
Chapter 287 An unlikely likely discussion?

Chapter 287 An unlikely likely discussion?

White Dragon Labyrinth Exploration Arc.


(POV: Akashic Records)

Stellaria gazed down at Chubzo, his pitiful form sprawled on the frosty floor of the Undying Palace of Ice.

Everywhere she looked, ice shimmered, cold and unforgiving.

The ice of Zerhogg was describe as ice so cold that it burned — enough that it could burn other flames.

Zerhogg smirked as she approached, her revealing blue kimono a stark contrast against the icy backdrop.

"Ah, Stellaria, you\'ve finally graced me with your presence," Zerhogg purred.

The tone in her voice could be characterized as fake sweetness.

Stellaria rolled her eyes, her patience waning as she cut through Zerhogg\'s facade.

"Cut the crap, Zerhogg. I\'m here to make you restore that girl you erased."

If it were any other person, she\'d easily have ignored their erasure. But, she knew how important Genevieve was to Lumiere, as such, if she failed to restore her, it would make her look like an incompetent wife to be. And expectedly, while Stellaria always took last in a good number of things, she\'d never settle for last when it came to her husband\'s love and affection.

Zerhogg\'s playful smile remained, her hand resting gently on her flat chest.

"Oh, Stellaria, you wound me," Zerhogg replied, feigning hurt. "I expected you to visit me, show me some love."

Stellaria scoffed, her gaze sharp as she met Zerhogg\'s eyes.

"Why would I waste my time visiting you?"

Stellaria retorted, her tone dripping with scorn.

Zerhogg shrugged nonchalantly, lowering herself onto her intricate throne of ice. A flick of her wrist summoned another chair made of glistening ice for Stellaria. Reluctantly, Stellaria took her place, her gaze never leaving Zerhogg\'s scheming face.

Chubzo, desperate to save his own skin, scrambled to Zerhogg\'s side, his voice trembling as he stammered his apologies.

"I-I did my best t-to keep them at bay, b-but..."

Chubzo\'s words trailed off, his fear was very obvious.

And it had to be, Zerhogg was sweet on the outside, or rather — she was sweet to those she was attracted to. But lower individuals were no more than disgusting cretins to her.

Zerhogg silenced him with a sharp glare, her voice dripping ice.

"Shut up."

Her command came out as firm and cold.

Trembling, Chubzo obeyed, his fear rendering him submissive.

He fell to his knees, his lips quickly finding solace in kissing and licking Zerhogg\'s feet, desperate for her mercy.

Stellaria raised an eyebrow.

"Well, Zerhogg, that\'s certainly an odd way to treat your so-called servants," she remarked, her words heavily leaning on sarcasm.

Zerhogg smirked, "Hm."

Then, she sauntered over to Stellaria, her dainty feet tapping softly on the icy floor.

It was as though Chubzo wasn\'t there.

However, there was a well known fact that when a being was too powerful they\'d see weaker existences as nothing more than inanimate objects. This was because they were so much stronger than them that they wouldn\'t notice their power and discard them as "lesser objects".

"Servants, subordinates, it\'s all the same to me," Zerhogg replied nonchalantly, her voice laced with arrogance.

Stellaria shook her head, her tone firm.

"You\'re degrading them a little too much, even for someone like you," she retorted.

Zerhogg\'s laughter echoed through the icy hall as she stood uncomfortably close to Stellaria, her breath caressing the air between them.

"Stellaria, my love, that\'s a huge load of crap," Zerhogg scoffed, disdainful as always. "I, above anyone else, know the darkness that resides within your heart. Don\'t forget how cruel you were to those beneath you, even the weakest of mortals."

Stellaria yawned dramatically, her eyes showing no signs of remorse.

"That was a long time ago, idiot. I don\'t do that anymore," she replied dismissively.

Zerhogg\'s lips curved into a skeptical smile.

"All this talk sounds like lies to me," Zerhogg taunted.

Stellaria\'s smile widened as she proudly looked into Zerhogg\'s eyes.

"Actually, it\'s far from a lie," Stellaria confessed, there was excitement in her voice. She placed her palm upon her chest, her hand perched between her breasts as she shot them forward proudly. "I\'m engaged to a mortal, and I love him very much."

Zerhogg pouted, a hint of envy in her eyes. "That\'s not fair," she complained. "I wanna fall in love too."

