
Chapter 99 - One Goal

Kyros continued their movements and had finally crossed through the small winding cave leading to the top of the mountain. The secret passaged amazed many. Even the orc Grugnyr was shocked that there was such a way into the mountain.

"Only one Orc Kingdom know of this path. This is their escape route. They secretly searched for a way outside of the mountain and found this passage. It led nowhere, but the orcs were excellent miners and used their advantages in mining to create this. No one suspected it."

"Then that Kingdom is the Underhill kingdom of the orcs. But that doesn't make sense! They are allied to Foreshire!" Grugnyr asked.

"As they say, keep your friends close, your enemies closer."

"As they say? I don't think I've heard of that saying, son."

"Erm... Right. It was something my master Calamidy taught me. But anyway, the Underhill kingdom never trusted the Foreshire to begin with. But since they are the experts in mining, Foreshire had no choice but to give the Underhill freedom to move about. And they used this advantage to create a secret escape route. And only a few of their merchants know of this. Unless necessary or for items of great value discovered here, the Underhill never uses this route to hide any tracks or scent leading to this place."

"Is this what that herb mix was for?" Diana asked. Kyros had made a strange mix using the leaves, herbs, and some of the things in the Temple and created a strange type of lotion that masked her scent. Kyros also applied this to himself.

"Yes, mother. The rest are technically undead, so they don't have much scent around them. It's a long story. Don't ask why I still have a scent. We only have a few days to explore this mountain. With the information we learned from Grugnyr, we can roughly gaze where the location of where the Blood Calamity began. This is a scouting expedition. After five days, you guys go ahead and get back to the Temple."

"What about you, Lord Kyros?"

"The Temple gave me a way to store items in and pull items out of it at the cost of magic points. You've seen me do this. But I can also send my entire body inside the Temple directly."

"That's amazing!" Diana was amazed.

"Yes. But I can only do it to myself. So don't worry about me."

"Oh, we're not worried about you, Lord Kyros. We're worried for the state of this mountain after you leave." Martha clarified.

"Two nights ago, I tried to let you guys send me a warning through tour links. And it worked, right? Grugnyr, you also now know how to do it, right?"


"What interesting abilities. You and your Coven don't need Life Talismans!" Diana praised.

"It's not just that, mother. The more they explore the region, the more a map is formed in my mind. We can split up in exploring this region to minimize the time needed to find stuff with these things. And then, you guys will use that warning ability to warn me. If you use that ability while staying perfectly still, it means you guys are telling me to go there. If you use that ability while moving, it means that you are being attacked. Am I clear?"

"Yes, Lord Kyros." The Coven answered.

"Grugnyr, you go to the towns and villages that we talked about. Then, gather more information and do the same thing. I trust that you are confident of understanding my orders."

"Yes, Lord Kyros. I can discern whether it's your orders or not."

"Good. We will be splitting up after we reach the summit of this cave. Mother will go with me. Any questions?"

"Lord Kyros... What exactly will we face here?"

"I don't know. But since this is a scouting expedition, we won't be fighting anything too extraordinary. We'll just be fighting reasonable enemies that we can manage."

"Lord Kyros, what exactly do you mean by reasonable enemies that we can manage? Could you be more specific?" Martha frowned.

"Eh? I don't know. Do I have to explain what that means? It's a broad statement."

"Because the previous enemies that we somehow managed to defeat aren't reasonable. What is reasonable in your definition? Do you mean the army of large lizards that your original Coven fought? Or do you mean three platoons of Viscounts? Or what about that master swordsman that is practically as strong as level 40 champions? Maybe you mean the hundred squad orc where we kidnapped Grugnyr or the two hundred orc patrol? Which of these are reasonable for us?" Martha asked curiously.

"Now that you mentioned it... We rule..." Hunter realized.

"And I'm just thirteen... That's got to be something, right?" Avary asked Scarlet.

"Erm... Ri-right. Sorry about that. Let's see... How do I explain it? If I'm not mistaken... We could be up against Vampire Ancients."

"Vampire Ancient? How strong are they exactly?"

"Well, this Vampire Ancient should have been recently unsealed or awakened. So they could be weak. So I'm guessing... We are going to face something like us." 

Everyone was surprised at that assessment.

"We are after the Blood Calamity. And from the name, it definitely sounds like a vampire. We don't know what to expect. But keep that in mind, guys... We have one goal here. And it weakens this Blood Calamity. Stealing its stuff is just one of the many things we can do and whatever happens here, keep that goal in mind. It has to be weakened so that we could catch to its strength when we go back here. We need perfect silence and stealth as we move. Remember what I taught you a few days back. If anything, I'll command you."

"Yes, Lord Kyros."

As they continued to climb, Kyros brought out his stats and observed the many descriptions about his ability.

