
Chapter 132 A New Home Part 2

Now I know I should not dwell on the things that I do not know about, but sometimes I just can’t help it. For now, I will just push it all back into the box that can not be fully sealed and enjoy exploring this new place I will call home from now on.

The carriage pulled up under the stone awning that covered the front entrance. I could tell right away this was definitely a luxury directly pointing towards nobles as they probably did not wish to run to the door when it was raining out. It kind of reminded me of those luxury hotels you could see online back on Earth.

With the large overhang so rain and snow would not get the people entering and leaving wet. But the hotels and stuff that had such hover hangs usually had someone parking the cars of the people arriving who would then get soaked. Makes me feel bad for them because I have no idea how much money they actually made. And now I was one of those people who had an overhang and would get to be dry while the carriage driver would end up getting wet. I guess I should make sure he is getting paid extra.-.

Oh, that was something else as well. The three carriages we arrived in are actually mine now. They were gifted to me by Sir Derek, who said I will need a nice carriage to go to the academy in. I guess he was worried that I would be looked down upon if I arrived at the academy on foot. But truth be told, I would not mind walking as the academy was not very far away. I could easily run there in ten minutes, and it would also be good exercise, but when I mentioned this to Adel, she thoroughly rejected the idea and told me to behave myself. So I gave up on the idea.

But now, I had a huge area to run around in and work out as I please. I can not wait to begin a proper morning routine. Of course, Sophie will be joining me, whether she likes it or not. I promised I would train her, and she will need to stick to a strict schedule. Sadly we have not had time to do much in the way of training as the company kinda butted into me getting a mission from the mercenary guild.

But everything will come in due time. I will soon be just as busy, so my training will be even slower. I will have to wait until we have our academy outings. From what I understand about these outings is that we venture into small worlds and will look to hunt for treasures which I am all for. I believe that we can keep the treasures we find, but if we hand them over to the academy, they will give us a certain amount of merit points.

I, of course, will hand what I find over as long as it is not shiny. I mean, I haven’t really had a chance to get any new shinies since I left home. It’s not like my big brother will suddenly show up and go here, Faith, I found this for you. Now that I think about it, it has been almost half a year since I left home. A lot has happened since then. I do hope everyone is okay. I hope Mother has not kicked Father out of the house yet. And I hope Big Brother is treating Rachel well. And I really hope that my little nephew Leo is as healthy and fat as when I left him.

I do plan to make a trip home the first chance I get. To check in and see how everyone is. Maybe by then, I will have figured out how to make a proper teleportation magic circle. Then I can set up a connection between my house in Cyrilia village and my home here. I think that would make for an amazing thing. Being able to have my Mother’s home cooking whenever I want would be really nice.

“Faith! We can’t get out if you are going to sit there and daydream all day. This is your home, to begin with, we are just guests!” Adel woke me up from my thoughts causing my cheeks to blush. I wonder how long I was out this time.

But Adel’s words did sound funny. I do not remember gaining any properties. I was only told I would have a place prepared for me to live in.  “Adel!” Prince Lance suddenly yelled out, causing Adel to quickly cover her mouth. Hmmm? Was I not supposed to know something?

Wait… As I got off the carriage, an older gentleman was standing there in a black butler suit and a monocle in his right eye doing a perfect bultlery bow. “Miss Faith Cyrilia, I presume. My name is Jeeves. I was hired to be the head caretaker of your new home.”

I pursed my lips as I looked at Jeeves, who looked exactly like the butlers you would see in a movie back on Earth. He even had that prim and proper air about him. “Ummm… Thanks…. But may I ask a certain question. Not to you but to Princess Adel.”

I turned and looked at Adel, who quickly averted her eyes. I guess she knew she was in trouble. Even Prince Lance was looking away. “Now, if I may ask. I thought I was only having a home prepared for me and not given to me to keep. So can someone explain to me when I suddenly inherited an estate!?” I walked over to Adel, who kept trying to look away from me, and grabbed her chin, forcing her to look at me as I smiled brightly at her:  “Adel? “

Adel pouted her lips as she looked like she was ready to cry as she said: “Well, you see, Faith… We wanted to give you a gift, and well, we figured… Hey! Why not get her a new home so she can do whatever she wants with it?”

I turned to look at Prince Lance, who was nodding his head like a newborn chick. But once I made eye contact with him, he froze and began looking everywhere except for at me before suddenly yelling out: “It was Father who decided on this!”

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