Stellaria chuckled softly. "Tough luck, Zerhogg," she replied smugly, her confidence radiating. Before Stellaria could even brace herself, Zerhogg leaned in towards her cheek, her lips poised for a kiss. Acting quickly, Stellaria pinched Zerhogg\'s lips together, her eyes carrying amusement and utmost pride.

"That\'s enough of that, Zerhogg," Stellaria sighed, smiling. "Besides, I don\'t swing that way..."

Zerhogg\'s muffled words reached Stellaria\'s ears.

"You\'re no fun."

That was all she managed to muster.

Stellaria rolled her eyes.

"Like I care... The only person I care to have fun with, is my darling husband Lumiere..."

Zerhogg stood upright, rubbing her chin as she closely observed Stellaria from various angles. After what felt like an eternity, Zerhogg finally backed away, causing Stellaria to release a heavy sigh.

"Do I really have to ask what the problem is?"

Zerhogg shrugged, pretending it was nothing.

"Well, I was just wondering," Zerhogg began, her eyes narrowing a tad seriously. "What kind of mortal could possibly make someone like you their subordinate?"

Stellaria\'s expression softened, and a small smile tugged at the corners of her lips. "Actually, we haven\'t officially gotten engaged yet," Stellaria clarified. "But it\'s just a matter of time."

Zerhogg raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued.

"That doesn\'t really answer my question, though," Zerhogg pointed out.

Stellaria let out a soft chuckle before deciding to satisfy Zerhogg\'s curiosity.

"This mortal that you\'re so casually discussing... He\'s my father\'s successor. The one will inherit his power, will and knowledge..."

Zerhogg\'s eyes widened in shock, her voice echoing through the icy hall.

"Wait... you\'re marrying your brother!?" she blurted out.

Stellaria face-palmed, her patience wearing thin.

"No, no," Stellaria groaned. "That\'s not my father\'s successor. It\'s someone else entirely."

Zerhogg\'s confusion was evident as she furrowed her brow. "What? The All-Father didn\'t choose him?" she asked.

Stellaria nodded, her face was a little less like her nonchalant self. There was some sadness in it.

"Yes, that\'s correct. While it\'s not common knowledge, we don\'t speak much about it. It brings up... painful memories," Stellaria admitted.

Normally, any understanding person would\'ve stopped at this juncture and made no further inquiries, but Zerhogg was abnormal eighty times out of a hundred.

"Just to be sure, when exactly did the fallout happen?"

She asked casually.

Almost like she disregarded Stellaria\'s current mood.

But they were both like that, so they could relate in this manner easily.

Stellaria\'s gaze turned distant as she reflected on the past. "A little over 1,200 years ago, give or take," she said.

"I see," Zerhogg said. "Well, I must admit, I didn\'t know."

"Well, you are a God tier shut-in."

"That\'s one way to put it..." she chuckled.

Standing up from her icy chair, Stellaria approached Zerhogg.

"Anyways, I gotta go... So restore that girl you erased..."

Zerhogg tapped a finger on her chin, deep in thought.

"What if it\'s not possible?" she mused.

"Don\'t play games with me... I know you can reverse the effects of your chaotic energy," she stated with a small yawn.

It was always difficult for Stellaria to try and sound intimidating, because she\'d yawn in-between every sentence.

A smirk danced across Zerhogg\'s lips. "You got me," she admitted. "Thanks for keeping my stupid servant alive, by the way."

"Yaaawwwnnn~~ Even if I didn\'t spare him, I have no doubt you would\'ve hunted me down and killed me."

Zerhogg let out a hearty laugh. "Oh, have you really gotten that weak?"

Stretching her arms above her head, Stellaria let out a satisfied sigh.

"It\'s not about being weak... I just sealed some of my powers. Having that much power was becoming stressful," she explained.

Zerhogg snapped her fingers. "Well, there you have it. I\'ve restored the girl."


Opening a portal, she motioned towards it. "Later."

Zerhogg raised an eyebrow as she watched Stellaria.

"Aren\'t you going to ask me about that labyrinth?"

Stellaria sighed.

"Seems like a lot of talk for now. Maybe another time," she replied casually, brushing off Zerhogg\'s attempt at luring her into a conversation.

A fact was, she knew when that labyrinth was created.

Zerhogg grinned as she leaned against the ice throne. "You\'ve always been lazy, haven\'t you?" she teased.

Without another word, Stellaria gracefully stepped towards the portal.

Before disappearing into the swirling vortex, she turned back to Zerhogg.

"I\'ll visit some other time.."

"That\'s a promise!"

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