
Chapter 307 Discovering “his” true intentions?

Chapter 307 Discovering “his” true intentions?

Isadora Interlude Arc


(POV: Akashic Records)

Several years had passed since Vyndariel's evolution into a Demon King.

His evolution was a gradual process, unlike a sudden awakening.

Despite Isadora completely serving under him, Vyndariel's ascent to full Demon King status took time.

He diligently created more demon spirits, expanding his formidable horde and using them to conquer various settlements in order to grow his territory.

With each new conquest, Vyndariel's power swelled, and he became increasingly unstoppable.

He ruthlessly seized the territories of other demon lords, forcing them to bow down before him. These subjugated demons only served to strengthen his might further.

It was not long before Vyndariel broke free from the confines that once held him, evolving into a true Demon King.

Upon Vyndariel's transformation, Malphas, the Lord of the Abyss, devised a plan to secure his ascension to the throne of the Abyssal Heights. As the ruler of the eighth layer of Hell, Malphas held significant influence within the esteemed roundtable of Demon Kings known as "Degzed."

In order to complete his own end of the bargain, Malphas recommended him as the ideal candidate to rule over the Abyssal Heights (4th layer).

The ruler of the tenth layer readily acquiesced.

Thus, Vyndariel was elected as the new ruler of the Abyssal Heights.

With this appointment, Vyndariel would govern over a realm teeming with countless demons, their unwavering loyalty only serving to further bolster his already formidable strength.


Vyndariel stood in front of the mirror, carefully adjusting his suit and tie. Isadora sat on the edge of his bed, her legs crossed in a meditative posture, but she looked anything but serene.

She broke the silence, whistling just a bit, "I can't believe today's the day we head to the Abyssal Heights, my lord. You've made remarkable progress in such a short time. Becoming one of the most prestigious Demon Kings seems almost effortless for you."

Vyndariel chuckled softly as he finished knotting his tie.

"It's not as easy as it appears, Isadora. A lot has happened in the background."

"Hm?" Isadora uttered as she quirked an eyebrow.

He paused for a moment, his expression turning serious.

"When I was recommended as the next Demon King of the Abyssal Heights, there was one woman in Degzed who opposed my inclusion in their ranks."

The woman he was referring to was the Immortal Demon King, Dendrossa. The ruler of Tenebrous Slade (the 7th layer of Hell). It was highly likely that had Malphas not been a Demon King deeper into the layers than she was, then everyone would've decided on not selecting Vyndariel as one of their own.

Isadora's eyes widened in surprise. "Really? Why? She didn't like you?"

Vyndariel glanced at her reflection in the mirror.

There was resolve in his gaze.

"It wasn't me she didn't like. It was Malphas. She held some sort of grudge against him."

Isadora leaned forward, intrigued. "What kind of grudge?"

Vyndariel looked directly at her, his voice steady.

"To be honest, it doesn't matter. What matters is that I am now an official Demon King of Hell, and I'll prove my worth to her and everyone else. And maybe with a little more work I can become one of the strongest Demon Kings they've ever witnessed."

Isadora shrugged, accepting his answer. "I suppose you're right. Now, shall we?"

Vyndariel smiled and gestured towards the door. "Indeed. Let's not keep the Abyssal Heights waiting."

As Vyndariel opened the door, he was greeted by the sight of his wife, Ashia, standing before him.

She bowed respectfully and greeted him, "Greetings, my lord."

Vyndariel returned her greeting, his eyes softening with affection.

"Ashia, how are you doing?"

Ashia lifted her head, a warm smile gracing her lips.

"I'm doing quite fine, my lord."

His concern evident, Vyndariel asked, "That's good to hear. Have you done what I asked?"

Ashia nodded, her eyes had a hint of pride with them, but she remained comported nevertheless.

"Yes, my lord. I have gathered all 28,000 demons, and they are ready for departure."

"Excellent," Vyndariel simply said.

Vyndariel walked past Ashia, his gaze fixed ahead as he motioned for them to get going. Isadora, ready to join him, felt a sudden grip on her wrist. Startled, she raised an eyebrow languidly and turned to face Ashia, her expression curious.

"What's the matter, Lady Ashia?"

Ashia's eyes bore into Isadora's.

"You've been getting awfully close to Lord Vyndariel lately, Isadora."

Isadora's raised eyebrow dropped, her expression now serious.

"And why is that a problem? Do I need your permission to interact with him? I know he spends more time with me, but that doesn't diminish his feelings for you. Our relationship is nothing more than that of a father and daughter."

And that was indeed the truth.

However, Isadora misunderstood where Ashia was going with her question. But anyone would given the manner in which the circumstances were laid out.

Ashia released her grip on Isadora's wrist. In her voice, frustration was caught a bit at her throat.

"Even in all these years, you still can't see the truth can you? Then again, I don't blame you given how much you've enjoyed your time..."

"Hm? I'm not following," Isadora uttered, confusion etching her features. "What truth?"

Without turning back, Ashia walked toward the door, her voice trailing behind her.

"Remember, Isadora, I know Vyndariel better than anyone. Don't forget that."

Isadora's brows knitted together in frustration. She was doing her best to remain calm and indifferent about the matter, but with how Ashia presented it, she felt less and less at peace with herself. Her fear and curiosity mixed together to gnaw against her conscience for the truth.

"What're you even getting at?"

Ashia paused for a moment, her back still facing Isadora.

"Vyndariel may treat you kindly, like a close friend and a daughter, but when the time comes for you to be of use, mark my words, you'll be sacrificed. If you truly love him enough to sacrifice your life for his cause, then there's no point in having this discussion."

Because, the point of this discussion was to offer Isadora a way out.

She was warning her.

Isadora's hands trembled violently as the weight of Ashia's words sunk in.

"H... He's going to sacrifice me...?" she whispered.

Her shock was far greater than her fear.

Her heart pounded in her chest as she looked down at the cold, hard ground beneath her feet.

The reality of the situation crashed over her like a dark wave. Her father, technically, wanted to sacrifice her.

Ashia stepped closer to Isadora. "I don't expect you to believe me," she began, her eyes searching Isadora's for any sign of understanding. "But I'm telling you the truth. You have something inside you, something powerful that Vyndariel seeks. It's the most potent demon lord seed to ever exist. And he'll stop at nothing to utilize it to his own advantage... no matter what it costs him."

Isadora's mind raced as she tried to process the gravity of the situation.

Could it be true?

Did she possess such a rare and dangerous power?

And most importantly, could she trust Vyndariel, the man she had come to view as a father figure?

"W... Why... Are you telling me this...?"

Ashia continued, her voice softer now.

"I wanted to give you a chance, Isadora. The chance to escape, to protect yourself. Whether or not you accept it is entirely up to you. But at least now you know the truth. I won't force you to make a decision, but I hope you choose what's best for your own safety."

With those words, Ashia turned and walked out of the room, leaving Isadora standing there in shock.

Trembling, Isadora placed a hand over her chest, she was too scared.

She hadn't yet experienced enough of life to give it up, to be a mere pawn in Vyndariel's quest for power. After all, she wanted to see more of the Demon Continent, she wanted to know more about the other races in the world like humans, elves, dragons and so much more.

However, Isadora joined Vyndariel and the others as they made their way to the portal that led to the Abyssal Heights.

She did her best to act normal around Vyndariel and her fellow demons, to hide the turmoil brewing within her, but her mind was busy strategizing and preparing.

Each night, she spent hours carefully crafting a magic suppression rune, inscribing the intricate scripts that formed its foundation.

She took her time to make sure it was perfect.

And at the same time, she knew being relaxed would keep her at risk as well...

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