
Chapter 303 The final decision in day?

Chapter 303 The final decision in day?

White Dragon Labyrinth Exploration Arc.


(POV: Akashic Records)

The resolve to get stronger.

It was something that was hard to find, and hard to maintain.

But in the end, motivation was never the core for success.

It was discipline.

Stellaria\'s form shifted from lying on the air to sitting, crossing her legs as she floated effortlessly.

Her unintentionally condescending smile danced on her lips as she gazed at Fanatio and Genevieve.

"So, what do you two plan to do now?"

Fanatio exhaled heavily, there was bitterness in each syllable.

"We were weak, too proud to recognize when to back down from an unwinnable battle. We\'ll never win fights if we continue in this manner.."

"So," Stellaria smiled even more. "You\'ll give up right..."

"Giving up isn\'t an option, I... We, need to do more."

Stellaria\'s smile widened. "I like where this is going. What\'s the plan?"

Fanatio hesitated for a moment before pressing forward.

"I have information, information that I\'ve been keeping to myself. But perhaps now is the best time to share it with all of you."

Genevieve leaned in, her eyes fixed on Fanatio.

"What kind of information?"

Fanatio took a deep breath, her voice steady.

"It\'s about dragons. Dragon-related matters are usually kept confidential by the Pendragon family, but I believe it\'s time for us to work together. I\'m the daughter of the Hero King and a Pendragon myself. Genevieve, you\'re a princess of the Cross Kingdom. Stellaria, you have enviable strength. And Ophelia, you have more experience as an adventurer than any of us, your information network might just be of use."

She allowed her long talk to settle in.

"Together, we can form a formidable force and gather information that even the Adventurers\' Guild... And possibly even the two kingdoms, might not have."

Genevieve rubbed her chin slowly, a thoughtful expression crossing her face.

"I see where you\'re going with this..."

"We should form some sort of group, then?"Ophelia added.

"Yes, we can become stronger together and uncover what\'s really been going on since the attack on Zarbon city," said Fanatio

Both Genevieve and Ophelia nodded. "Exactly," they said.

"Hai." Stellaria\'s more languid nod followed suit.

Fanatio folded her arms and nodded as well.

"We\'ll combine our strengths, our knowledge, and become a force to be reckoned with. No longer will we be at the mercy of our own powerlessness. Hopefully, we can rise above it..."

The four girls exchanged placed their hands together.

"Together.." said all excluding Stellaria.

The three girls looked at Stellaria and then she said, "What?" After rolling her eyes, she sighed and said, "Sure, together."

Four of them were from different social standings, and didn\'t all have the same race.

However, what held them together was their drive to work together towards a common goal.

Well, only the deadweight wouldn\'t be working — nevertheless, Stellaria did deserve credit for doing her very best to make sure these women walked down the right path.

And made the right choices...

A friendship that could signal the start of new story.



Lumiere and Ravenna were forcefully expelled from the dungeon, tumbling onto the ground in a heap.

Ravenna, unfortunately, landed directly on Lumiere\'s face, her ass resting on his face.

Lumiere\'s body twitched awkwardly, desperately trying to adjust to the uncomfortable position.

His face was perched between her succulent buttocks.

This led to the unintentional pressing of both the fabric of her panties as well as the partly sweaty flesh of her tender ass nicely against his face. His nose was just a few centimeters away from making contact with her panty-covered clit.

Ravenna let out a groan and slowly dressed her scattered black hair, brushing herself off.

She lifted her face to the sky, marvelling at the radiant sunlight that kissed her flawless skin.

A smile crossed her lips as she felt the warmth enveloping her entire being.

"It\'s been almost a century since I felt the warm touch of the actual sun on my body... I\'ve never felt more alive than now... It reminds me of home, it reminds me of everyone I loved..."

She closed her eyes gently to take the full embrace of the sun.

Her hands gently massaged her smooth, spotless arms, she enjoyed her own touches, it made every hair in her body stand. Truly, she missed her actual life — the one before she became a Curse King known only to cause nothing but ruin.

Suddenly, Ravenna became aware of muffled sounds, causing her to furrow her eyebrows and scan her surroundings for the source.


Confusion gripped her as she heard the mysterious noises persist, seemingly coming from nowhere and everywhere at once.

"Where\'s that sound coming from?" she pondered aloud.

Her gaze darted frantically in search.

Just then, Lumiere, his voice slightly muffled, tapped Ravenna\'s leg with his finger.

Startled, she turned her attention towards him and blinked in surprise.

"Hm?" she uttered, finally recognizing her unwitting perch. "Oh, what\'re you doing down there?" she asked.

A normal woman would immediately get triggered by this, but she didn\'t take it has a big deal. To her, it was one of those few things a girl had to experience in her life.

Lumiere, still somewhat restricted by Ravenna\'s position, managed to mumble out a response.

His words vibrated against Ravenna\'s clit that was confined within the fabric of her panties, causing a ticklish sensation.

"You fell on my face," he explained.

Ravenna couldn\'t help but smirk at Lumiere\'s words.

The provocative vibrations from his voice sent a shiver down her spine, and she playfully warned, "If you keep talking like that, I might just make a mess of these panties." Her voice held a seductive edge.

Lumiere let out a long-suffering sigh. "Jeez," he muttered under his breath, feeling thoroughly underwhelmed by the situation.

"It is true though..."

"Eh?" said Lumiere.

Right after, there was an unsettling silence and the two of them just burst into laughter some seconds later.

"At least get off me," Lumiere asked, still laughing.

Gently, Ravenna shook her head. "The view from this angle is perfect..."

She enjoyed the beauty of the forest.

"Yeah, I... Can agree..." said Lumiere.

Plot twist, he couldn\'t see what she saw, so what exactly did he agree to?



"I\'m so happy right now..."

"That\'s good."


"Eh, Ravenna?"


"You just peed a little, didn\'t you..."

"It slipped when we were laughing, I couldn\'t hold it."




An incident that Lumiere never forgot to tell his daughters.

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