
Chapter 207 The Plan For A Town

Several days had elapsed, and the resilient villagers diligently engaged in reconstructing their war-ravaged surroundings. 

The roads leading to Nervek were actively being restored, enabling the resumption of crucial trade with foreign lands. In the absence of Latina, who had previously overseen such matters, the responsibility now fell upon Nashida, who eagerly took charge.

Meanwhile, the magnificent bar house stood proudly, having reached its completion. Lura and her fellow elves brimmed with excitement, eagerly anticipating the moment when they could welcome patrons with their exceptional hospitality, offering a delightful assortment of alcoholic beverages and delectable treats. 

Among the menu's highlights were the succulent roasted Deerhugs, a delicacy bound to enchant the taste buds of all who partook.

Sato walked out of his office, Divanchi and Yuri following behind him as he made his way to the construction site.

And just as Aril predicted, the previous ascension to demon lord of Chaos and Turmoil was slowly changing his appearance.

Rather than the black eyes he had before, Sato now had red demon-like eyes and long eyelashes that added to his menacing looks.

His long black her fell to hair fell to his back and his all black outfit added to his demon lord look.

On his way there, he ran into Delta, who was already running towards him as soon as he spotted him.

"Master!" She called out, hugging him as tightly as she could.

"Delta." Sato called out with a smile, "I see you're doing a good job." He said, patting her head.

Delta stepped back, a self-satisfied expression playing across her features, her middle finger lightly brushing the bottom of her nose in a gesture of confidence. "I handled everything remarkably well," she declared, her voice tinged with a hint of self-amazement.

Sato's smile widened, appreciating Delta's newfound sense of accomplishment.

"Lord Sato!" A voice resounded in the distance, drawing their attention towards its source. Their gazes locked onto a beastman, sprinting toward them with unwavering determination, clutching a sizable document in his hands.

As the crocodile-like beastman drew nearer, he came to a sudden halt in front of Sato, his voice brimming with excitement. "It is truly you! I spotted you from afar, but I couldn't be certain until now."

Sato stared at the beastman, watching as he spoke, 'Who is this?' he said inside his mind despite keeping a calm look on his face.

<<Taha, a beatman under Giron's supervision, he's in charge of the west constructions>>

With a subtle sigh, Sato internally acknowledged this information. "Ah, I see," he murmured inwardly, his outward expression remaining serene. He then addressed Taha, his voice calm yet inquisitive. "Taha, is there something you require?".

"Indeed, sir!" Taha eagerly unfurled the expansive paper he had been clutching, revealing an intricate set of blueprints sprawled across the ground. The meticulously drawn plans depicted the vision for a burgeoning city or town.

"What am I looking at here?" Sato asked, casting a perplexed glance down at the intricate blueprints sprawled before him, his mind grappling to comprehend the significance of the elaborate design. 

Divanchi and Yuri, unable to contain their curiosity, peered over his shoulder, their eyes fixated on the enigmatic diagrams.

"It resembles those manga thingies from master's memories," Divanchi murmured softly, a touch of awe coloring her words.

Taha, observing the trio with eager anticipation, clarified the purpose of the blueprint. "This is the layout of the town square," he explained, his voice brimming with excitement. "I wanted to present it to you for your input before we commence full-scale construction."

Sato's gaze lingered on Taha, pondering the beastman's enthusiasm before responding, "Very well, show me what you have prepared."

Lowering himself to his knees, Sato immersed himself in the detailed blueprints, methodically analyzing each component. His discerning eyes scanned the various structures, ranging from bustling markets to the fortified gate guarding the borders. The blueprints also delineated distinct sections of the town, allocated for different species of monsters.

As Sato delved deeper into the intricacies of the blueprint, his mind formulated a vision, envisioning the harmonious integration of architectural elements with the surrounding landscape.

Sato's admiration continued to permeate his words as he gazed upon the remarkable blueprints. "This is truly impressive work. You should be proud of what you have accomplished," he commended, his attention still captivated by the intricate details before him.

Taha's countenance instantly brightened, a profound sense of gratitude etched across his features. "Thank you, Lord Sato," he squeaked with genuine appreciation.

