
Chapter 347 There’s an itch in-between her legs?

Chapter 347 There\'s an itch in-between her legs?

Lumiere & Lucretia Arc.


(POV: Akashic Records)

Fanatio and Genevieve were amidst the bustling first floor of the Efistes company, where the eagerly-awaited start of the closing ceremony event was soon to commence.

A sea of nobles mingled and conversed.

Genevieve, donning a daring red dress that accentuated her massive tits, caught the attention of many enamored onlookers.

"Hm, these men..."

The way they stared at her...

She felt like they would use their eyes to strip her of her clothes.

Almost instinctively, she used her own hands to cover her body. Still, it didn\'t help the situation in any way.

Fanatio, clutching her own dress at the hem, surveyed her choice of attire.

In disbelief, she uttered a soft "jeez" under her breath.

Noticing her companion\'s perturbed expression, Genevieve turned to her.

"What\'s wrong?" he asked her.

Fanatio hesitated, but then she swallowed her pride and spoke up.

"The thought of wearing a such a dress... a dress like this..."

In the end, her words didn\'t make up much sense to Genevieve.

"Come again?" Genevieve requested, still obviously curious.

Fanatio sighed. She didn\'t want to have to repeat herself, and yet she did.

"I said this dress... It\'s completely... uncomfortable..."

Initially, it didn\'t still make any sense to Genevieve, but deeper thought sharply made her understand.

"Huh?" Genevieve gasped, appraising Fanatio from head to toe. With genuine admiration, she assured her hesitant friend, "But you look absolutely stunning in it! Why wouldn\'t you want to wear this?"

Fanatio\'s ensemble comprised of a form-fitting ash-colored gown that accentuated her every curve. Complementing her captivating attire were silver earrings that shimmered under the dancing lights, along with white gloves that added a touch of elegance. Her hair, elegantly swept into a ponytail, was secured with a delicate silver pin.

Although Genevieve had said all she did, she saw the sense in what Fanatio was saying.

Fanatio wasn\'t used to dressing in this manner.

She preferred something that was more suited to her rigid personality.

An armor, any kind would do for her.

The main reason Genevieve was even defending the dress was simply because she was the one who chose said dress for Fanatio.

But her feelings about the dress was more of a coin flip because the dress was a little revealing.

Fanatio had large breasts, she also had a more than average sized ass, so fitting them into such a tight dress was like stuffing three cans of ham inside one can.

In other words, Fanatio was eye candy for men.

Fanatio sighed, searching for the right words to convey her discontent. "Not everyone enjoys assuming the guise of a princess. It feels ludicrous, donning these opulent trappings," she confessed.

"..." Genevieve remained silent.

A heavier sigh left Fanatio?s mouth accompanied by a hot breath. "I can\'t be caught dead in all this princess attire... It\'s irritating..."

Genevieve\'s expression hardened, her amusement waning as she retorted sarcastically, "Oh, yes, how utterly unbearable it must be to look like a princess."

As expected, the occasional lack of awareness Fanatio suffered struck again.

She\'d forgotten Genevieve was actually a princess herself.

Defeated, Fanatio released her grasp on the dress, her sigh echoing with resignation. "It pains me to think that I\'ll have to be enduring this attire throughout the entire ceremony," she lamented.

Genevieve shrugged nonchalantly. "Well, it\'s not like it\'s a death sentence. Just endure it, and you\'ll be just fine."

Endure it? That won\'t be possible, Fanatio thought.

Something itched her in-between her legs, a small rash that if she scratched, she knew it would subject her to the intense pleasure she needed.

She tried to control her hands from not making any funny movements.

But the itch grew harder.

Fanatio gingerly approached Genevieve, her face contorted with mostly distress. Naturally, it was unusual for her to be this way, she was always calm in the situations she\'d found herself in, but when it came down to embracing her more feminine side, it was war.

"I can\'t do this, Genevieve," she murmured.

Genevieve was quick to respond.

"Jeez, this is honestly getting stressful. You\'re just going to have to manage it like that, I didn\'t say it was going to be easy..."

Fanatio?s knee anxiously rubbed together and then, almost without any warning she said, "Screw this."

She reached down, tugging at the material of the tight dress, causing it to ride up slightly, revealing a glimpse of her shapely thighs. Wordlessly, she slipped her hands beneath the fabric, adjusting it between her legs, exhaling a breath laced with both satisfaction and relief.

"Ahnnnn~~ that\'s the stuff..."

