
Chapter 74 The Kidnapping?

The next morning I woke up in my massive bed to a good smell floating into my room. My eyes fluttered gently as a knock came at my door. “Come in.”

“Young Miss, did I wake you? Breakfast has arrived.” Annie had come knocking. In the end, while being scrubbed down by these new maids of mine in the bath, I found out that Annie was indeed the leader of the three. She has the most experience and was twelve years old. The other two, Brooke and Rina, were ten and eleven, respectively. 

“No… I just woke up. Whatever you ordered smells good. You made sure to order enough for all of us, right? You didn’t just order for me, correct?” Last night, I pulled Annie aside and had a private talk with her. I wanted to make sure whatever they ordered for me, they ordered enough for themselves and would eat with me and not wait until I was done to eat. I did not want the girls starving themselves or eating cold food because they were waiting on me. For one, I was not used to it, and secondly, I saw no need. And lastly, I would feel awkward while people watched me eat. 

Annie blushed and nodded her head. “Yes, I made sure everyone got what they wanted. We are just waiting on you to eat. While we will be eating with you, we can not start until the Young Miss is there.”-.

“Alright, let me get up then. My stomach is already yelling at me to dive in and eat.” I crawled out of bed, rubbed my eyes, and stretched before following Annie to the dining area. The other girls were already sitting waiting for me.  I sat down and smiled at them as I said: “Let’s eat!”

I really did not know what my life had in store for me. As of now, I was just trying to plan and take things one day at a time. While I may be young, I at least had goals. Those goals would be my reason to keep pushing forward, never stopping until I reach the goals I have set for myself.

Right now, my life may be easy, but in the future, there is no telling what will happen. My current level was already rather high, I think, and I could defeat almost any monster I came across quite easily. But I have found this world is not so simple during what little time I have spent traveling to the capital. It held so much more than I could ever imagine. Even now, as I sit and enjoy my meal, I know there are beings out there much more powerful than myself doing incredible things. Whether it be good or evil, I do not. All I know is that maybe one day I will reach the same realm as them and stand above all. 

This might sound like I have grand ambitions, but my thought process is much more simple. I just want to be the best at what I have decided for myself. Whether it is magic or commanding, I wanted to master it all. But for now, I am still young, so a little bit of fun along the way is much needed. 

After breakfast, I contacted Sei and had her help me register the maids so they could freely leave and enter without needing to wait for me to remove the barriers. After that, I decided to take a walk. I wanted to enjoy the scenery of the capital and see the sights for myself without any idiots interrupting me.

It was close to mid-morning when I finally stepped out of the inn. The streets were already packed with carriages and people going about their daily business. To my surprise, there were a lot of demi humans walking around, some of whom wore expensive looking clothing compared to some of the humans. Seeing such a sight where harmony between two races where differences in the skin or adornments on their body did not matter made me happy from the bottom of my heart. It made me feel glad I was reborn in this kingdom. As such, I will do my best to protect this kingdom no matter what. Even if there are parts that do not act in the same manner as the capital.

As I made my way through the streets, I finally got to take in the beauty of a magic based society. The different mix of medieval and magically advanced objects seemed out of place yet meshed together well. The society of this world has been going on longer than Earth’s, but it has developed in a way that it has mixed old and new, so well that it doesn’t need to go as far and beyond as Earth did. Transportation can be done in many ways, but the use of metal will not protect you from monsters. Magic barriers were much more durable and useful, so innovation into new metals never came to be a thing. This was why they still used wagons and carriages. It was much easier to make and could be imbued with magic to make it even stronger than metal. 

Metal required too much work to mine. Only a few mines existed and the ore mined from them was used to make certain things. Trees would never run out because the spirits of the kingdom could make them flourish in a matter of days. During my journey to the capital, I had asked Adel about it. With how long this world’s history was, I was sure all the forest would have been destroyed by now, but that was where the spirits came in. The contract with the spirits gave them a safe place to live peacefully away from the society of humans, and in return, they would do many things, one of which was to accelerate the growth of trees. In the areas that were clear cut, the humans would replant with new saplings, and only then did the spirits take over and make them grow to a mature size. 

This process kept the forestry business under the strict control of each kingdom. The areas were cut and replanted, so days later, they can be cut once again. This not only kept things orderly but also kept the forest’s habitats from being destroyed. Which was why many species of animals would not die at the hand of people but due to natural causes. A world full of beauty that would always stay a world full of beauty. Maybe this was why humans of Earth were on the verge of becoming a civilization that would infect other planets and consume their resources one after the other because they did not think up ways to fix problems like this. 

But when I think about it, human knowledge was not all that good back in the day. While this planet’s population is probably thousands of times greater than Earth’s, it is also in a very stable state and seems to be in harmony with the nature around it.

“I said let me go!” As I walked through the streets, I heard a cry from a back alley. I walked over to see a girl around my age being dragged away. She had a fluffy tail and a pair of ears. With black hair and white tipped tail and ears, and a round, oval face, she was indeed quite cute. But she was definitely in trouble. And seeing how I had seen it, I could not ignore it. “Wind Rush!” 

I sped along and quickly caught up to the group of men that were trying to pull the girl down the alleyway. “Hold it!”

“Huh!?” A spiky haired young man turned and snarled at me. He was wearing spiked clothing and well…. I guess it was supposed to be cool looking?

“Huh, what? The girl said to let go of her. I will give you to the count of three to do so, or you will regret it.” I said with a sly smile on my face. My arms were crossed across my chest while I stood in my most hero like pose. I mean he was the picture of a bad acting street thug. He would definitely say: ‘What did you say!? I will beat you to death! Get her boys!’ Or… ‘Look, boys, another one wants to come play with us.’

“Why are you threatening us!? We just wanted her to star in our play! She is perfect for the role!” I almost fell over. So they were not dressed like that because they wanted to!? What play happens in a back alley!? I was very confused.

“Actually, you both would be perfect for the heroines. We just need you to say a few lines. Our actresses who were supposed to be performing got into an accident and can’t make it. The show will start soon, so please!” Another man in suspenders and a weird shirt spoke up, causing me to stare at them in disbelief. I turned and looked at the fox girl, who also looked very confused and really did not know what to say. This was definitely not the situation I had imagined!

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