Not dwelling on Taha's response, Sato's focus remained steadfast on the task at hand. "By any chance, do you have some ink with you?" He inquired, his words directed to Taha, though his gaze never wavered from the blueprints.

"Oh, yes, my lord," Taha responded eagerly, swiftly retrieving a feathered pen and a small jar of ink from his inner pocket. He carefully placed the items on the floor, positioned neatly in front of Sato.

Sato's gratitude manifested as he extended his thanks. "Thank you," he uttered softly, carefully opening the jar of ink and delicately submerging the feathered pen into its depths.

Equipped with the pen in his hand, Sato embarked on refining the blueprint, methodically incorporating his suggestions and revisions. As he made alterations, he provided a detailed explanation at each step, his words resonating with authority and wisdom.

"Your overall design is commendable," Sato began, his voice carrying a sense of assurance. "However, we must consider the possibility of outsiders seeking residence in this city. To accommodate them, we should designate this left section solely for visitors".

As this area lacks protective walls, it would be prudent to integrate small warehouses within each section of the streets, facilitating the efficiency of the guards' duties."

With each stroke of the pen, Sato deftly added the suggested changes, meticulously weaving his vision into the blueprint. 

His words conveyed the foresight necessary to create a thriving and secure city, where both residents and visitors would find solace within its embrace.

Satisfied with the final outcome, Sato gracefully rose from the ground, carefully clutching the refined blueprints in his hands. 

With a sense of accomplishment, he extended the document to Taha, offering his praise along with it. "This revised plan should meet our needs. You have done a commendable job," he commended, his voice filled with genuine appreciation.

Taha received the blueprints with reverence, his head bowed in gratitude. "Thank you, my Lord. I will not disappoint you," he pledged fervently, his determination evident in his earnest expression. Eager to set his plans into motion, he swiftly departed, his anticipation palpable.

A soft chuckle escaped Sato's lips as he watched Taha's energetic departure. "Such a cheerful fellow," he remarked, a glimmer of amusement in his eyes. 

With a leisurely stride, Sato approached the edge of the rocky terrain, casting his gaze downward at the diligent workers laboring with unwavering dedication. The atmosphere resonated with a sense of purpose and progress, evoking a sense of optimism within Sato's heart.

"Master, it is time for us to depart," Divanchi's voice gently interjected from behind. "The village still requires your presence and guidance."

Sato nodded in agreement, acknowledging the truth in Divanchi's words. However, a flicker of curiosity ignited within him, compelling him to investigate a matter of importance before leaving.

"Seems like it, but first, I have something I wish to check on," Sato announced with a determined tone.

With resolute steps, Sato directed his path toward the village's water bank. Unlike before, a noticeable increase in the number of guards was evident, particularly those with water-based beastman traits whom Sato had appointed to oversee this crucial area.

Approaching the imposing rock that veiled the water's surface, Sato's smile grew wider as he drew nearer. With a sense of reverence, he extended his hands, gently resting them upon the rock's weathered exterior.

Yuri's voice carried a hint of jealousy as she interjected, inquiring about Sato's knowledge of this hidden place. "Hey, Divanchi, has Master ever mentioned this location to you?"

Divanchi, unwavering in her loyalty, assured Yuri, her gaze fixed upon Sato's figure. "Relax, even I was unaware of this place's existence, and I am privy to nearly every secret our Master conceals."

Tension sparked in Yuri's expression as she felt a pang of betrayal. "Tch! I should have known, traitor. So you do know about this place," she scoffed, diverting her gaze away from Divanchi.

Exasperation tinged Divanchi's voice as she retorted, "Did you even listen to a word I said?" Her words echoed with a mixture of annoyance and exasperation, emphasizing the importance of attentive listening.

Abruptly, a commanding voice resonated from behind, interrupting their conversation. "What are you two doing here?! This area is strictly off-limits!"

Startled, both Divanchi and Yuri swiftly pivoted their gazes toward the source of the voice, their expressions tinged with disbelief at the audacity of the speaker.

To their astonishment, Crustave stood before them, trembling with fear, hastily taking several steps back as soon as he recognized their faces. "I-I apologize, Lady Divanchi, Lady Yuri! I had no idea it was you!" he stammered, his voice quivering with remorse.

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