Genevieve\'s eyes widened with alarm as she caught the gazes of several men who had turned their attention towards Fanatio\'s unconventional behavior.

"Filthy old men!" she exclaimed under her breath.

Reacting swiftly, Genevieve hurriedly stepped in front of Fanatio, shielding her from the unwanted attention.

She glanced over her shoulder, eyes narrowed, and scolded Fanatio under her breath, "What on earth are you doing, Fanatio? Why here, of all places?"

Fanatio\'s face looked relaxed, she looked too relaxed to worry about being embarrassed.

She continued to adjust her dress, sinking her hands deeper into the constraining fabric with fervor.

"I can\'t help it, Genevieve," she protested softly, her voice laced with frustration and the occasional moans of satisfaction that were as thick as honey. "It\'s becoming unbearable down there."

The moans drew the eyes of even more men.

What sort of woman owned such an unbelievably sexy moan, they thought.

Rolling her eyes, Genevieve let out an exasperated sigh.

"Fine, just be quick about it then," she muttered, already getting annoyed.

Fanatio offered a grateful smile before resuming her task, discreetly setting everything in its desired place.

Meanwhile, Genevieve\'s gaze shifted towards the group of lecherous, older men, who ogled Fanatio shamelessly.

Their lustful stares and repulsive gestures made Genevieve\'s blood boil. She clenched her fists, whispering a string of curses under her breath. It seemed that no matter how hard she tried to block them, some of them persisted in their perverse behavior. She shuddered as she noticed a few of the men sticking out their tongues suggestively, while others shamelessly groped themselves by the crotch, a wicked grin plastered on their faces.

Genevieve\'s frustration grew with each passing moment.

She turned to Fanatio, irritation pushing out her words.

"Fanatio, just find a bathroom already. This is ridiculous," she scolded, her eyebrows furrowing in annoyance.

Fanatio paused, her hand lightly grazing her chin as she contemplated Genevieve\'s suggestion. "You\'re right," she agreed.

With that, she calmly strode past the lecherous old men, completely unfazed by their lustful stares.

As Fanatio ascended the stairs to the next floor, Lumiere and Lilith made their entry into the spacious event room.

Genevieve sighed, feeling a pang of regret. "I should\'ve gone with Garret," she muttered to herself, convinced that he would\'ve made things easier. Her gaze shifted towards the entrance, and her breath hitched in her throat as she caught sight of Lumiere.

"L... L... L... Lumiere...?"

The shock in her eyes was priceless.

It was as if she had seen a ghost.

Lumiere strode in with an older woman by his side.

Intrigued, Genevieve hurriedly sought refuge behind a table set with glasses of wine, ensuring she remained unnoticed as she observed them.

Her mind was filled with a whirlwind of questions.

Why was Lumiere with an older woman?

And what was he doing here, in this place of all places?

Was she his fiancée?

Was Lumiere the type to go only after older women?

Lost in her thoughts, Genevieve failed to realize that the man serving the wine had noticed her.

He gave her a reproachful look. "Are you only here to disturb me... Or are you actually going to enjoy some wine."

Flustered, Genevieve hushed him hastily. "Shhhhhh!"

Sje was desperately attempting to keep her presence concealed.

She redirected her attention back to Lumiere and Lilith, straining to hear their conversation, but their voices eluded her ears.

"What\'re they talking about?" Genevieve questioned herself.

There were more and more thoughts creeping into her mind with each moment that passed. It\'d have been better to go meet Lumiere herself and clarify, but she didn\'t want to be wrapped up in anything too complicated...


Her grip on the table increased.

"( Does that mean Lumiere\'s only into much older women... I mean, although the woman he\'s with doesn\'t look a day over thirty, she does look really mature... At least to me... This is actually a little disturbing, does that mean Lumiere feels the same way about all older women, or is she just a special case... If it\'s what I\'m hoping it\'s not he might Lana, or even Vanessa or maybe even... Mother!! )"

Her thoughts were running wild.

She used her hands to slap her cheeks so as to set her imagination straight.

Then, almost as if it was to her advantage, she watched Lilith leave.

Lumiere was standing alone in the event room, looking around.

Genevieve stood up and cleared her throat before walking behind him.

She then acted like she didn\'t see Lumiere and then dramatically gasped.

"Lumiere?!" she said.

Then, Lumiere looked around, searching for the source of this very familiar voice and then, he turned to face her.

"Genny?" he mentioned, confused.

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