
Chapter 292 The Right Hand of the White Dragon?

Chapter 292 The Right Hand of the White Dragon?

White Dragon Labyrinth Exploration Arc.


(POV: Akashic Records)

Back at the other parts of the labyrinth, Stellaria emerged from a swirling portal, her slender arms stretching out as she stepped onto solid ground.

The effects of the anti-magic barrier were no longer restraining her abilities, for she had found a way to tap into her sealed power.

Throughout their journey in the labyrinth, Stellaria had kept her left eye closed, a physical representation of her efforts to access her hidden magic.

This seal allowed her to harness an extraordinary and dense magic power that surpassed ordinary spells and arts.

Naturally, she didn\'t want to depend to much on it.

Or she might be tempted to life the seals on her magic power.

As she returned to her companion girls, Luna and Anastasia, they hurried towards her, worry etched across their faces.

"Are you okay, Professor Stellaria?" Luna\'s voice trembled with concern.

Anastasia then added, "You were gone for a... A long time..."

Stellaria let out a languid yawn, her exhaustion evident as she brushed off their worries. "I\'m fine," she assured them.

"That\'s good..." Luna said.

"Is Genevieve alright?"

While it may have seemed like Stellaria was asking out of concern, she was only asking to confirm if Zerhogg kept to her end of the deal.

Luna looked at her companion, surprise infused in her voice.

"How\'d you know she wasn\'t dead?"

Stellaria\'s lips curved into a sly smile as she feigned nonchalance.

"Oh, I just assumed she was," she replied casually.

Anastasia\'s brows furrowed, her confusion apparent.

"Wait, you didn\'t notice?" she asked, incredulity coloring her words.

When it came to lying, Stellaria was the best there was because she did it with ease.

Brushing off their bewilderment, Stellaria stretched her lithe frame and turned her gaze towards Genevieve. The young woman was seated on the ground, some inches away from Ophelia who tended to Fanatio\'s wounds.

"Professor Stellaria?" Luna called to her.

"( What does she want now...? )" (Stellaria)

"Hm, yes, Luna?"

"How\'d you do that with the dragon?" she asked.

Any other person might have panicked before finding the right answer that would deceive them.

However, not Stellaria.

"Oh, that?" she replied. She leisurely strolled past her companions, her limbs stretching to their limits as she yawned lazily. "It\'s just magic," she finalized.

Luna and Anastasia exchanged perplexed glances, their confusion mirrored in their expressions.

Their world was built on the concept of magic.

So saying it was just magic made it the most vague explanation one could come up with.

Stellaria approached Fanatio.

Her delicate hands rested gently on her waist.

"So, are you alright?" Stellaria asked softly.

Fanatio glanced down at her badly wounded right arm, then back up at Stellaria, her look was indifferent. "I\'ll be fine," she said plainly.

Nodding in acknowledgment, Stellaria\'s blue eyes did its best to remain active. She didn\'t like long situations, they always got her tired.

Right now, more than anything she wanted to sleep.

"That\'s good to hear," she murmured, her gaze shifting to Ophelia, who was diligently working on patching up Fanatio\'s arm.

"How long will it take?" Stellaria asked Ophelia.

With her ripped off blue cloth and emergency herbs in hand, Ophelia replied, she was completely concentrated, "Just a few more minutes, I think."

Meanwhile, Genevieve shared her confusion with the group.

"I honestly can\'t understand what happened," she admitted, her eyes searching for answers.

Stellaria, with a quirked brow, responded with a curious, "Hm?"

Genevieve continued, "It didn\'t feel like I died. It was more like... I blinked and everything went dark for a moment, then suddenly everything was back to normal."

"( Makes sense, her perception of time is slower than much more powerful beings... Even Lumiere would\'ve viewed it the same way, but I guess that OP skill of his would\'ve kicked in before Zerhogg could try and delete him... )" (Stellaria)

Stellaria\'s interest piqued as she considered Genevieve\'s words.

"Oh, that sounds intriguing," she commented casually, her focus shifting as they neared the labyrinth\'s small exit route.

Not once had she worried herself about how Lumiere was faring.

"( He\'s a big boy, I\'m sure he can take care of himself... )" (Stellaria)


In another part of the labyrinth, Lumiere and Ravenna continued their trek.

