
Chapter 311 The Right Path?



[Leeway's POV]

"Master Leeway. Is everything all right?" Gabriel, my servant and butler, asked me with a concerned voice. His eyes looked at me with a sympathetic gaze, as he wanted to understand the troubles behind my current dejected mood.

Sitting in my office, as I lay back on the chair, I observed my surroundings. Starting with the books on the shelves to the files kept on the desk, everything gave off a rather professional air. 

My eyes then went to the paintings on the wall, from my father to grandfather and to their fathers. There were at least a dozen of them. Not only that, but there were a few secrets behind each of those paintings as well.

"Where do I even begin?" I mumbled as I recalled things from the very start. My eyes gazed at a distant past as I explained things to Gabriel,

"We already have enough problems with the Vampires and the Lycans. The mutated beings were a new nuisance that we also somehow managed without really troubling the Dark Oracle. We even tried to find a way to fight the Dark Oracle in case things went south…

But then… Ah! Why do things have to be so complicated?" I groaned in pain, as I couldn't find a way out of this one. 

"JUST WHERE DOES A DEMON COME INTO THE PICTURE?!!!" I roared as loud as I could, unable to control my emotions. This wasn't something I could even imagine, even in my worst expectations.

"I was pathetic!" I recalled how fragile I was in front of that demon. I recalled how I had lost without being able to do anything… and not just that. There seemed to have been a fight right after I became unconscious.

"I became someone who was saved at the mercy of another, huh?" I reached that conclusion, as I couldn't think of anything else. This was beyond me… just… just…

"Gabriel… Why are we even fighting?" I asked as I looked at him. Was there even any reason for it anymore? It's like ants trying to interfere in the war between humans and finding a morsel in it.

His eyes observed me with a hopeful gaze. His eyes, trying to see me, analyze me and understand me. And only after he collected his thoughts, he finally gave me his answer:

"We are fighting because we cannot afford to lose. One step back and our enemies, which are waiting, prowling about, will eat us alive. Not only that, but we strive to get strong. Maybe not now, but our futile struggle is going to create a ray of light for the generations to come for sure. And maybe not right now, but in the far future someday, we will be able to live freely just like master wishes for."

I looked at him for a few minutes before I sat down. I will be lying if I don't feel dejected by his speech. But at least that means that my struggles weren't futile.

"To create a future for the generations to come, huh?" I mumbled as I recalled his words once again. From the beginning to the end… more than a dozen times…

"Thanks Gabriel. That helped me up a bit." I took a deep breath as I slapped my cheeks. My eyes looked more concentrated than before as I pondered what exactly I should do.

"I am going to meet Michael now. Did he return from the market?" I asked as I changed the topic. While I am getting strong, let's create a faction for my best friend as well. At least that was what we were trying to do until his memories got replaced.

"Are you still trying to make him a ruler of another faction? I might have already said that a hundred times, but what if he turns his back on us? Even more so when now he has lost his memories… Are we even sure that it's the same, Michael?" Gabriel put forward his thoughts as he looked at me with a concerned look.

"Well… It's fine. Despite being a different person, he was still Michael. The glow of trust was still there," I smiled, as I was proud of my best friend. No matter what the situation, he never changes.

One of my abilities allowed me to perceive one's heart. And Michael's heart… was not tainted even a bit.

"Though there was something strange about him… I mean he was always confident but… he felt… unfathomable?'' I mumbled as I recalled his behavior before. It felt as if I were looking at my ancestor or something? 

"He hasn't returned from the market. I will try finding his whereabouts, though he was last seen entering the Libra building," Gabriel informed me as he looked through his smartphone.

"To his parents' home, huh? Seems like he is making sure they are fine in this reality, too. How typical of him. All right, I will go meet him personally," I decided as I looked at Gabriel, him nodding at my statement. 

"Also. Call my cousins. We are holding a small banquet tonight. I am changing my plans for our improvement," I spoke as I began walking outside the room. Gabriel smiled as he nodded before speaking.

"As you wish, master."

Moving out of the office, I threaded through the hallway, reaching the main hall. I saw my uncle and father standing there and observing me. They called me as they raised their hands simultaneously.

I reached towards them, as father began asking,

"I heard there was some commotion today?"

I nodded, as I had already sent a detailed file about what had happened there. It was bound to create a wave, so I expected the elders of the family to be worried a little.

"Did you manage to complete the mission?'' Uncle asked despite me already mentioning in the report that I couldn't complete it because of the unknown variables.

"I couldn't," I replied in a rather apologetic tone. If I start acting out of anger, these f*ckers would only make things more complicated for me. No point in increasing the difficulty of an already impossible mission.

"Heh. You used to be such a promising man… didn't I tell you that roaming with that pathetic kid will only-mmpphh!!!!!!" He almost spoke badly about Michael as I held his face by hand. My eyes looked at my father with a rather calm smile while I tightened my grip,

"Is there anything else you would like to ask, father?"

My smile made father gulp a little as he shook his head, while I turned back to uncle.

"Let's not cross lines, shall we?" I threatened him as I glared at him a little before I let him go, falling on the ground. My eyes observed him before speaking,

"If you have any complaints, then take it directly to the King."

He was about to speak in something, but he shut his mouth at the mention of the King. I then turned away from him, as I began moving out towards the Libra building where Michael was currently.

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