
Chapter 468

There is no crime of seducing a married man, but harming people's body is a crime. However, in the law of the Phoenix Dynasty, this crime is not called harming people's body, but intentional murder.

Of course, although my aunt did harm them, my aunt didn't mean it.

But it doesn't matter. The criminal department finally took the case.

And the fact that my aunt killed that man was making a lot of noise in the whole capital. Now there are so many women suing her. My aunt's name is even more famous in the capital.

In the streets of Beijing, there are more voices talking about aunts.

"Yu Xin from the Supreme Master's residence, there is no one with such a wave of women. So many women have been hurt by her willow disease. How many men has she slept?"

"Don't you know her now? She used to be from Baicheng. She was famous in Baicheng before she came to the capital with her sister! It's said that she had a husband in Baicheng, but she was burned later. But when her husband was there, she seemed to be fooling around outside... Why didn't such a cheap woman burn her?"

"If I say, the men who got the willow disease deserve it! Who let them cheat outside! But I pity their wives. Some innocent women are now like this..."

"Is Yu Xin still a broom star? It's said that before her sister brought her to the capital, the Yu family were burned to death. Only she survived. How many grams will it take to harm people like this? It's said that the young lady of the grand master's residence treated her very well and took in an orphan girl, but this wave woman seduced her brother-in-law in the grand master's residence! Tut tut! Tut tut! There are people in the residence I don't know if her brother-in-law has an affair with her! "

"I heard that Yu Xin came from a widow. Has she been like this for a long time? I've never seen such a woman!"


There are all kinds of voices talking about Yu Xin in the capital, and even more people talk about it. Some children learn from each other, and swearing begins to use Yu Xin's name.

"You son of a bitch, dare to bully me! When you grow up, your wife is Yu Xin!"


In short, for a time, the story about my aunt became more and more intense in Beijing.

In fact, it's not wrong for my aunt to end up like this.

Was she the one who used to hook up with a married man? Yes.

Once upon a time, was it her husband who was still fooling around outside? Yes.

After she infected people with willow disease, did she kill people? Yes.

Are those innocent women in good families unlucky? When their husband slept with her, they caught the willow disease that is ashamed to speak and difficult to cure? Yes.

So even if she was sued, even if they exaggerate, but my aunt still deserved it.

But the grand master's residence and mother are more wronged.

The mother took the little aunt back to the grand master's residence, but she was poor. Moreover, the mother was very different from the little aunt since childhood. The mother was absolutely dignified and the little aunt was absolutely dissolute. After the little aunt entered the grand master's residence, the mother just thought of her and wanted her to live better.

The grand master's residence only took in the little aunt. His hundred year reputation is still good. Most of the people inside are also very good. They can afford the praise of people outside. What the little aunt does has absolutely nothing to do with the grand master's residence.

But now that my aunt's reputation is rotten in the whole capital, when people mention the things that my aunt has done, there are always many people who have to mention my mother and the grand master's residence by the way.

What is innocent suffering? That's it.

At this point, my aunt was locked up in the firewood room of the grand master's residence. After knowing these things, she didn't seem to care much. She just shouted that the charges that the official and those women sued her in the criminal department were false. She didn't deliberately kill or murder. She was wronged.

But yes or no, no one wants to care.

Everyone in the Taishi mansion has been harmed by her. Anyone in it was supposed to be the glory of the Taishi mansion. Now they are recognized as the Taishi mansion, and they have to hide.

Neither my grandfather nor the officials in the government dared to go to the court.

Grandma was angry at home, and her mother's face was very white in the whole process, but she still insisted on taking care of her grandmother.

The whole Taishi mansion was in a mess because of this matter.

Later, when the Ministry of punishment came to interrogate my aunt, the Supreme Master's office didn't stop it and directly asked me to take the person away.

Before that, because her aunt seduced her father, she had been beaten by her grandmother. When she was taken away by the Ministry of punishment, her body was no longer healthy.

But no one cares about her now.

Because her mother left her alone, no one in the Imperial College would take care of her.

Later, grandma recovered from her illness, and everyone saw the reputation of the Taishi mansion for a hundred years. In addition, her grandfather wrote a medical code at that time, which shocked the whole Feng Dynasty.

Under the great reputation of the grand master's residence, my little aunt was forgotten.

After all, it's just a romantic affair in the backyard. It can't be compared with Grandpa's masterpiece of medicine.

In the whole process, in fact, the mother was also a victim. She not only watched her only living sister seduce her husband, but also ruined her reputation in the capital for nothing.

However, when the little aunt was in the grand master's residence, the mother still had more protection for the little aunt. Therefore, after this incident, the grandmother still asked her mother for a year's stewardship. In fact, she also knew that her mother had been hit and let her cultivate herself well.

However, in less than half a year later, the steward of the Taishi mansion returned to her mother, because in the past few years when she gave the steward of the Taishi mansion, her mother not only kept the whole family in order, she was a woman, but also knew some business. The industry in the Taishi mansion originally had a good income and expenditure, but as soon as it fell into her mother's hands, there was a balance after her mother operated it, Therefore, the mother in the Taishi mansion can not be easily replaced.

And her little aunt, after entering the Ministry of punishment at that time, she did kill people and innocent women.

Whether she is intentional or not, the final malignant result has been caused, and it is because of her.

However, the matter of my aunt was noisy again. A senior official of the Ministry of punishment ordered to deal with it well, so my aunt was sentenced to death not long after she was arrested in the Ministry of punishment.

No one has any objection to such a judgment.

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