Lumiere continued to play with the small, jelly-like orb in his palm.

Amidst their journey, a woman materialized before them, her long blue hair cascading down her back.

Lumiere\'s amethyst eyes widened, taking in her presence.

"Hm?" Lumiere questioned.

He turned to Ravenna, his gaze seeking confirmation. "Do you know who she is?" he inquired.

Ravenna shook her head, her wavy black locks swaying gently.

"I\'m not sure," she replied honestly, her eyes fixed on the woman\'s solemn expression.

Lumiere sighed softly. "It\'s probably another stupid mirage..."

The two walked past the woman.

Just as they were about to completely pass by the woman, she spoke, her voice seemingly carried on a gentle breeze.

"Sorry to disappoint you both, but you\'ll never escape this labyrinth," she remarked with an air of certainty.

Lumiere, calm and composed as always, turned to face her.

"So, you\'re not a mirage?" he inquired, his tone steady.

"( But she\'s still stupid though... )" (Lumiere)

The woman, named Aaron, shook her head slowly.

"No, I\'m quite real," she replied.

Lumiere was intrigued by her presence.

"You mentioned something about us never leaving this labyrinth. Care to explain?" he asked.

Aaron\'s blue eyes bore into Lumiere\'s, devoid of any amusement or lightness. "You see, you don\'t understand the true nature of this labyrinth," she calmly explained.

Lumiere nodded, absorbing her words. "I see," he replied.

Aaron\'s expression remained unchanged, her focus unwavering.

She continued. "Unfortunately for you, stepping foot in this labyrinth was the wrong decision... My role here is to incapacitate you," she revealed, her voice devoid of any emotion.

"Me?" Lumiere pointed at himself, "Unfortunate? That\'s a first..."


Lumiere\'s eyes widened in surprise when he realized the other part of her statement. "Still though, incapacitate me? On what grounds?" he inquired, perplexed by her statement.

Aaron looked him directly in the eye, her gaze however chilling it was, didn\'t faze Lumiere.

He\'d stood face to face with the Imperial Red Dragon before.

"A Curse King has no rights here," she declared.

Lumiere nodded. "Ah, I see," he remarked.

Aaron slowly began to approach them, her steps measured and deliberate.

Sensing the tension in the air, Lumiere turned to Ravenna and instructed her to step back.

However, Ravenna\'s grip tightened on Lumiere\'s arm. "No, I don\'t think you should underestimate her. She doesn\'t seem ordinary," she cautioned.

"Yeah, that\'s cause she\'s an elf..." said Lumiere.

Slowly, Lumiere turned to face Aaron, his amethyst eyes completely studying her body.

"( I still have my physical strength, so we should be alright... )" (Lumiere)

"So, you mind introducing yourself...? It helps with the dialogue..."

"No," Aaron replied plainly.

Her blue eyes didn\'t reveal even an atom of emotion.

Lumiere\'s interest was piqued as he observed her closely, his hand instinctively reaching for the hilt of his sword. But before he could even fully draw his weapon, a blur of movement occurred. In a fraction of a second, Lumiere found his right arm firmly grasped by Aaron\'s hand, her sword sheathed back before it was even "realized" as fully drawn. The pain was instantaneous, searing through his body as blood sprayed from his severed limb.

However, Lumiere remained calm, and through sheer willpower, he suppressed any cries of agony.

"( Oh, my arm... )" (Lumiere)

Ravenna was shocked.

"( Even my [World Acuity] barely caught sight of that... )" (Ravenna)

Aaron nonchalantly dropped Lumiere\'s severed arm to the ground, her gaze never faltering, she looked smug, but not even a smile was there to prove it.

"I suppose I could introduce myself after all. My name is Aaron Heneria Galadiatrix," she calmly stated.

"( Galadiatrix... I\'ve heard that name before... Eunaria, that Imperial Blue Dragon. )" (Lumiere)

"But you may know me better as the Right Hand of the White Dragon, the Battle Gods\' first seat."

It was a precarious situation for Lumiere.

However, he remained calm.

This was exclusively the one thing he was used to coming across.

As such, there was no use in panicking.

For now, at least...

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