
Chapter 233 Vampire Forum Post

[ImTooYoungTooDie: Is our world going to end? These fuckers are ruining everything! Why would they attack our world!?]

[FukTheBug: The system didn't tell us about an invasion! Is it bugged? Why are there so many of them?]

[BigSteve: Did the vampire betray us? There's no way that the invaders could have this many people!]

[ChosenVampire69: Hahaha! As the chosen one! I had joined the other side! We, vampires, would rule the world!]

[BopingYou: @ChosenVampire69. Fuck off! You fuckers would rue the day! Watch as you guys burn in hell!]

[PineapplePizzaIsAMistake: @ChosenVampire69 You piece of shit! Die in a ditch!]

[Benedict: @ChosenVampire69 Mods! Please ban this, guys!]

[GodsMistake: Does that mean Vermillion has also joined the other side? I can't believe that, man! He looked like a chill guy, but to think he had this hidden side!]

[MilfCollector: Where's Charles? We need him to save the day!]

[IDontJackOff: Fuck! My collection is gone! These vampires are a menace!]

[GoofyGoober: RIP your collection. Hope it lives well in its next life.]

[CherriesPopper: Look! Charles has arrived and saved the day! I knew that he would be our savior at times like these!]

[Tina41203: Our hero!!! I will remember this and always pray for you!!! To me, you're my god!]

[MadDongler: Kill these stupid vampires! Do they think they could come to our world and not take a beating? They should beg us to come to a world like this!]

[DespairCritic: Look at their fear! I knew Charles was the best! I hope he tortures them to death! These people shouldn't have it easy!]

[VroomVroom: Charles gives me the chills. Look at him slaughtering all these vampires with ease. At this rate, I might as well think he's a god.]

[AMenace: Torture these fuckers! Show them what Earth is made of! Make sure that they will regret coming to our world!]

[DefinitelyNotBright: Wait??? The reason why these vampires came to our world is because of Charles?]

[NotADoubter: We can't jump to conclusions. But I don't know what to think if it was because of him.]

[Beckoning: Hey! Think of the times he saved us all! These vampires must have gotten some information from Charles and tried to take him down! You can't entirely blame him!]

[ImJustSayingTheySussy: Don't you think these vampires look perverted? Some of them have hearts in their eyes, gunning down Charles.]

[SomeKindOfDegen: Man, I wish I was Charles. Some of them are kind of hot.]

[UnusuallyLongNameBecauseWhyNot: I'm glad you're not him. Otherwise, our world would have been doomed from the start.]

[KnucklesMeme: Can Charles defeat all of them? A hundred seems too much, and their power is something our world doesn't stand a chance against.]

[BigChungus: It's unlikely, but we have no choice but to believe in him.]

[XXXEnjoyer: Charles, crush those invaders! How dare they mess with our land!]

[ProactiveInBed: I can't believe it! Look at those vampires. First, they attacked Charles, and now they're chained up like cute little puppies. These pieces of shit should stay down and end themselves.]

[Popo: Wow! How harsh, but I like it.]

[ToxicRing: Crush them into smithereens! These fuckers need to pay!]

[Dippy: Is this man even human? The rate at which he is growing is too unfair! At least I could watch these vampires suffer.]

[ToeSucker: Man, is this even safe to watch? I know these guys deserve a cruel death, but is this even allowed to be avoided?]

[Utopia: @ToeSucker. Does it even matter at this point? We're watching it for our survival. We need to know if Charles will fall or prevail. Besides, these things get recorded daily. It's not hard to find these videos if you search hard enough.]

[MadDipper: Ouch! Sometimes I worry that Charles would go mad with power. He seems to enjoy beating the shit out of these vampires.]

[PocketMonster: Can't blame you. There was that one time we thought he would destroy the world. That's straight-up a stupid idea. He has no benefit in doing so.]

[GunGoBrrrr: At least Charles is getting all the information out of them. It would be stupid to kill them all without obtaining anything.]

[PrettyShinyThingHehe: It isn't as cringy as I thought for a cult name. The Invokers... too bad they have to die.]

[SomeWeeb: Die? Charles is so cruel! He broke the man's heart and let him live. He's now a vegetable!]

[54676: Where did he go? Please give us a camera angle of him!]

[Qwertyuiop: A high-tech satellite is so helpful at this time. Charles had teleported to Necropolis in an instant.]

