
Chapter 40 War. 1

While the Han dynasty's army, which consisted of hundreds of thousands of soldiers, departed forward to the Holy Kingdom's land, that would only take a couple of weeks due to the size of the army and diplomatic issues with entering lands.

Arius was dealing with a small, teeny-tiny problem that would cause a headache for him.

"You take me as your concubine!" Yua, who was frozen with shock a couple of seconds ago, snapped out of it and pointed her pointer finger at Arius.

"Huh..." Arius felt like his brain froze hearing these words come out of M.S. Hammer Girl.

He knew he didn't do anything heroic, romantic, or anything to make her like him at all, so why the hell does this girl like him?

Jasmin and Eva's eyes turned into an endless dark void, seeing another woman trying to be with their man.

Yua ignored the two yandere's and crossed her arms as she gazed at Arius, waiting for him to speak.

Thinking for a second, Arius got into a thinking posture.

He stared at Yua and quickly glanced at her figure up and down.

The girl wasn't bad at all. She had a fine figure and her red hair made her a phoenix type of beauty. Her two different colored eyes, one blue and one red, made her stand out as well.

He could guess as well that she wouldn't become one of those useless heroine girls from light novels or manga who just got in the way every time.

Coming to a conclusion, Arius walked over to Yua and squeezed both of her hands.

Yua's whole body shivered with surprise at feeling her hands being held by Arius.

"Sure, I'll let you become my concubine." Arius gently spoke, tightening his grip on her hands.

He'd accept it, of course; he was a man, after all, and he'd always wanted a harem.

Now, does this mean he would accept every girl?


Knowing Yua was a strong girl who could fight for herself oddly made him happy, knowing he wouldn't have to guard everyone at all times and he could depend on her for fights.

Also, it would be easier for her to stay close to Jasmin just in case she does something 'unexpected.'

Hearing she was accepted easily, Yua couldn't help but feel warm inside.

Feeling this emotion inside, Yua without realizing it, began to mumble, which everyone heard loud and clear. "Please take good care of me, husband."

"Wait!" Eva and Jasmin, who had been watching this scene between Arius and Yua, screamed in unison, both grabbing Arius's ear.

Both Eva and Jasmin pulled Arius to a secluded area in the throne room, which was only 25 feet away from Yua.

"Yes, girls?" Arius played his poker face and calmly asked why he was being pulled by the ear by both of them.

Both girls looked at Arius with a cold, dark expression that could suck anyone in if they stared too long.

"Darling, what did I say about another woman?" Eva was the first to speak up by perking her chest up.

"Yeah boo bear, you said you wouldn't cheat on me. Do I have to lock you in a dungeon and never let you leave?" Jasmin smiled while she tilted her head, actually pondering the idea of locking Arius in a secluded place.

"Girls, girls calm down! It's only a concubine. She is below you in the terms of my harem hierarchy!" Arius placed his right hand on Jasmin's head and his left hand on Eva's head.

Feeling the touch of their beloved, both girls squirmed in nonsexual pleasure.

Wholesome pleasure!

"So you have nothing to worry about," Arius said.

He told both girls that they were his top priority.

Eva and Jasmin's ears flushed as they heard their beloved say they were his top priority.

Watching from a good distance away, Yua gently showed a gentle smile, hearing she was accepted.

Arius, Eva, and Jasmin walked back over to Yua.

Both girls stepped forward to speak with Yua.

"Listen here, Eva and I are the main wives and you are a concubine. We will allow you to like our husband, but you must always protect him from vixens around the world. Got it!" Jasmin made sure her voice was filled with authority.

Without hesitating, Yua got down on her knees. "I swear on my life I will not let any vixens come near our husband!" She declared boldly.

Arius, eyeing this scene, wanted to hug all of them with love, showing his appreciation that they would allow him to have a concubine and that they would protect him.


The doors to the throne room opened, revealing Alfred, who wore a terrified expression on his pale face.

"What's wrong, Alfred?" Of course, Arius saw that his father-in-law was deathly scared of something and wanted to know.

"The Han dynasty's army will arrive in a week..." Alfred spoke of the situation with great anxiety.

"I thought it would be a couple of weeks, like 21 days, until they arrived." Arius tilted his head.

"Well, the nobility of each land allowed them to march through..." Alfred felt like his whole world was going dark by saying this.

"Not a big problem." Arius shrugged his shoulders.

Alfred looked up and walked over toward Arius. "Are you sure?"

"Yep." Arius nodded his head, speaking with pure confidence.

"Thank God I have you." Alfred sighed.

He was truly thankful he had this type of person as a son-in-law who was this powerful.

His fear and anxiety washed away in an instant.

Alfred put on a smile.

"Ah, by the way, did you station troops along the wall?" Arius was curious to see if he actually did so or if he returned as soon as he heard about the Han dynasty army marching towards them.

"I did." Alfred nodded his head in response to Arius's question.

"And, how about the commoners' and nobility's reactions?" Arius asked another question.

Alfred sighed. "The commoners are terrified. They have huddled and barricaded their own homes. Thousands have left my land. Some even began to riot, demanding we surrender. Hundreds have died by our own hands before the enemy could even arrive." He squeezed his fist in anger while he answered.

After taking a minute to calm down, Alfred spoke about the nobles. "They have surrendered to the Han dynasty and refused to have their private armies help defend our land."

Arius knew this type of thing would probably happen.

Come on, a world-class power is sending over a hundred thousand soldiers to destroy your land. Of course, they would surrender.

"Well, it doesn't matter. I'll start heading over to where their army is marching and make sure they don't even step a foot on your land." Arius declared.

"You're leaving already?" Eva asked with a sad expression.

Arius only nodded his head in response to the elf.

"Make sure you kick their ass!" Jasmin pumped her fist in the air.

"As your concubine, I shall await your return." Yua showed a small smile, showing a small blush on her face.

"Don't worry, I'll show them what true hell is like." A cold, dark expression was plastered on Arius's face.

If a random person saw this expression, they would almost certainly wet their pants and have nightmares while shivering all night.

Saying goodbye, Arius disappeared from the palace and appeared a couple of miles north of the Holy Kingdoms' land.

Flashing forward in the air like a bird for a couple of miles, Arius came to a complete stop when he saw hundreds of flags in the distance. That was about 10 miles away.

Arius observed the people he was going against.

250,000 ground troops marched on the grassland holding swords, spears, bows, axes, etc.

They waved the Han dynasty's flag around in pride, showing it off to the world.

25,000 mages who followed behind hovered off the ground, all wearing robes and having potions on their waistbands.

Also, the treasonous nobles that offered their private armies surrounded the mages like guard dogs; they only wore plain metal gear.

Observing this mighty army, Arius had an idea pop inside his head.

"Supreme system, do you have a sad face mask that has a tear going down the right eye?" Arius asked.

[Yes, but it will be 10,000 points.]

"That's fine with me. I'm going to earn 20 times more points than that by slaughtering everyone here. " Arius showed a distorted smile.

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