"What are you looking for?" Calaminus asked.

"A detailed description of [Carrier has Arrived!]. When I attempted to transport the cart, or even when I tried to send that object we found in the Golem City, it both failed. So I need to know what I can store in and out of the Temple and all the exact limitation of this power. Especially with my plans in dealing with this Blood Calamity." Kyros answered as he kept searching.

Kyros soon found the expanded description of the Temple Storage Space.


Temple Storage Space (Lvl. 3)

A fifty cubic meter storage space that resides in the dimensional space of the Nephilim Sealing Temple. Kyros can store and retrieve unmarked items at the cost of 3 magic points per cubic meter of the item to be stored/retrieved. If items are physically carried inside the grounds of the Nephilim Sealing Temple, transferring the item into the Temple Storage Space can be done without expending magic. However, retrieving the item to move anywhere within the Temple still requires magic.


Storage Space Features-

1. Premium Organizer

Ever wonder how cultivators with storage items arrange the items they store and steal from their enemies? Well, wonder no more! Temple Storage Space comes with the innovative Premium Organizer feature that immediately places things inside and neatly organizing all items! As long as the Temple can detect available space, Premium Organizer can immediately sort items to put items inside. It also comes with the Ejector ability, which expels the items for 10 mana points!

2. Perfect Preserver

The Temple Storage Space comes with an intelligent air filter and bacteria detection system, which will remove 100% bacteria upon entry! Yes! 100%! Not that 99.99% crap that leaves Sasuke alive! 

This air filter is the breath of the Wind God herself and has time properties that preserve items as they were when they are placed inside the storage space. Perfect for storing medicinal herbs, fruits, plants as they will be locked in a state of perfect preservation!

With the power of wind and time, items remain in a state of paused time, and they never rust, degrade, spoil or decompose.

Note: Items that have already been poisoned, cursed, or has spoilt or decomposed retains the state they were in when stored. The Temple only cleans and prohibits bacterial growth. Further upgrade improves this feature.

3. But wait! There's more!

Upgrade the Temple Storage Space through Quest items to increase the level and unlock better features!


Storage Space Limitations-

The temple store the following items or cannot store items in the following conditions:

1. Cannot store water, air, and other intangible objects and elements such as fire, lightning, energy, your hopes, and dreams.

2. Cannot store unmarked items within contact, directly or indirectly, with another person. Items also being held by allies in the Temple cannot be retrieved.

3. Cannot store or retrieve items with Life or Unlife. (Living creatures or undead and animated items.) However, sentient weapons created with soul power, magic, and the like may be stored as long as it is within the Temple's magical or soul limit.

4. Cannot store or retrieve objects that exceed a certain physical, magical, or soul limit set by the Temple according to the level of [Carrier has Arrived!]. This includes the following:

- Objects that are physically wider or taller than the Temple Storage Space

- Objects that have over 500 worth of magic or soul points

-If the environment where Kyros is has dense magical or soul energy that affects the time/space capabilities of the Temple or disrupts the magic, storage and retrieval are not allowed.

- The Temple Storage Space cannot store or contain the Reader's Mom. (Cuz she's so fat)


Disregarding the odd statements, Kyros finally had what he needed. 

"So that's it... I guess I should be careful. This should also mean that I have to give the Dragon egg to someone since I might not be able to take that item with me to the Temple." Kyros mentally noted.

"So you need to disarm this Blood Calamity for any items that are in this person's body to send it to the Temple."

"Right. If it has magic points or whatever, I won't attempt it and just try to steal it and run away."

"Good call."

"Son..." Diana finally asked.

"Yes, Mother."

"It's about the instructions you gave to your grandfather. Are you sure that he will be in a position of power or influence that the entire Airom Vagat Fort will let me and your coven pass by? We have an orc with us after all..."

"Don't worry, mother. I'm confident that those instructions will work."

"I understood the logic behind your words and think that many will indeed believe your grandfather. But were those other things necessary?"

"Honestly, no. But my late master would rise from the grave and annoy me..." Kyros sighed. He could not concentrate from the great rants of Calaminus as he was instructing his grandfather.

"Then why?"

"Let me put it this way... Grandfather will be channeling the power of a person my late master, Calamidy, admired. I never met this person, but I assume that he is a powerful cultivator who can persuade and convince others."

"Oh? What was this cultivator's name?"

"He is known as... the Highschool Detective!"

Meanwhile... back in the Airom Vagat Fort.

The many Champions have agreed to meet with Mezal formally, and they were within the grand hall of the fort.

They all challenged Mezal with questions to prove his innocence and back up his claims regarding the attacks and thefts.

They were all silenced.

Mezal stood in the middle of the hall and had just finished answering everyone with superb deduction skills.

"There is always only..." Mezal said as he slowly held up his index finger.

"One truth!"

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