[SpagettiArms: Can Charles take out all of these monsters? I can't count that many, but I would say that there are millions! And those betrayers are added to the mix! Seeing them makes me pissed!]

[WigglyNoodle: Can't Charles just unleash hell? These vampires mean nothing against an immortal monster.]

[CursedToSleep: It's been a while since he's done that. I can't help but have nightmares about them when they slaughtered an invader.]

[ImWet: HOLY SHIT! Did he just freeze all these vampires? We were worried for nothing! These vampires are weaklings compared to him! Earth is probably the safest place with Charles around.]

[SanityIsOverrated: Man, I wish I could freeze all these people. Imagine what I could do with that ability.]

[LookForAMilfOnline: I watched enough degen shit to know where that was going, and I agree with you, my brother.]

[TooMuchFreeTime: Is he going to kill all of them manually? That seems a little too much. I can't think that this is a waste of time.]

[Overjoyed: Well, these bastards deserve it! While it's tedious, the pain they receive for betraying us is fully deserved.]

[DoctorCruel: I like how Charles embraces his cruel side. This is why he's popular. An anti-hero and borderline villain are popular these days.]

[Precaution: While Charles doesn't think he's a hero, even someone else does. But the only downside would be his cruelty.]

[RipBozoooooo: What a hypocrite! He calls Charles a monster but won't hesitate to kill five people! Anyone would kill him for that!]

[Cope: Uh... Is that even possible? Did he just kill all the vampires within seconds? He turns them all into a meat paste... I think I'm going to throw up.]

[Pepe: I think anyone would be scared for life. He turned the city into a pool of blood.]

[WheresMyCoke: No one will question how he did this?]

[Zoomies: Charles probably used his pressure to crush them all. I mean, what else could it be?]

[Coomer7: Now it's time for integration!]

[ScottFreemen: Is that how it really works? Note to self: don't let vampires go near a pool of blood.]

[SackOfBalls: This fight looks intense. I might sound like a clown, but will Charles be safe? He had easily handled everything, but this one looks scarily close.]

[IcecreamMan: Why would the vampire become a king once he captures Charles?]

[ADilf: Who knows? He's probably the main character and has some special blood.]

[SkullEmoji: Skull emoji]

[BloodMania: Controlling this much blood is unfair! I want to do that too!]

[Hmmmmmmmm: This vampire seems pretty sus. He seems to be too excited by the prospect of capturing Charles.]

[ChickenNoodle: What are we worried about? Charles just broke everything down in seconds. His power is too broken! Where's the system admin?]

[CrocodileSclong: LOL, the look on Charles's face is so funny. He probably thought of the gay shit the vampire had said and got mad. I pray that the vampire's next life will be easy.]

[IOUIsAScam: Sigh. What's with this cringy summoning chant? No one does it anymore these days. Watching it hurts my head.]

[LukaTim: HAHAHA! Not only was it cringy, but the summoning failed! How stupid!]

[LukaTer: Look at him! How embarrassing. Not only did he fail, but he had the gall to question Charles. Get in line, pleb.]

[MeatBeater: I learned a lot from Charles. Beat them up when asking questions. That kick must have hurt.]

[ICantThinkOfAName: Fredrick? That's a better name than I thought.]

[PepsiIsBetter: So it was confirmed that these vampires came for Charles. Did a lot of people suffer for nothing because of him?]

[NuttingAllDay: Shut up, bozo. Without Charles, our world would have been already dead.]

[SleepingMonster: He can grant immortality? I can see why people would want to capture him. Do you think he will give any of us immortality?]

[NotAFunctionalBeing: Charles probably won't. He will give some, but I won't be surprised if someone abuses that authority.]

[HotGirlTrisha: If I sleep with Charles, do you think I will get that power?]

[BeefWellingTon: You're probably an ugly bitch. Have you seen his lovers? They're hot!]

[SomeUnimportantRichGuy: Then how about a gift? What do you think he likes?]

[MrObvious: He's rich. Do you see the leaderboard? He's ranked one. Do you think he needs anything from us, poorbies?]

[LettersAreHard: Petition for Charles to give me immortality. I will become his slave forever!]

[RizzLord: Does that mean our world will become the best? I mean, Charles is a freak, eight months in, and his power is something our world can't do anything against. Imagine him having an infinite lifespan.]

[DadBeater: What about the vampire? How did he know?]

[Creampies: Who cares about that? If you know an immortality maker, you obviously would want to see him!]

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