his place next to the majestic horses, the coachman deftly grasped the reins.

"So where to?" the Coachman asked.

Anastasia and I both looked at Ruri.

"Oh, it\'s me," she said. "Hmmm..."

By this time, our carriage set off.

Ruri placed a delicate finger on her chin, those enchanting blue eyes of hers carrying contemplation.

Anastasia chimed in and suggested, "Since this was a date..."

"I thought it wasn\'t," I interjected.

Naturally, this was as good as any date could get.

They were both dressed in casual garments that framed their bodies the way their school uniforms never could.

"Hmph," said Anastasia. "It\'s a date with two beautiful women, so deal with it."

"Ah, sure."

"Great," she spoke indifferently, trying to hide her excitement. "We\'ll follow the normal order of activities, starting with a quaint little restaurant or perhaps a visit to one of the many trendy boutiques here."

"Really?" I asked. "I\'m the one spending money?"

Anastasia folded her arms and retorted, "Of course! Or could it be you have the money, darling?"

For some reason the Coachman laughed.

I leaned in, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips.

"Why would you assume I was paying?"

Anastasia smirked.

"Well, if you could freely toss two gold coins to that receptionist woman earlier, then you certainly have the means, don\'t you?"

I let out an exasperated sigh, shaking my head.

"Alright, alright. Let\'s get going then."

Ruri spoke up, addressing the coachman. "Uh, please take us to Lon Renzo Wears, please?"

She said "please" twice, but I guess that\'s just how polite Ruri was.

"Lon Renzo Wears? An excellent choice, milady," the coachman, replied. "By the way, my name is Kennedy," he added.

Ruri, feeling a sense of obligation, introduced herself to Kennedy.

"You can call me, Ruri."

Kennedy\'s eyes lit up and a warm smile formed on his face.

"Oh, wow, Lady Ruri. It has such a nice ring to it."

Ruri couldn\'t help but giggle, tilting her head in appreciation. "Thank you, Kennedy."

With that, the carriage set off, the clatter of hooves against the cobblestone road could be heard.

As the journey continued, Kennedy took the opportunity to learn Anastasia\'s and my names.


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